DISC personality types are a categorization of people’s behavior in the workplace. DISC personality types are based on the DISC assessment, which originates in the behavioral theory published by American psychologist, polygraph inventor, and Wonder Woman creator, William Moulton Marston. Marston published his theory on people’s behavior in 1928 in a book titled Emotions of Normal People. The book eventually gave rise to DISC as a workplace behavior and assessment tool.

The four letters in “DISC” represent the four primary quadrants (known as “behavioral styles”) of the DISC scale and stand for the following personality types.
- D – Dominance: The Dominance personality has an assertive temperament and a blunt communication style, with a focus on tasks rather than people.
- I – Influence: The Influence behavioral style has an outgoing temperament and a charismatic communication manner, and prefers to focus on people rather than tasks.
- S – Steadiness: The Steadiness DISC type has an amiable temperament, a warm communication style, and a people-oriented workplace approach.
- C – Conscientiousness: The Conscientiousness DISC personality has an impassive temperament and a reserved communication style, with a focus on tasks instead of teams.
Assessing personalities using DISC entails administering a multiple-choice test that gauges the respondent’s level of alignment with the four DISC behavioral styles. However, test results seldom indicate a single personality type. Instead, DISC assessment results show a person’s behavioral style on a scale, which is then used to establish a subtype that comprises a mixture of traits from abutting DISC quadrants. Official DiSC® assessments are prepared and licensed by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (trading as “Wiley”), a publishing company based in the US. Free DISC tests are available online, although the official test is usually sold under license from Wiley, or administered by an HR representative of an organization.
The DISC personality test is used extensively to help organizations’ HR departments screen potential employees, identify suitable candidates, and improve team dynamics in the workplace. Classifying people under the DISC behavioral styles allows management to distribute human resources effectively within an organization. Knowing their employees’ DISC types additionally helps managers address and correct behavioral issues effectively. The DISC assessment is popular in the public and private sectors, in non-profit organizations, and across various industry types. Some of the better-known organizations that utilize DISC to screen candidates and develop workplace synergy include Verizon, Pfizer, the University of New Mexico, Fairfax County (VA) government, and many others.
DISC continues to enjoy wide popularity as a workplace behavioral assessment tool despite the fact that the scientific community largely dismisses it as pseudoscience. The vast majority of accredited psychologists who analyzed DISC have found that the assessment lacks validity, meaning that its results are unable to predict real-world behaviors. For example, Drs. Cornelius J. König and Bernd Marcus performed a comprehensive validity study of the DISC assessment and found that while the results were reliable, there was no empirical evidence to support the validity of the DISC system. As such, Drs. König and Marcus saw no practical benefit to using DISC as an assessment tool in a workplace setting. In another example, Dr. Wendell Williams, Ph.D., states that the four primary DISC behavioral styles have no bearing on the workplace aptitude of a person: Only their intellect and skill level do. This statement reinforces the claims by Drs. König and Marcus that DISC has no causal relationship between behavioral style and professional success. Dr. Williams additionally argues that the nature of the DISC assessment is flawed since the respondents are easily able to manipulate answers to portray themselves as they like.
Nevertheless, the widespread corporate embrace of the DISC assessment (despite its lack of scientific validity) reveals the need for internally consistent personality frameworks that foster improvements in communication between stakeholders and overall teamwork. The creators of DISC publicly state on their website that the system is not an effective pre-hiring tool, and they do not recommend its use as such. Instead, the best use case for DISC is for gaining insight into one’s own behavioral tendencies, offering a partial frame of reference for ongoing personal development.
Below is a thorough analysis of the DISC personality types, subtypes, behavioral styles, and their impact on people’s comportment in and out of the workplace.
1. Dominance (D) personality type
Dominance (D) personality type is the most assertive and controlling personality in the DISC assessment. The D personality type is characterized by its unstoppable drive for getting things done. This drive stems from the Dominance personality’s fundamental ambition and is buoyed by Ds’ resourceful, decisive nature and bold communication style.
There are four subtypes of the Dominance personality type. These are Dominance (pure), Dominance/Influence (Di), and Dominance/Conscientiousness (Dc). All D personality subtypes exhibit the quintessential assertive temperament of the D DISC personality, but some absorb specific traits from the neighboring Influence and Conscientiousness DISC types.
The traits of D personality type include boldness, resourcefulness, resoluteness, independence, skepticism, and a blunt communication style. The traits of the D personality type enable people with this personality type to succeed in senior leadership positions and other roles where quick, decisive action is essential.
How is the temperament of Dominance (D)?
The temperament of Dominance (D) personality is assertive. DISC D personality types know what they want in a situation, stand firmly on various issues, and do not shy away from asserting their stance and vision. D personality types have little patience for people with whom they do not agree and for those who do not share their sense of urgency: Ds perceive such people as standing in their way and have no qualms about telling them so. Ds’ assertiveness often leads them to experience bouts of high temper when they’re unable to achieve objectives due to others’ ineptitude. Observing a person exerting dominance over others, making blunt criticisms, and making their opinions known are telltale signs that help identify the assertive temperament of the Dominance (D) personality type.
How is the communication of Dominance (D)?
The communication of Dominance (D) personality types is confident and candid. D types’ assertive temperament leads them to communicate with a high degree of confidence and address others in a straightforward manner. Dominance (D) types thus prefer to cut to the chase in conversation and detest idle chit-chat. Ds’ blunt nature leaves them blind to the feelings of the parties with whom they communicate, so they often voice their criticisms without reservations. D types’ inherent confidence leaves them little room to accept dissenting opinions and instead foments deep skepticism of others’ opinions and ideas.
Communicating with a Dominance personality type effectively entails two key strategies. Firstly, the party engaging with a Dominance (D) personality must strive to keep the conversation short and to the point. Ds loathe spending time on pleasantries and prefer diving straight into the subject matter at hand. Secondly, the party speaking with a D personality type should anticipate any criticism to be conveyed in a blunt manner, and prepare themselves mentally to handle candid disapproval gracefully.
Confidence and frankness are the identifying signs of the Dominance (D) personality’s communication style. However, the two aforementioned attributes vary slightly between the three main subtypes of the D personality type.
What are the subtypes of the D-type personality in DISC?
Below are the three subtypes of the D-type personality in DISC.
- Pure Dominance (D): The pure Dominance type borrows no traits from Influence and Conscientiousness, the two bordering personality types on the DISC. The Dominance (D) personality in its pure form has the fundamental traits of decisiveness, frankness, resourcefulness, and pragmatism. The main weakness of people with the Pure Dominance (D) personality type is their unwillingness to tolerate dissenting opinions, which often translates into blunt, harsh criticism of the D’s coworkers, subordinates, or anyone they perceive as standing in their way. The primary strength of the Pure Dominance (D) personality type is the ability to set realistic goals and accomplish them no matter what obstacles stand in the way.
- Dominance/Influence (Di): The Dominance/Influence (Di) subtype of the Dominance (D) DISC personality draws on the sociable and engaging aspects of the Influence personality type. The distinct traits of the Di subtype include focus, efficiency, a desire to be in control, and an ability to motivate those around them. However, Di subtypes have the quintessential D-type keenness to see results, which overshadows their desire to build meaningful connections with their peers. Dis’ most prominent weakness is their penchant for setting impossibly high standards for themselves and others. The greatest strength of the Di subtype is their ability to lead by example.
- Dominance/conscientiousness (Dc): The Dominance/Conscientiousness (Dc) subtype of the Dominance personality type marries the archetypal drive of the Ds and the thorough, analytical mind of the Cs. This inclination to base all decisions solely on thoroughly analyzed facts tones down the innate aggressiveness displayed by purely Dominance personality types. As a result, Dcs are more even-tempered leaders whose traits include charisma, accountability, and resourcefulness. The greatest weakness of the Dc subtype is their obsession with order and structure, which often stifles the creativity of their coworkers. The most distinct strength of the Dc subtype is their reluctance to dismiss details and nuance the way pure Dominance (D) personalities typically do.
What are the strengths of a D-type personality?
Below are the five strengths of the D-type personality.
- Decisiveness: People with a D-type personality are naturally decisive. The resoluteness stems from D’s’ high levels of confidence and impatience, two qualities that leave little room for deliberation or self-doubt. Dominance (D) personality types make bold decisions on the spot, which cements their role as leaders professionally, in business, and outside the workplace.
- Ability to set realistic goals: D personality types are realists whose refusal to wear rose-colored glasses leads them to set goals that are achievable. The DISC assessment largely applies to workplace behavior, but this ability to stay grounded likewise helps D types personal finances and overall life decisions, as they never set themselves up for disappointment by pursuing unrealistic objectives.
- Frankness: The Dominance (D) personality’s frank communication style allows Ds to convey their thoughts unambiguously. This ability buoys their leadership skills at the workplace and additionally helps foster transparency and honesty between friends and romantic partners.
- Persuasiveness: D personality types’ persuasive powers stem from both their overall confidence and their direct, assertive communication style. The masterful ability to persuade coworkers and business associates allows the D personality to assert their dominance and leadership role. The Ds’ persuasion powers additionally help Ds get their way in other aspects of their life, such as in friendships and romantic relationships.
- Drive: Dominance (D) type personalities are known for their intense drive to succeed in any tasks they undertake. This determination helps Ds maintain focus on their goals despite distractions and obstacles and is one of the tenets of their leadership style. Dominance (D) personalities’ drive is not limited to the workplace, as Ds pursue goals with equal fervor in other aspects of life, including personal finances, parenting, and romance.
What are the weaknesses of the D-type personality?
Below are the five weaknesses of the D-type personality.
- Impatience: People with a Dominance (D) personality type possess an intense drive that leaves no room for patience when an obstacle delays the fulfillment of their objective. Ds’ impatient attitude often causes conflict and tension in the workplace, as colleagues and subordinates who seemingly stand in the way of getting things done experience the wrath of the testy Ds.
- Unwillingness to admit mistakes: Dominance (D) personality types’ innate self-confidence often borderlines on hubris, which prevents Ds from admitting fault and accepting responsibility for their mistakes. This toxic quality breeds resentment among Ds’ coworkers, friends, children, and significant others.
- Resistance to feedback: Dominance (D) personality types’ reluctance to admit their mistakes inherently makes them resistant to feedback, even if such feedback is constructive. This unwillingness to endure criticism undermines Ds’ authority in the workplace as colleagues view them as thin-skinned and hypocritical. In friendships and romance, Ds’ resistance to feedback is equally toxic as they make no effort to change behaviors that negatively impact their relationship.
- Resistance to collaboration: People with a DISC Dominance (D) personality resist working as part of a team for two reasons. Firstly, Ds do not like to share their decision-making powers with anyone, as their innate assertiveness leads them to dominate and fight for control. Secondly, Dominance (D) types’ arrogance misleads them into thinking that they have all the answers and that collaboration is a waste of time. This unwillingness to work with others often makes Ds the outcasts in workplace and personal settings, but the castaway status doesn’t bother them a great deal.
- Inattention to details: Dominance (D) personalities prefer to zoom out and see the big picture as they make decisions. Ds’ impatience leads them to dismiss details and nuance as inconsequential, and such omissions often turn out to be costly in the workplace. This dismissive attitude toward minor details additionally causes Dominance (D) personality types to overlook small but crucial red flags when parenting. Ds’ intense focus on their kids’ ultimate success leaves them blind to their children’s more immediate needs.
2. Influence (I) personality type
The Influence (I) personality type is the most sociable, charismatic, and motivational personality in the DISC assessment. The I type’s personality is defined by a powerful urge to sway and motivate others to work towards common goals. This penchant is helped along by enthusiasm, personal charisma, a nuanced, diplomatic approach to communication, and a masterful networking ability.
There are three subtypes of the Influence personality type. These are pure Influence (I), Influence/Dominance (Id), and Influence/Steadiness (Is). All subtypes of the I personality exhibit the dominant Influence traits of sociability and enthusiasm. However, the Id and Is subtypes borrow certain characteristics from the neighboring Dominance and Steadiness DISC types.
The traits of the I personality are sociability, optimism, enthusiasm, friendliness, persuasiveness, and diplomatic communication. The traits of the I personality give Is a significant edge in leadership roles and collaborative team environments.
How is the temperament of Influence (I)?
The temperament of Influence (I) is lively and outgoing. People with an I personality type thrive on social interaction and are brimming with optimism. I’s’ extreme extraversion, energy, and enthusiasm are often infectious, and they use these traits to influence and motivate people around them. Influence-type people rarely get temperamental with their peers, instead communicating criticism in a subtle, constructive, and inoffensive manner. Extreme sociability, leading through inspiration, and diplomatic communication are observable traits that help identify people with a DISC personality type.
How is the communication of Influence (I)?
The communication of Influence (I) is eloquent and diplomatic. The Influence personality type understands nuance and knows how to persuade others without sounding too brash or being too direct about someone’s faults. For example, an I type would convey their criticism of an underperforming subordinate along with warm praise for that person’s strong points and overall encouragement to continue professional development. Communicating with an I is an effortless task for most personality types, thanks to Influence types’ outgoing, open-minded, and warm nature. Observing such warmth and eloquence in a person is an indication of the Influence DISC personality type.
What are the subtypes of the I-type personality in DISC?
Below are the three subtypes of the I-type personality in DISC.
- Pure Influence (I): The Pure Influence subtype doesn’t appropriate any traits from the abutting Dominance or Steadiness types. This unadulterated Influence personality is rooted in the classic I traits of extraversion, enthusiasm, and warmth. The most notable weakness of the Pure Influence subtype is their inability to work in a solitary setting. I’s’ greatest strength is its knack for galvanizing large groups of people around a common objective.
- Influence/Drive (Id): The Influence/Drive (Id) subtype has the defining sociability and enthusiasm traits of the Influence types but with an equal focus on getting results. The Id subtype splits their time and efforts equally between energizing their team and tracking a given task’s progress all the way to completion. This subtle difference in their leadership style gives ID subtypes an edge over the Pure Influence types, who are often so caught up in networking that they lose track of the task at hand. The greatest weakness of the Id subtype is its unwillingness to focus on the smaller details of a task. Conversely, the main strength of the Id subtypes is their ability to see the big picture and come up with innovative, long-term solutions.
- Influence/Steadiness (Is): The Influence/Steadiness (Is) subtype has the fundamental I traits, such as extraversion and optimism, but additionally has the urge to support peers, which is so characteristic of the Steadiness (S) type. The main weakness of the Is subtype is their reluctance to make bold decisions quickly when the situation demands decisive action. The greatest strength of the Is subtype is their propensity to nurture and support their teams.
What are the strengths of an I-type personality?
Below are the five strengths of the I-type personality.
- Effective communication: Influence (I) personality types are effective communicators, who are able to convey information clearly, diplomatically, and in a persuasive manner. I types have a knack for delivering criticism and negative feedback in a way that encourages instead of offending and disheartening. I types are eloquent communicators both in the workplace and in their personal lives, where masterful communication skills help them influence and inspire family members, children, friends, and romantic partners.
- Ability to motivate others: People with an I DISC personality are talented at motivating and energizing their peers and subordinates. Their knack for galvanizing people comes from their charisma and their effective communication style. This ability to inspire and encourage others is a cornerstone of the Is’ professional leadership style. However, the skill additionally helps them bring the best out in their children, friends, and partners.
- Collaboration and teamwork: Influence personality types thrive in a collaborative work environment due to their outgoing and open-minded nature. Is are happiest and most productive when their work setting and tasks entail daily interaction. Influence types are open to others’ ideas and feedback, and enjoy collective brainstorming sessions that lead to tangible results. This collaborative attitude seeps through into Is’ family lives, as they use it to foster an environment of unity and mutual respect for each other’s ideas.
- Networking: Building networks of people comes naturally to the charismatic, outgoing Influence types. The ability to establish connections helps them acquire a vast web of resources that often prove useful in career development and entrepreneurship. However, networking satisfies the Is’ primal urge to engage with people and helps them build meaningful friendships and associations in their personal lives.
- Ingenuity: People with an Influence DISC personality are natural innovators. They prefer to imagine possibilities instead of dwelling on the current state of affairs. Is’ passion for achieving what they feel is possible is infectious at the workplace and beyond thanks to their relentless optimism and expressive communication style.
What are the weaknesses of an I-type personality?
Below are the five weaknesses of the I-type personality.
- Indecisiveness: Influence personality types envision many possibilities in any given scenario, and the paradox of choice leaves them struggling to make quick, bold decisions. Such hesitations often create a leadership vacuum that bolder, more resolute personalities (such as D’s) quickly fill, thus undermining the I’s authority and career prospects. In personal life, Influence types’ indecision often progresses into fickleness, which leads to frustration among friends and loved ones.
- Inability to work alone: People with an Influence personality type feel stimulated by social interaction, so being forced to work in solitude is draining for them. This weakness does not necessarily make I’s poor leaders. However, a reluctance to perform solitary work greatly limits their scope of responsibility, as senior leaders in most professions must be able to work equally well in teams and on their own. This dislike for solitude affects Influence types’ friendships and romantic lives, as they may struggle to give their friends and partners the space they need.
- Inability to focus on a single task: I-types are imaginative thinkers whose minds are naturally scattered between a number of projects, but focusing on either one of the tasks for too long is challenging. Influence types additionally pay more attention to the people with whom they work rather than the work for which they’re responsible. This inability to concentrate fully on any given task means that Influence types may struggle to meet deadlines and quality standards on projects that require undivided attention and constant monitoring. I’s’ personal lives feel the effects of their inattentiveness, particularly in areas such as personal finance, which demands ongoing vigilance.
- Poor retention of facts and data: Type I struggles to focus on the finer details, so retaining facts and data is often an insurmountable challenge for them. This weakness may seem debilitating, especially in a senior leadership role. However, I’s who are well aware of this flaw proactively store the information they need for future use so they’re not left blind-sighted when they need to quickly retrieve it. In social circumstances, the inability to remember people’s names, birthdays, occupations, and other minutia may be particularly embarrassing to Influence type people, who cherish meaningful connections with others and go out of their way to network.
- Ineptitude at comprehensive data analysis: The unwillingness to undertake solitary tasks, inability to focus, and poor retention of facts and details make it a tremendous challenge for Influence personality types to engage in data analysis. This weakness largely affects the I’s careers, but may be a hindrance in their personal lives, as the I’s often ditch logic and turn to their intuition and moral compass to make decisions.
Why is the “i” in “DiSC” sometimes lowercase?
The “i” in “DiSC” is lowercase when it refers to the trademarked DiSC material published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Wiley’s DiSC® assessment is a commercial product based on psychologist William Moulton Marston’s original DISC model of behavioral theory. It is not possible to trademark the DISC model, so Wiley used a lowercase “i” to legally differentiate and protect its intellectual property.
3. Steadiness (S) personality profile
The Steadiness (S) personality type is the most stable and agreeable personality in the DISC assessment. The Steadiness personality exhibits patience and tact and strives to achieve harmony in the workplace while supporting peers, subordinates, and managers alike.
There are three subtypes of the Steadiness personality type. These are Pure Steadiness (S), Steadiness/Consciousness (Sc), and Steadiness/Influence (Si). The three Steadiness subtypes exhibit the same agreeable temperament and thoughtfulness, but the Sc and Si subtypes borrow qualities from the adjoining Conscientiousness and Influence personality types.
The traits of the S personality are dependability, tactfulness, calmness, affability, generosity, and warmth. The traits of the S personality type enable this personality to exude a harmonizing and nurturing presence at the workplace and in their personal lives.
How is the temperament of Steadiness (S)?
The temperament of the Steadiness (S) personality is calm and agreeable. S types prefer quietly supporting others and taking orders from leaders, and exhibit little ego or personal ambition. S types’ desire to create harmony among their peers, along with their generosity and conflict avoidance mean that S’s are not likely to have bouts of high temper. A calm, agreeable temperament together with warmth and generosity are observable traits that help identify people with an S personality type on the DISC assessment.
How is the communication of Steadiness (S)?
The communication of Steadiness (S) personality types is passive and soft-spoken. S types dislike being at the center of attention and generally like to keep to themselves. Their introverted nature leads them to avoid initiating conversations, although they’re happy to work in teams and communicate as required by their role at work. Communicating effectively with an S personality type entails taking a warm yet cautious approach, as S types like establishing a personal connection but do not like rushing the process. Warmth, sincerity, and gentleness in one’s communication style are observable characteristics that typically reveal one’s S personality type.
What are the subtypes of the S-type personality in DISC?
Below are the three subtypes of the S-type personality in DISC.
- Pure Steadiness (S): People with a Pure Steadiness personality type possess the archetypal S characteristics of calmness, patience, cooperation, and conflict avoidance, with no influence from the abutting Conscientiousness and Influence types. The greatest weakness of the Pure S types is their reluctance to question orders they know to be wrong simply because they’d rather avoid conflict. The most significant strength of the Pure Steadiness personality subtype is their patience and open-mindedness, which earns them the trust of their peers and superiors.
- Steadiness/conscientiousness (Sc): Those with a Steadiness/Conscientiousness (Sc) subtype possess the characteristic harmonious aura of the Steadiness type but with the structured, methodical manner of the C’s. The greatest weakness of the Sc subtype is its extreme caution, which borders on risk aversion and indecisiveness. The most prominent strength of the Sc subtype is their attention to detail, which helps them in their quest to serve and support their team effectively.
- Steadiness/Influence (Si): The Steadiness/Influence (Si) subtype has the classic nurturing traits of the Steadiness personality, but additionally appropriates Influence’s motivational skills. The most significant weakness of the Si subtype is their ineptitude and DISComfort with leadership roles. The most essential strength of the Si subtype is their sense of compassion, which helps them nurture and motivate teams from behind the scenes.
What are the strengths of the S-type personality?
Below are the five strengths of the S-type personality.
- Dependability: S-type people are highly dependable, both in the workplace and in their personal lives. Their dependability and consistent resourcefulness at work often help teams operate smoothly, a feat for which the humble S type seldom takes credit. In friendships and love alike, people with a Steadiness personality type are trustworthy and deeply loyal. As parents, S’s devote their entire lives to their children, nourish, and support them.
- Patience: People with an S DISC type are patient with their superiors, peers, and subordinates. S-types’ patience stems from two underlying qualities. Firstly, they genuinely care for their teams, and feel that rushing people and processes leads to unnecessary and counterproductive tension. Secondly, S personality types go out of their way to avoid conflict, and being patient and accommodating is one of the essential conflict avoidance tools at their disposal. Their patience in the workplace often translates into patience in personal life, largely driven by the need to prevent and diffuse contentious situations.
- Consistency: Steadiness personality people thrive on routine, and are themselves equally predictable and consistent. S’s consistency is advantageous for their career progression, as supervisors equate this trait with their own peace of mind and are often happy to reward S’s for their stable performance. S’s are generally consistent in their personal lives, too. This predictability is typically appreciated by friends and family members, but some romantic interests view it as dreariness and are consequently repelled by it.
- Permissiveness: People with a Steadiness personality type are open-minded and magnanimous. Their quest to ensure harmony in the workplace manifests in a lax attitude that fosters acceptance and cooperation and prevents tensions from brewing within the team. S types often exhibit the same levels of permissiveness when dealing with people outside the workplace. They’re lenient parents, open-minded friends, and forgiving lovers.
- Agreeability: Steadiness personality types are agreeable by nature. They enjoy cooperation, accept others’ opinions with warmth, and follow orders happily, all because they’re innately driven to create and maintain harmony. S’s agreeable temperament doesn’t always get them noticed in the workplace. However, it shields them from the wrath of competitive peers, and thin-skinned supervisors, and places S’s above the toxic world of workplace politics.
What are the weaknesses of an S-type personality?
Below are the five weaknesses of an S-type personality.
- Conflict avoidance: Conflict avoidance is the greatest influence behind an S-type personality’s behavior. Avoiding conflict helps Steadiness personality types develop many of their virtues, such as agreeability and patience. However, this weakness hurts S’s career prospects, especially when they choose to stay quiet and allow bad situations to progress out of fear of conflict with peers, subordinates, or managers. Constantly accommodating people to prevent contentious scenarios makes S’s seem like pushovers among their friends and significant others, too.
- Risk aversion: People with an S-type personality are excessively cautious by nature, and avoid risk as a result. Avoiding risk allows Steadiness personality types to function comfortably at work, but often at the expense of capitalizing on career-boosting opportunities. The same risk aversion permeates through S types’ personal lives and often prevents them from taking advantage of lucrative financial opportunities or pursuing romantic interests.
- Fear of change: Steadiness-type people fear change for two reasons. Firstly, all change comes with a degree of risk, for which S’s have little tolerance. Secondly, change gets S’s out of their comfort zone, which causes their structured and consistent personas much anxiety. Fear of change is a major career impediment for S-type personality people. Fearing change additionally harms their romantic and financial prospects, and fills them with great distress as their relationships with friends, children, and partners undergo inevitable dynamic changes.
- Indecisiveness: Steadiness personality types loathe making decisions, but not because of the paradox of choice. S’s often know deep down what the correct decision is in any given event. However, making decisions comes with a degree of risk that S’s prefer to leave with the more ambitious and assertive personality types, such as D’s. Indecisiveness in parenting often leads the other partner to take charge, while lacking the resolve to make firm decisions causes S’s to miss out on potentially gainful financial opportunities.
- Reluctance to take initiative: People with a Steadiness DISC type fear taking initiative because doing so would see their fears of conflict, risk, and change culminate, and demand bold, decisive action. Their unwillingness to take initiative causes Steadiness personality types to miss out on work opportunities and pigeonholes them into support roles where they’re not expected to take on any leadership functions. The same fear of taking initiative reverberates through the S-types’ romantic lives, leaving them pining away after romantic interests that are seemingly out of reach.
4. Conscientiousness (C) Personality Style
The Conscientiousness (C) personality type is the most serious and analytical personality in the DISC assessment. People with the Conscientiousness (C) DISC personality are highly organized, value structure, and strive to perform tasks correctly. The (C) personality type places tasks above people at the workplace, a quality that leads many to perceive C’s as cold in conjunction with their highly introverted nature.
There are three subtypes of the Conscientiousness personality type. These are Pure Conscientiousness (C), Conscientiousness/Dominance (Cd), and Conscientiousness/Steadiness (Cs). All three subtypes of the C personality type exhibit a serious, reserved, and analytical demeanor. However, Cd and Cs subtypes possess certain traits associated with the bordering Dominance and Steadiness DISC types.
The traits of the C personality type are DISCipline, organization, pragmatism, perfectionism, dependability, reserve, caution, and an analytical mindset. The traits of the C personality type make people with the Conscientiousness DISC type a suitable fit for solitary, analytical roles.
How is the temperament of Conscientiousness (C)?
The temperament of Conscientiousness (C) is impassive. C’s are not easily excited or upset and maintain their demeanor in stressful situations. Conscientious personality types do not allow emotions or personal preferences to influence decisions that affect the task at hand or other people on the team. C’s are willing to compromise on contentious matters if such a compromise is of benefit to everybody. The likelihood of a C-type personality losing their temper is low, as they always refocus themselves on the task in their charge instead of dwelling on the person who has upset them. The ability to maintain composure, compromise, and approach tasks and people objectively are hallmark traits that help identify the Conscientiousness (C) personality type.
How is the communication of Conscientiousness (C)?
The communication of Conscientiousness (C) is taciturn and purposeful. C’s dislike small talk and prefer getting to the substance of the conversation without delay because of their innate reserve and practicality. However, C’s deeply inquisitive nature leads them to enjoy thoughtful, analytical DISCourse. The most effective way to communicate with a Conscientiousness (C) personality type is to arrive at the point quickly without wasting time on banter. Observing a reserved and practical communication style is an indication of one’s Conscientiousness DISC personality type.
What are the subtypes of C-type personality in DISC?
Below are the three subtypes of the C-type personality in DISC.
- Pure Conscientiousness (C): People with a Pure Conscientiousness type exhibit the hallmark traits of the C personality, such as reticence, pragmatism, perfectionism, and objectivity, and do not borrow traits from the adjoining D and S personalities. The greatest weakness of the Pure C subtype is their DISComfort with working in teams. The most notable strength of the Pure Conscientiousness subtype is their objectivity and rejection of emotions in workplace decision-making.
- Conscientiousness/Dominance (Cd): The Conscientiousness/Dominance (Cd) subtype manifests the classic practicality and reserve of the C type along with much of the drive attributed to Dominance types. People with a Cd subtype are highly focused, purposeful, and forceful, and their reticence comes not from shyness but from their disdain for pleasantries and small talk. The most prominent weakness of the Cd subtype is its outward coldness and unapproachability. The most essential strength of the Cd subtype is their immaculate execution of assigned tasks and their intense focus on achieving accurate, flawless results.
- Conscientiousness/Steadiness (Cs): Those with a Conscientiousness/Steadiness (Cs) subtype marry the perfectionism and objectivity of the C’s with the agreeableness and reliability of the S personality type. Cs subtypes are highly focused on achieving immaculate results in their work, and they do not hesitate to accept feedback and counsel from their teammates. The greatest weakness of the Cs subtype is extreme caution and unwillingness to take risks. The most important strength of the Cs personality subtype is their unique blend of practicality and agreeableness, which is a vital ingredient for moving projects forward while maintaining a harmonious workplace atmosphere.
What are the strengths of a C-type personality?
Below are the five strengths of the C-type personality.
- High performance standards: Conscientiousness personality types are perfectionists who focus deeply on the immaculate execution of any given task. C’s set the bar high for themselves and expect others to adhere to elevated performance standards as well. This meticulousness is evident outside the C’s workplace, particularly in tasks that fall under their purview, such as parenting. C’s set high expectations for their children and often lead by example by adhering to the same standards themselves.
- Objectivity: C’s are objective individuals who prioritize the success of the team above any personal preferences and rely solely on facts in decision-making. This objectivity sets them apart as the respected impartial arbiter in the workplace. Conscientiousness types’ impartiality is respected within their social circle outside of work, too. C’s objectivity additionally allows them to make sound financial decisions that are grounded in reality and not based on emotion.
- Attention to detail: People with a Conscientiousness (C) personality type are known for their inquisitive mindset and strong attention to detail. This penchant for observing the minutiae that others miss gives C’s an edge over other personality types in highly analytical roles. The attention to detail that characterizes the Conscientiousness personality type helps C’s make informed life decisions outside the workplace, as they’re able to factor in every possible variable in their decision-making process.
- Dedication: Conscientiousness (C) personality types are dedicated to their profession, their role within an organization, and the tasks they’re assigned to execute. Their commitment to work is palpable, as they often go above and beyond expectations to achieve the intended results. C’s additionally display high levels of commitment as parents and family members, setting the needs of their children and loved ones above their own.
- Effective time management: C’s are highly organized workers who know well how to manage their time. They expect their subordinates to be equally effective and structured in the workplace, and this expectation is often buoyed by Conscientiousness types’ perfectionism. C’s take pride in their efficiency and view it as an invaluable life skill. To this end, C’s demand that their children learn time management skills from an early age.
What are the weaknesses of a C-type personality?
Below are the five weaknesses of the C-type personality.
- Inability to see the big picture: People with a C DISC personality focus so much on the little details that they often lose sight of the big picture. This weakness gets them to obsess over less consequential aspects of a broader task instead of focusing on completing the task itself. Being unable to grasp the larger plan of action is an impediment in C personality types’ romantic lives and parenthood, as they often obsess over their partners’ and children’s minor faults instead of understanding or adapting to their broader behavior patterns.
- Risk aversion: Conscientious personality types feel uncomfortable with taking risks because they fear that the associated hazards may compromise the immaculacy of the results and bring chaos to their structured work environment. Being averse to risk often prevents C’s from taking initiative in the workplace, thus keeping them from advancing to leadership roles. Fear of risk leads C’s to lead cautious, predictable lives and often miss out on romantic and financial opportunities.
- Unwillingness to change: Conscientiousness types’ structured nature and fear of risk causes them to resist change. Being unwilling to change makes C’s seem regressive at times when an organization’s leadership is pursuing new, innovative processes meant to make operations more efficient. Reluctance to accept change keeps C’s stagnant in their personal lives to a degree, as they stick with the tried-and-true and often reject opportunities that entail a change of the status quo.
- Coldness: People with a Conscientiousness DISC personality are reserved and impassive, so their teammates often perceive them as cold. C types’ coldness often negatively affects their relationships with coworkers and supervisors, especially those who like to form warm personal bonds with people at work. The same coldness may seep through into the personal lives of C-type personalities, where it inhibits friendships and romantic prospects and drives a wedge between C’s and their loved ones.
- Social ineptness: People with a C-type personality are often perceived as socially inept. This social awkwardness stems from a deeply introverted nature, a genuine disinterest in personal relationships, and a lack of empathy. C-types’ social ineptness affects their career progression as they’re seldom able to establish a cordial connection with their supervisors. The same awkwardness in social situations makes it difficult for C’s to form friendships and romantic relationships.
What are the DISC behavioral styles?
Below are the four DISC behavioral styles in short.
- Dominance (D): The Dominance behavioral style is assertive, resolute, and task-oriented. People with the Dominance personality type behave boldly when quick decisions are required, and expend little effort on formalities or pleasantries. The comportment of Dominance personality types stems from their intense drive to achieve results and obtain recognition from peers and superiors.
- Influence (I): The Influence behavioral style is energetic, people-focused, and beaming with charisma. I-types conduct themselves in a vigorous yet graceful manner that helps them quickly build rapport with strangers. I’s charming and optimistic demeanor is caused by their inherent desire to inspire and motivate their teammates.
- Steadiness (S): The Steadiness behavioral style is harmonious, consistent, and people-focused. S-types behave in a warm and predictable fashion as they strive to instill a sense of harmony in the workplace. S-types’ desire for harmony is the driving force behind their comportment, and in turn, comes from their fear of conflict and change.
- Conscientiousness (C): The Conscientiousness behavioral style is reticent, methodical, and task-oriented. C-types comport themselves in a cold and impassive manner, as their attention focuses away from personal relationships and onto facts and details. C-types’ impassive and pragmatic behavior comes from their inherent need to achieve absolute perfection, which they believe is only possible if they approach the matter at hand with a cool, focused mindset.
How do behavioral styles change between DISC personality profiles? Behavioral styles change between DISC Personality types according to the main characteristics of every DISC sub-type. For example, the Pure Dominance (D) personality subtype has a more abrasive temperament than the Di and Dc subtypes. This temperament leads to harsh and callous behavior in situations where the D type feels that others obstruct their path to success. Meanwhile, the Dominance/Influence is just as passionate about being successful in their goal as the Pure Dominance subtype but has a more diplomatic temperament that manifests in subtle influence instead of blunt force when dealing with perceived obstacles posed by other people. In another example, the Pure Conscientiousness (C) subtype has a more standoffish temperament than the Conscientiousness/Steadiness subtype. This temperament leads the Pure C subtype to behave in a detached and impassive manner when forced to work with others. Meanwhile, the Conscientiousness/Steadiness subtype has a more agreeable temperament that leads this C subtype to establish cordial relationships with their teammates.
What is the behavioral style of Dominance (D) in DISC?
The behavioral style of Dominance (D) in DISC is assertive and task-oriented. However, the D-type’s behavioral style differs depending on the circumstances. At the workplace, the Dominance (D) behavioral style is eager and decisive. D-types are dead-set on succeeding in their work objectives, convey their needs and criticisms bluntly to the rest of the team, and have no qualms about making tough decisions on the spot. In business, people with a Dominance (D) personality type’s behavioral style is blunt and unwavering. D’s have their desired business outcome in mind and have no patience for partners or associates who deter their progress. In parenthood, the behavioral style of Dominance (D) personality type is authoritarian. D’s have firm goals set for their children, whom they view as subordinates with no free will of their own. The childhood behavior style of Dominance (D) personality type is pushy and brash. Children with a D-type personality like to assert their dominance among peers, and often resort to aggression to reinforce their authority. The teenage behavior style of D-type personalities is pugnacious. D-type teenagers begin to cherish their independence just as their parents start to rein it in, and the ensuing quarrels push the teenage Dominance types away from their parents’ orbit and lock them in their behavioral patterns. The romantic behavioral style of Dominance types is domineering and obsessive. D-types seldom take “no” for an answer, nor do they like to acknowledge their faults to their partners.
What is the behavioral style of Influence (I) in DISC?
The behavioral style of Influence (I) in DISC is energetic, charismatic, and people-focused. That said, I-types’ style of behavior varies depending on the context. In a work environment, I’s exhibit a motivating and persuasive behavioral style. Influence personality types focus their charms and powers of persuasion on getting their teams working toward a common goal. As business people, Influence personality types have a diplomatic and networking behavioral style. I’s believe that engaging the right people is essential to advancing their entrepreneurial objectives, and spare no effort in establishing connections with influential people who could be useful to the business venture. D-type parents have an energizing behavioral style. Parents with a D-type personality lead by example to galvanize their kids into learning and personal development. In their childhood, D-type personalities have an energetic and outgoing behavioral style. D-type kids enjoy being the center of attention among other kids, and learn to use their popularity to influence their social circle. Teenage Influence personality types stand out with a suave and charming behavioral style that sets them apart from their largely awkward teen peers. In romance, D-types’ behavioral style is often manipulative, as I’s use their persuasive communication skills to influence their romantic partners.
What is the behavioral style of Steadiness (S) in DISC?
The behavioral style of Steadiness (S) in DISC is harmonious, nurturing, and people-oriented under most circumstances, although some situations bring out other behavioral aspects of S-types. At the workplace, the S-type comportment style is amicable. Steadiness types aim to create and maintain an atmosphere of harmony and prevent conflict within their team. In business, the Steadiness personality type behavioral style is supportive, but lacking initiative. S-type entrepreneurs prefer to leave the innovation to their partners, instead focusing their efforts on supporting the operation. S-type parents have a nurturing behavioral style. Parents with a Steadiness personality go out of their way to bring up their kids in a loving, positive environment. Steadiness personality children’s behavioral style is conforming and peaceful. S-type personalities fear conflict from an early age, so their efforts during childhood are directed at averting contentious situations by going with the flow and blending in with the crowd. Teenage S-types have a tranquil and modest behavioral style. Steadiness personality teens strive to deflect attention from their more aggressive peers by blending in and taking care not to stir up confrontations. In romance, Steadiness personality types often display a submissive behavioral style. S-types feel that submitting to their partners’ will is the most effective strategy for avoiding conflict.
What is the behavioral style of Conscientiousness (C) in DISC?
The behavioral style of Conscientiousness (C) in DISC is methodical, impassive, and task-oriented. However, there is nuance to the C-type personality’s behavioral style, which alters slightly depending on the setting. The Conscientiousness (C) personality’s workplace behavioral style is impassive, inquisitive, and skeptical. C-types prioritize achieving immaculate results above all else at work, which they do by approaching each task with objectivity, cold logic, and an analytical mindset. The Conscientiousness personality behavioral style in business is pragmatic but risk-averse. C-type entrepreneurs leave innovation to their partners and focus on execution and risk mitigation. C-type parents’ behavioral style is highly structured and rigid. Conscientiousness-type parents believe that sticking with an established routine and learning DISCipline gives their kids the best chance of success in life. As children, Conscientiousness-type personalities display an austere and straight-laced behavioral style. This comportment does no favors for C-type children’s popularity and makes them targets of bullying. Teenage Conscientiousness personality types’ behavioral style is reclusive and awkward. C-type teens are generally social outcasts throughout high school but focus their efforts on pursuing knowledge and studying subjects for which they have a passion. In romance, the Conscientiousness personality type’s behavior style is cold and detached. C-types project outward aloofness because they’re well aware of their social awkwardness and fear that letting it out on full display would repel their romantic interest.
How do scientists interpret DISC personality meanings?
Scientists differ greatly in how they interpret DISC personality meanings, although the scientific consensus is that the DISC assessment offers little value in predicting one’s work performance. Below are the two ways that different scientists explain the personality meanings profiled by DISC.
- Dr. Wendell Williams, Ph.D: Dr. Williams explains DISC personality meanings as metrics that are useful for understanding differences between people, but are not suitable as a candidate selection tool. Dr. Williams stipulates that there is no meaningful correlation between DISC test results and one’s actual work performance for two reasons. Firstly, Dr. Williams argues that despite allowing people to class themselves accurately as dominant, influential, steady, or conscientious, these four DISC attitudes have little bearing on what roles a person is suitable for, nor how well they perform in them. Instead, Dr. Williams argues that intelligence and skill is the greatest determining factor in a person’s work quality. Secondly, Dr. Williams states that the self-descriptive test scores used in the DISC assessment may not reflect the truth because they allow applicants to represent themselves as they like. For example, if an applicant wants to come off as being dominant, they could simply tick off “dominant” and other synonyms on their multiple-choice DISC assessment.
- Dr. Cornelius J. König and Dr. Bernd Marcus: Drs. König and Marcus interpret DISC personality meanings as reliable representations of one’s perception of their personality, but ones that lack validity in a workplace behavior assessment. A report on the credibility of the DISC assessment produced by Drs. König and Marcus claim that studies have shown the DISC test to be reliable, meaning that the participants achieve similar results while retesting. However, the report states that DISC lacks validity, as there is no empirical data to indicate that the behavioral styles established by the test have their claimed bearing on the person’s workplace comportment.
Which scientists are the critics of the DISC personality type assessment?
Below are two scientists who are critics of the DISC personality type assessment.
- Dr. Wendell Williams: Dr. Williams has described the DISC personality type assessment as fundamentally unsuitable for predicting a person’s workplace performance because the assessment allows applicants to describe themselves any way they want and because the measured criteria have no bearing on work quality. Dr. Williams has a Ph.D. in industrial psychology from Union Institute and University and is the managing director of Scientific Selection, a consultancy that measures job competencies based on empirical data.
- Dr. Dan Katz: Dr. Dan Katz published a review of the work of Thomas Erickson, a Swedish author who bases his personality assessment system on DISC. Dr. Katz argues that DISC (like other personality assessment methods) has zero validity because the concept of “personality types” is flawed at its core. According to Dr. Katz, one’s personality is the collection of behavior patterns, which are largely influenced by circumstances and not some innate predisposition. Dr. Katz is a licensed psychologist and psychotherapist.
How to test for your DISC personality type?
To test for your DISC personality type, take an official DISC personality type test, which is widely available online. DISC personality type is tested by participating in a multiple-choice assessment that aims to establish the participant’s dominant behavior style and its subtype. Each of the multiple-choice questions attempts to determine which of the four behavioral styles a person’s workplace comportment is closest to and farthest from. To this end, each question asks the participant to pick which characteristic is most and least like them.
Who prepares DISC personality type tests? John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (doing business as “Wiley”) prepares official DISC personality tests. Wiley is a US-based, multinational publishing corporation. Wiley has been producing their proprietary DiSC® tests since 2012 when it purchased Inscape Holdings Inc., the previous provider of DISC-based assessments.
What are the example questions for understanding your DISC personality type?
Below are four example questions for understanding your DISC personality type. Each question is in fact a statement, and you must declare how accurately this statement describes you on a five-point scale.
- I am a kind person: Declaring that this statement describes you correctly means that you’re likely a Steadiness personality type.
- I accept life as it is: Saying that this statement is most like you possibly means that you have the Conscientiousness personality type.
- I inspire people: Agreeing with this statement reveals that you have an Influence personality type.
- I have a forceful personality: Agreeing with this statement likely indicates a Dominance personality.
How to assess DISC personality types with DISC survey results?
You have to assess DISC personality types by interpreting the quadrant alignment scale that comprises the DISC survey results. A DISC personality test seldom returns results that indicate a single personality type. Instead, DISC assessment results show a scale of behavioral styles that range from least to most likely. Assessing one’s personality type based on these nonlinear DISC test results entails understanding the various DISC subtypes produced where DISC quadrants converge. Visualizing the results provides an effective means of seeing how different answers from the assessments are grouped on the DISC. For example, a person whose answers indicate that Dominance traits are the most prominent while Influence traits are least likely has a behavioral style that’s task-oriented and sits somewhere on a scale between Dominance and Conscientiousness. The most likely subtype based on the aforementioned results is Dominance/Conscientiousness (Dc).
Is it necessary to consult a psychologist for a DISC pattern test?
No, it’s not necessary to consult a psychologist for a DISC pattern test. Psychologists do not generally administer DISC tests. Instead, you’re more likely to get a DISC test from a prospective employer’s HR department, in which case the administrator is unlikely to be a licensed psychology professional. Additionally, you’re able to take the official DISC pattern test from a variety of online outlets from the comfort of your home.
Are DISC tests and quizzes free?
Some DISC tests and quizzes are free while others must be purchased. The official DISC test produced by Wiley is not free. Several online publishers own rights to administer the test, and these charge participants for the assessment. However, you wouldn’t have to pay for a DISC test if your prospective employer administers it during your interviewing process, since the employer has likely already purchased rights to the test from Wiley. Additionally, you’re able to find free versions of the DISC assessment, but these are unlikely to be as long or thorough as the paid, Wiley-produced version of the test.
How are the statistics for DISC personality types?
The statistics for DISC personality types are indicative of differences in prevalent behavioral styles that vary due to culture, demographics, and change over time. Below are ten global statistics for DISC personality types highlighting various behavioral style differences.
- Steadiness is the most common DISC personality in the US. 28% of US respondents were assessed as Steadiness personality type as of 2019.
- Steadiness was a more common DISC personality in the past in the US. 45% of respondents identified as Steadiness types in 1993 compared to 28% in 2019.
- The number of respondents with the Conscientiousness type has doubled in the US. The number of DISC respondents with a C-type assessment has gone from 8% in 1993 to 16% in 2017.
- The Dominance type prevalence has been steadiest over time in the US. 17% of DISC test takers were assessed as Dominance types in 1993, compared to 18% in 2017.
- Women generally score higher as I, Is, S, and Sc DISC subtypes.
- Men score more often as D, Di, C, and Cd DISC subtypes.
- Total gender differences in DISC assessment results average about 3.5%.
- The highest proportions of Influence personality types are in Europe. Over 40% of DISC assessment respondents in Italy, Germany, and Sweden identify as Influence personality types.
- The UK has one of the highest proportions of Dominance personality types. 17% of the UK’s DISC assessment respondents were aligned with the Dominance type.
- Dominance is the least prevalent DISC personality globally. The proportion of people who identify as the Dominance personality on DISC is 9% on average.
What is the rarest DISC personality type?
The rarest DISC personality type is Dominance. According to the 2019 Extended DISC Global Validation Study performed by Extended DISC North America Inc., only 9% of the global population aligns with the Dominance behavioral style of DISC. The next least common DISC type is Influence, with 28% of global respondents identifying as I-types.
What is the most common DISC personality type?
The most common DISC personality type is Steadiness. The Extended DISC North America Inc. performed a global DISC validation study in 2019, which identified Steadiness as the most common DISC type in the world. 32% of global DISC respondents were identified as Steadiness personality types by the study. The next most common type is Conscientiousness, which accounts for 31% of the 2019 survey respondents.
How do DISC personality types affect the career path?
DISC personality types affect the career path by influencing how a person behaves in different job settings. Knowing your DISC personality is helpful when choosing an appropriate career path, because your behavioral style is more suitable for some positions than others. Below are two examples of how a person’s DISC personality influences their career prospects.
- Dominance (D) personality: The Dominance personality is assertive, blunt, and strong-willed, but lacks tact and patience. Career paths in nursing, early childhood education, or administrative roles would be a nightmare for a Dominance personality, as the aforementioned positions require nurturing qualities, patience, harmonious collaboration, and even submission. On the other hand, a person with a Dominance personality would successfully capitalize on their drive and assertion as an attorney, business executive, or military commander.
- Steadiness (S) personality: The Steadiness personality is nurturing and harmonious, but has a great fear of conflict. A career in law enforcement, or an entrepreneurial role, wouldn’t be ideal for a Steadiness personality type because the person’s conflict-avoiding nature would stand in the way of their daily functions. Conversely, a position in nursing would allow a Steadiness type to take advantage of their inherent desire to support and nurture people.
How do businesses use DISC for hiring?
Businesses use DISC for hiring by identifying applicants’ workplace behaviors and using the latter to assess their suitability for a specific role. The DISC assessment allows businesses’ HR departments to understand how their candidate would behave and communicate in the position for which they’re applying. However, DISC is not a competency screening tool, so it does not help employers establish whether a candidate would perform their duties with skill. Neither is DISC able to establish someone’s work ethic, so HR departments are unable to rely on DISC to find out how good of an employee a candidate would make.
What DISC profile is better for a manager?
There is no single DISC profile that is better for any manager position. The demands of a managerial role vary greatly depending on the nature of the business and the department the manager oversees. Below are two examples of DISC profiles that are the best fit for two distinct managerial positions.
- Influence/Dominance (Id): Influence/Dominance is the best DISC profile for a marketing manager. Id subtypes’ orientation is split evenly between tasks and people, a quality that gives them the necessary project management and communication skills to run successful marketing campaigns. Marketing managers with an Influence/Dominance personality are charismatic and outgoing, but their social charms work in concert with their drive to get effective results and move projects along.
- Conscientiousness/Steadiness (Cs): Conscientiousness/Steadiness is the best DISC profile for an IT manager. The Cs subtype’s pragmatism and focus on achieving immaculate results work in unison with their agreeableness to foster a harmonious but results-oriented environment. Cs’ dominant behavioral styles thus ensure that the team is trained to ensure accuracy and has all the resources and support required for doing so. The subtype’s unique blend of amiability and perfectionism is ideal for managing an IT environment, where every detail matters and internal processes should smoothly, without upheaval or conflict.
What DISC profile is better for a designer?
The Dominance/Conscientiousness (Cd) DISC profile is better for a designer, as the Dc profile is regarded as the most creative. The Dc subtype exhibits the perfectionist behavioral style attributed to Conscientiousness types that’s merged with an intense drive to get quick results, which is characteristic of Dominance types. This merger of the D and C traits results in a personality that’s eager to test different scenarios, a quality that lends itself to the creativity a good designer should possess. The Dc personality thrives on independent work, but is open to criticism, both of which are additional requisite traits for a successful designer.
What are the most prominent DISC traits for understanding personality?
The most prominent DISC traits for understanding personality are the four dominant temperaments that characterize each DISC quadrant. The four DISC traits most essential for comprehending one’s personality are listed below.
- Assertiveness: Dominance DISC personalities are best defined by their hallmark assertive temperament. This assertiveness is a key trait to understanding the (D) personality, as it gives us an insight into its motivations and fears. D’s behave in a bold, assertive manner because they’re driven by a strong desire to achieve and a powerful fear of losing control.
- Vigor: Influence DISC personalities have a characteristic outgoing, vigorous temperament. Influence types’ vigor is the personality’s most revealing trait. I’s take advantage of their sociability and charisma to influence and motivate teams and build networks of people, which is their primary focus in the workplace. At the same time, I’s focus on networking and inspiring their teams to succeed often distracts them from the finer details and complexities of assigned tasks.
- Agreeableness: Steadiness DISC personalities have an agreeable temperament, which is their most characteristic and telling trait. Steadiness personalities’ agreeable nature leads them to seek harmony and support their teams. It stems from their fear of conflict and tense situations, which they strive hard to avoid. This fear of conflict often prohibits Steadiness personality types from taking initiative or seeking improvement to various work processes.
- Impassivity: Conscientiousness DISC personalities have an impassive temperament, which DISCloses the sources of their behavioral style. D-types’ impassivity stems from their desire for perfection, which they believe is only achievable through an objective, dispassionate approach to any task at hand. Conscientiousness types believe that emotions stand in the way of logic and thorough analysis, and are thus perceived as being cold by people around them. However, this coldness is not a sign of apathy or disinterest: It’s simply a mechanism via which C’s maintain their objectivity and meticulousness.
Can I understand my own DISC profile? Yes, you can understand your own DISC profile. However, you must first learn the dominant behavior styles of each DISC quadrant, and understand the subtypes derived from the convergence of the four DISC quadrants. A knowledge of the DISC types and subtypes helps you understand how your innate fears, desires, and motivations influence your DISC profile, and how the latter affects your performance in different workplace settings.
What are the differences between DISC personality profiles and the Myers Briggs (MBTI)?
The main difference between DISC personality profiles and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is that DISC helps predict external workplace behaviors, while MBTI aims to capture a holistic picture of one’s innate personal preferences. The other three DISC vs. MBTI differences are as follows.
- Personality categories: DISC comprises only four personalities whereas MBTI categorizes people into 16 personality types.
- Application: DISC behavioral styles reflect workplace comportment that’s likely to change depending on various stimuli, whereas MBTI types are thought to be permanent and applicable to all aspects of life.
- Testing methodology: The DISC test generally comprises 30-40 questions, whereas MBTI tests often have as many as 200 questions.
What are the differences between DISC personality profiles and Enneagram?
The main difference between DISC personality profiles and Enneagram is that DISC aims to assess one’s workplace behavior, whereas Enneagram probes deeper and reveals one’s intrinsic desires, motivations, and fears. Below are the other three DISC vs. Enneagram differences.
- Reliability and validity: DISC is considered to be more reliable and valid than Enneagram, with the latter producing less reliable results over time and having no empirical validity data.
- Professional vs. amateur use: DISC is widely used by HR departments in the business world as a screening and career development tool. In contrast, Enneagram is more popular among personality typology enthusiasts. Enneagram tests see some professional deployment but on a far lesser scale than DISC.