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Enneagram Type 4 (Individualist and Romantic) Motivations, Fears, and Levels of Development

Enneagram Type 4 is one of nine personality types belonging to the Enneagram of Personality. People that are Enneagram Type 4 are creative, passionate, and have a unique sense of self-expression. Enneagram Type 4 is called the Individualist and Romantic because of their individuality and passion for life.

Enneagram Type 4: The Individualist and The Romantic

The Enneagram of Personality stems from the philosophy of Óscar Ichazo. Ichazo used the geometrical Enneagram symbol to explain the nine archetypes of a person’s personality. Claudio Naranjo, a psychologist studying under Ichazo, popularized the Enneagram of Personality in his book, Character and Neurosis. The Enneagram of Personality is used to describe a Type 4’s strengths, weaknesses, core motivations, and growth potential.

The main strengths of Enneagram Type 4 include strong intuition, creativity, and drive to express themselves. Enneagram Type 4 personalities have a strong sense of identity and don’t back down from expressing their individuality. Individualists are driven to create by channeling their intuitive understanding of emotions and the human condition. The main weaknesses of Enneagram Type 4s is their sensitivity to criticism, irresponsible behavior, and tendency to revel in their negative emotions. Individualists want to express themselves but they struggle with self-confidence in the face of negative criticism. An Enneagram 4 will use their negative emotions to define themselves, which will often lead them to commit careless acts.

Enneagram Type 4s have several motivations which are fueled by their core fears and desires. For example, Type Fours fear feeling worthless or insignificant and desire to express their true identities to others. By combining the fears and desires of Enneagram Type 4, their core motivation becomes remaining true to themselves.

Enneagram Type 4s struggle to maintain the environment they need to stoke their creative spirit. Type Fours channel their negative emotions to harness their creative abilities. However, Individualists are sensitive and are deeply in touch with their emotions. Thus, Type 4s tend to make their negativity and depression part of themselves, becoming off-putting to others.

In times of stress, the Enneagram Type 4 displays characteristics of Type 2s and starts to let other people’s wants and needs take control of their creative vision. Conversely, Enneatype 4s will display characteristics of Type 1 during times of growth. The best way an Enneagram Type 4 can achieve growth is to go after their desires and stay true to their individuality.

Each of the nine Enneagram Types experiences three levels each of healthy, average, or unhealthy development. The Levels of Development are a concept first theorized by Don Riso, a teacher of the Enneagram of Personality and member of the Enneagram Institute. In Riso’s book, Understanding the Enneagram, he describes the Levels of Development as inner behaviors and responses that affect development and growth. For example, a Healthy Enneagram Type 4 is happy to be their authentic self and express their creativity. However, an Unhealthy Enneagram Type 4 dwells in negativity and despair until it affects their mental or physical health.

Four famous people that align with the Enneagram Type 4 personality are Bo Burnham, Lady Gaga, RM, and Willow Smith. Each example of a famous Enneagram Type 4 person showcases both individuality and passionate creativity. Additionally, the famous examples of Enneatype 4 are musicians, artists, and actors, which are three occupations that suit Enneatype 4s personality and creative independence.

Enneagram Type 4 is a fairly common Enneatype and makes up roughly 15% of the world population. Enneatype 4s can have one of two wings, 4w3 or 4w5. Type 4w3 makes up 55% of the Type 4 population while Type 4w5 makes up 45%. Each wing type portrays characteristics of both Enneatypes and more thoroughly explains a person’s personality. For example, Type 4w3 appear to have fewer reservations and be more driven than other Type 4s. Type 4w5s are more reserved than other Type 4s, but they are eager to achieve the acceptance of others.

What are the motivations of Enneagram Type 4?

Below are the four core motivations of Enneagram Type 4.

  • Remaining authentic: Enneagram Type 4s want to be themselves and value their individuality.
  • Being important: Type 4s want to feel as if they’re making a lasting impression on the world with their originality.
  • Innovation: Enneagram Type 4s are creative and want to impress others with their unique creative abilities.
  • Experiencing the full depth of emotion: Enneagram Type 4s use both positive and negative emotions to help define their identity. As such, Type 4s can become melancholy and withdrawn during creative bursts.

The motivations driving Enneagram Type 4 are different from other Enneatypes because their desires stem from wanting to be happy as themselves. For example, Enneagram Type 4 welcomes difficult emotions because they will use those feelings to benefit them through their art or self-expression. Additionally, Type 4s want to feel important and appreciated by others because they put forth their true self and they’re sensitive to rejection.

What are the basic fears for Enneagram Type 4?

Below are the four basic fears for Enneagram Type 4.

  • Rejection: Enneagram Type 4s fear other people not appreciating them or rejecting their individuality.
  • Mediocracy: Type 4s want to be unique and value their independent ways of doing things. They work hard to avoid mediocrity and fear being ordinary.
  • Feeling useless: Type 4s want to serve a purpose and worry they will hold an insignificant purpose despite their individuality.
  • Having flaws: Enneagram Type 4s openly display their unique personalities, but with so many of their thoughts and feelings on display, they fear others seeing their flaws.

The basic fears of Enneagram Type 4 are different from other Enneatypes because of a desire to avoid insignificance. For example, Enneagram Type 4 wants to avoid feeling insignificant or useless by not having flaws. Moreover, Type Four avoids rejection by maintaining their creativity.

Why is Enneagram Type 4 referred to as the Romantic?

The Enneagram Type 4 is referred to as the Romantic because they are passionate and driven by emotions. Type 4s are idealistic and believe their authenticity will set them apart and inspire others. Due to the passionate nature of Type 4s, they tend to be showy in love and become emotional and sink too deep into their feelings.

How does the Enneagram figure explain Enneagram Type 4?

The Enneagram figure explains Enneagram Type 4 using four components.

Firstly, the Enneagram of Personality uses the nine-pointed geometrical shape. The nine points of the Enneagram symbol represent the nine possible personalities within the Enneagram typology. Secondly, the Enneagram uses wings to describe each personality in greater detail. Enneagram Wings are the two numbers on either side of a Type. Enneagram Type 4 can have a 3-wing or a 5-wing and display characteristics of the most dominant wing type. Thirdly, the Enneagram uses ego types to describe each of the archetypes. The Enneatypes ego is how they want others to view them. For example, Enneatype 4’s ego type is ego-meloncholy.

Below is a breakdown of the Enneagram Type 4’s ego type.

Motivation Fear Characteristic role Trap Ego fixation Virtue
Being authentic Being rejected The Individualist or The Romantic Authenticity will bring happiness Melancholy, desire for the unobtained Equanimity, composure

Finally, Enneagram Type 4 uses stress and growth lines to describe each Enneatype. For example, Type 4 has a stress line that travels to Type 2 and growth lines that travel to Type 1. If an Enneagram Type 4 is experiencing stress, they will display characteristics of Type 2 such as selflessness. However, Enneagram Type 4 appears to act more like a Type 1 and become more driven to be themselves when it is experiencing growth.

What is the characteristic role of Enneagram Type 4?

The characteristic role of Enneagram Type 4 is the Individualist, the Romantic, or the Artist. The main characteristics of Enneagram Type 4 are independence, passion, and creativity. Accordingly, Enneagram Type 4s are given nicknames to complement their creative independence and passion. Type 4 romanticizes life, but they lack the perfectionist tendencies of Enneagram Type 1. Type 1s are idealistic but differ from Type 4 in their desire to be good while Type 4s desire to be authentic For example, a real-world example of Enneagram Type 4 is Vincent van Gogh. Vincent van Gogh embodies all three monikers of Type 4 through his artistry, romantic idealism, and individuality.

What is the ego fixation of Enneagram Type 4?

The ego fixation of Enneagram Type 4 is melancholy. Ego fixations are a concept first introduced by Óscar Ichazo and explain the psychological obsessions of each type. Enneagram Type 4s yearn for what they don’t have. They become melancholic because they feel they lack the special or unique qualities necessary to stand out in the world. Instead of having a secure sense of self, Type 4s worry they’re insignificant or misunderstood. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 3 both worry about their position in the world but Type 4 fixates on their melancholy whereas Type 3 fixates on their vanity.

What is the trap for Enneagram Type 4?

The trap for Enneagram Type 4 is authenticity. Each Enneagram Type has a trap that appears to be the route to take to grow from their ego fixation. However, the trap is a superficial attempt to remedy the ego fixations of each type. Enneagram Type 4 seeks authenticity in a belief that their individuality will secure them an important role in society. Type 4s and Type 9s differ in their traps because Type 4s want to be themselves and Type 9s want to accommodate others.

What tempts Enneagram Type 4?

Enneagram Type 4s temptation is envy. Each Enneatype experiences temptation that drives their personality. Enneagram Type 4s envy the freedom and individuality they project onto others. Type 4s struggle to view their own creativity as enough to help them stand out from the crowd, but they can easily see those same qualities in other people. Instead of appreciating other peoples’ individuality, Type 4s are jealous of them. Temptation provides Enneatype 4 with the semblance they’re progressing in life, but in reality, they’re being held back by their jealousy. Enneagram Type 4s differ from other Enneagram Types such as Type 1 because Enneatype 1s are tempted by anger at the realization they’re imperfect but so are other people.

What are the virtues of Enneagram Type 4?

The virtue of Enneagram Type 4 is equanimity. Virtues help each of the Enneagram Types grow past their temptation and ego fixation. Enneagram Type 4s must develop a sense of equanimity or mental composure before they can move past the negative emotions that hold them back. For example, if an Enneagram Type 4 approaches situations with a level head, they will start seeing past their idealistic beliefs and move closer to appreciating their true selves. The virtue of Enneagram Type 4 is similar to the virtue of Enneagram Type 1 because Type 1s need to channel serenity to conquer their fixation.

What is the holy will of Enneagram Type 4?

The holy will of Enneagram Type 4 is holy origin. Holy origin is the notion that each person has a connection through their collective consciousness. In order for Enneagram Type 4 to overcome their ego fixation, they must accept that they have a unique purpose in the world. Enneagram Type 4’s holy will is similar to Enneatype 6’s holy faith. Type 6 must submit to the idea that the universe guides them and it’s unnecessary to worry. Both Type 4 and Type 6 need to live freely to overcome their fixation.

How does Enneagram Type 4 integrate with others?

Enneagram Type 4 integrates with Type 1 according to Type 4’s growth line. A growth line is a direction an Enneatype goes during times of emotional growth. Type 4 will display characteristics of Type 1 during times of growth. For example, an Enneatype 4 during growth will feel more like their authentic self, have more self-control, and feel accepted within their social group.

How does Enneagram Type 4 disintegrate with others?

Enneagram Type 4 disintegrates with Type 2 according to Type 4’s stress line. Stress lines point toward the Enneatype each type resembles under stress. Type 4 displays characteristics of Type 2 to cope with anxiety and societal pressure. For example, Type 4s become needy and try to win others over with flattery.

What are the scientists’ opinions on Enneagram Type 4?

There are two researchers who publish and share their opinions on Enneagram Type 4. Firstly, Dr. David N. Daniels is a psychiatrist who studied the Enneagram of Personality. In his book The Essential Enneagram, David Daniels describes Type 4s as a person who seeks an idealistic existence and fears rejection from society. However, despite Type 4’s desire for acceptance, they want to stand out from the crowd and they value individuality. Secondly, Dr. Beatrice Chestnut is a psychotherapist and Enneagram expert. Dr. Chestnut describes Type 4 as people who value authenticity and have a deep connection to their emotions. According to Dr. Chestnut, Type 4s are often withdrawn and dwell in their negative feelings.

What are the wings of Enneagram Type 4?

The wings of Enneagram Type 4 are the two numbers next to Type 4 on the Enneagram figure, Type 3 and Type 5. Enneagram wings add nuance to each personality type and explain a person’s unique traits and qualities. Below are the wings of Enneagram Type 4 and how each corresponding wing melds with Type 4.

  • Enneagram 4w3: Romantics who align with the Enneagram Type 3 are an Enneatype 4w3. 4w3s are passionate and driven to succeed in their endeavors.
  • Enneagram 4w5: Romantics who align with the Enneagram Type 5 are an Enneatype 4w5. 4w5s are individualistic and aloof and want to make an impact on the world through their creative expression.

1. Enneagram 4w3

The Enneagram 4w3 is one of two possible Type 4 wings. Type 4w3 results from Type 4s displaying characteristics of Enneagram type 3. Enneagram 4w3s want to stand out and receive recognition for their accomplishments. 4w3 personality types are more outgoing than Type 4s but their desire to impact the world with their individuality remains. Enneagram 4w3s differ from the 4w5 because they rely on social interaction to receive appreciation.

2. Enneagram 4w5

The Enneagram 4w5 is the second of two possible Type 4 wings. Type 4w5 occurs if a person that tests as Type 4 displays characteristics of Enneagram Type 5. Enneagram 4w5s display the anti-social qualities of Type 5. They withdraw into themselves to work out the mysteries of the world and how they can make an impact. Enneagram 4w5s are different than the 4w3 because they are more emotionally expressive.

What are the developmental levels of Enneagram Type 4?

There are nine developmental levels of the Enneagram Type 4 which outline healthy, unhealthy, and average traits. Each of the three categories of developmental levels explains how the main traits of an Enneagram help them progress or regress as they develop their personality. The developmental levels are crucial to understanding Enneagram Type 4s and their personal growth process. Below is a breakdown of each category of the developmental levels of Enneagram Type 4 and the personality features of each level.

  • Healthy levels: Levels 1, 2, and 3 offer examples of common character traits of Enneagram Type 4s who are moving toward growth.
  • Average levels: Levels 4, 5, and 6 are examples of common characteristics of Enneagram Type 4s.
  • Unhealthy levels: Levels 7, 8, and 9 are examples of Enneagram Type 4s moving toward their stress line.

How is a healthy Enneagram Type 4?

A healthy Enneagram Type 4 is emotionally mature, creative, and individualistic. Type 4s embrace their authenticity and accept their unique personality. Healthy Enneagram Type 4s are open to exploring their deeper emotions without fear of rejection. The additional confidence from healthy levels of development helps Type 4s avoid common insecurities and achieve their goals. Below we examine the Enneagram Type 4’s healthy levels of development and analyze the features of levels 1, 2, and 3.

1. Enneagram Type 4 level 1 analysis

Enneagram Type 4 level 1 is the healthy level of liberation. Type 4s that reach level 1 are able to use their emotions and experiences to create rejuvenating art. Level 1 of the levels of development is healthy because it requires people to let go of their insecurities and sensitive self-image. The resulting behavior is transformative and positive. Type 4s are able to move to level 1 by accepting their individualism and overcoming their sensitivities.

2. Enneagram Type 4 level 2 analysis

Enneagram Type 4 level 2 is the healthy level of psychological capacity. Type 4s that reach level 2 are sensitive, individualistic, and want to feel important. Type 4s reject traditionalism and conformity because they value their individuality. Level 2 is healthy because it emphasizes self-awareness and intuition. Enneagram Type 4s are able to move to level 2 by expressing their individuality and ignoring their desire to be unique if it risks losing touch with their individuality.

3. Enneagram Type 4 level 3 analysis

Enneagram Type 4 level 3 is the healthy level of social value. Type 4s that reach level 3 want to express themselves and are candid about their emotions. Level 3 is healthy because Type 4s become more expressive, open, and authentic. They’re open to self-acceptance and work toward revealing their individuality. Type 4s can bridge the gap between healthy and average levels by accepting their reality, as opposed to their idealistic views.

How does Enneagram Type 4 react to stress?

Enneagram Type 4 reacts to stress by moving away from healthy levels of development. Type 4s become withdrawn and emotionally volatile under stress and will move toward average and unhealthy levels to cope with their negative emotions. Type 4s who move beyond unhealthy levels will move toward Enneagram Type 2 and display common unhealthy Type 2 characteristics such as disingenuous altruism.

How is an unhealthy Enneagram Type 4?

An unhealthy Enneagram Type 4 is depressive, anti-social, and overly sensitive. Unhealthy Type 4s question themselves and are overly reliant on other people’s acceptance. Type 4s displaying unhealthy characteristics are judgmental of themselves and others. They often withdraw from social activities or fall into self-destructive behavior. Type 4s can combat their unhealthy traits by accepting that each person is uniquely connected. Below we examine the unhealthy levels 7, 8, and 9 and analyze how they change from level to level.

1. Enneagram Type 4 level 7 analysis

Enneagram Type 4 level 7 is the unhealthy level of violation. Type 4s that rest at level 7 desire people to accept their volatile emotions. They hold themselves and others to unreasonably high standards and become moody and cruel if they fail to achieve their goals. Level 7 is unhealthy because Type 4s display negative behavior such as low self-esteem and resenting other people. Type 4s that move to the 7th level of development change by searching to escape their emotional suffering.

2. Enneagram Type 4 level 8 analysis

Enneagram Type 4 level 8 is the unhealthy level of delusion and compulsion. Type 4s at level 8 are emotionally distraught and involuntarily direct their destructive behavior toward others. Level 8 is unhealthy because Type 4s are angry, cruel toward other people, and aim to hurt themselves at the risk of hurting others. They use their deep understanding of emotions to torture themselves and will wallow in their negativity. Enneagram Type 4s change the direction they direct their anger as they move to level 8. Instead of directing their anger solely at themselves, they start to direct their anger at others.

3. Enneagram Type 4 level 9 analysis

Enneagram Type 4 level 9 is the unhealthy level of pathological destructiveness. Type 4s at level 9 fear losing their identity above all else and resort to self-destructive behavior to combat their fears. Level 9 is unhealthy because Type 4s are reckless and determined to destroy themselves to escape from their emotions. Unhealthy level 9 Type 4s are social outcasts who suffer from depressive episodes and feel unable to achieve their goals. Type 4s reach level 9 by giving into their hypersensitivities.

What are the average Enneagram Type 4 levels?

The average Enneagram Type 4 levels are 4, 5, and 6. Each of the three average levels describes a Type 4 who is displaying average characteristics of the Enneatype. Average Type 4s strive to be different from other people but they struggle with rejection. As such, average Type 4s romanticize other people’s originality and fail to see their own unique qualities. Below we examine each of the three average levels of development and how they can move past their remaining unhealthy qualities.

1. Enneagram Type 4 level 4 analysis

Enneagram Type 4 level 4 is the average level of imbalance. Type 4s at level 4 want to prove their value to others through their creativity and individuality. Level 4 remains unhealthy because Type 4s will romanticize the accomplishments and quirks of other people. They have an idealistic worldview that prevents them from appreciating their authenticity. Enneagram Type 4s can move to level 4 by using their imagination to create an idealistic aesthetic they project onto the world.

2. Enneagram Type 4 level 5 analysis

Enneagram Type 4 level 5 is the average level of interpersonal control. Type 4s who are resting at level 5 require a confirmation from others that their existence is significant. Level 5 is unhealthy because Type 4s become obsessive with how others perceive them and the impact they have in the world. They will have difficulty visualizing their defining characteristics and yearn for the identity of other people. Type 4s can move to level 5 by seeking approval from others.

3. Enneagram Type 4 level 6 analysis

Enneagram Type 4 level 6 is the average level of overcompensation. Type 4s who are at level 6 desire to be themselves but believe expressing individuality is futile. Level 6 is unhealthy because Type 4s revel in envy and are bitter about their inability to stand out in the world. They become unproductive because they dream about their idyllic life rather than learning to practice self-acceptance. Type 4s can move to level 6 by giving in to negativity and treating others as if they play an insignificant role in life.

How to recognize Enneagram Type 4?

There are four ways to recognize Enneagram Type 4.

  • They stand out in a crowd: Consider if someone values their individuality and ability to stand out in a crowd to recognize an Enneagram Type 4. Enneagram Type 4s want to stand out and have others notice their unique qualities and they will go to great lengths to make sure others recognize they’re different.
  • They’re emotional: To identify an Enneagram Type 4, evaluate whether or not a person is emotionally competent. Enneagram Type 4s have an innate understanding of their emotional capacity and value the deep well of their emotions.
  • They have a creative spark: Many Enneatypes are creative but Type 4s intertwine their identity with their creative expression. Type 4s are identifiable by their ability to push artistic boundaries.
  • They’re prone to defeatism: To recognize an Enneagram Type 4, consider how pessimistic they are. Enneagram Type 4s have high expectations and take negativity as a personal defeat which results in them withdrawing to sulk in their sorrow.

The key traits that help recognize an Enneagram Type 4 are their individuality and depth of emotions. Type 4s don’t rely on a boisterous personality to stand out in a crowd. Instead, Type 4s use their individuality to make an impact. Additionally, Type 4s are Heart types and are highly aware of their emotions. Type 4s appreciate deep conversations and often inspire emotional breakthroughs in other people.

How rare is an Enneagram Type 4?

An Enneagram Type 4 is not rare. Type 4s are a common personality type from the Enneagram of Personality. According to a study from the Personality Data Project, Enneagram Type 4s account for 19.6% of their test group and rank as the most common Enneatype. However, according to Enneagram population distribution statistics, Type 4 accounts for 15% and is the third most common Enneatype of the testing group. Although there is a difference between the two studies, Type 4 remains one of the most common Enneatypes.

Who are the famous Enneagram Type 4 people?

The famous Enneagram Type 4 people are celebrities who identify with the Enneagram Type 4 personality traits. Famous Type 4 people display a combination of common Type 4 traits such as creativity, emotional openness, and a moody disposition. Below are 5 examples of famous Enneagram Type 4 people and how we know they’re Enneagram Type 4.

  • Robert Pattinson: Robert Pattinson is a notable actor and Enneagram Type 4. Pattinson displays the creative individuality that Type 4s are recognized for through his filmography, such as The Lighthouse.
  • Björk: Björk is an award-winning musician and actress who is a famous Enneagram Type 4. She exhibits the individuality and passion of Type 4s through her groundbreaking music and acting skills, for example, her role in The Northman.
  • Donald Glover: Donald Glover, or Childish Gambino, is an actor and musician who displays characteristics of Enneagram Type 4. Glover is passionate and values applying a unique touch to his projects, such as his TV show Atlanta.
  • Jenna Ortega: Jenna Ortega is an actress and famous Enneagram Type 4. Ortega displays the individuality Type 4s are known for by remaining true to herself as an actress.
  • Frida Kahlo: Frida Kahlo is one of Mexico’s best known artists and a famous Enneagram Type 4. Kahlo exhibits the creative spark and individuality of Type 4s through her idiosyncratic portraits, especially self-portraits.

What are the best occupations for Enneagram Type 4 people?

The best occupations for Enneagram Type 4 people are those that utilize their creativity, and that won’t penalize them for their mood changes. Below are four examples of the best occupations for Enneagram Type 4 people.

  • Artist: Enneagram Type 4s excel in artistic careers that allow them to create and express themselves.
  • Writer: Type 4s make excellent writers because they value deep thought and have idealistic ideas about the world that would make compelling works of fiction.
  • Private chef: Enneagram Type 4s are often withdrawn and get lost in their heads. A career as a private chef would allow them to cultivate design-forward meals in solitude.
  • Performer: Enneagram Type 4s make wonderful performers because they want recognition for their individuality and can offer an innovative touch.

What are the hobbies of an Enneagram Type 4?

The hobbies of an Enneagram Type 4 showcase their zeal for creative expression. Below are four examples of hobbies of an Enneagram Type 4.

  • Music composition: Music composition is a hobby that allows Type 4s to be in creative control and receive validation from others.
  • Fashion design: Fashion design allows Type 4s to explore their self-image and experiment with unusual design elements that will help them stand out.
  • Journaling: Journaling allows Type 4s to express themselves without overwhelming others with their emotions.
  • Thrifting: Type 4s are idealistic and are always looking to satisfy their desire for quirky expression making thrifting the perfect hobby. This hobby allows Type 4 to sort through unique tchotchkes and romanticize their finds.

What are the growth tips for Enneagram Type 4?

Below are four growth tips for Enneagram Type 4 to help them flourish throughout life.

  • Practice self-love: Enneagram Type 4s need to practice self-love if they want to achieve personal growth. Type 4s fear rejection but need to express their authentic selves. To move past their insecurities, Type 4s should practice saying affirmations to themselves and learn to respect that not everyone will appreciate their quirks.
  • Have lower expectations: Enneagram Type 4s are idealistic and let down by the realities of life. To avoid their disappointment they should have lower expectations and be more realistic to avoid disappointment.
  • Practice discipline: Type 4s struggle with impulsivity and need to practice discipline if they want to set healthy boundaries. For example, Type 4s will impulsively agree to be the emotional foundation for other people but they need to discipline themselves to say no if they’re overwhelmed.
  • Volunteer: Type 4s can learn to grow into a more authentic version of themselves if they volunteer with those less fortunate and learn to recognize and embrace other people’s emotions.

How do Enneagram Type 4 people motivate themselves?

Enneagram Type 4 people motivate themselves with their desire to be expressive. Type 4 people fear others overlooking them or failing to recognize their quirks. They work to combat their fears by focusing on their creative ambitions. For example, if a Type 4 person feels overlooked, they will focus on expressing themselves in a new, more creative way than before. Additionally, Enneagram Type 4s motivate themselves by imagining an idealistic world. They are creative forces in their physical expression of self as well as their subconscious. Type 4s find motivation in creating the world they imagine it can be.

What are the strengths of Enneagram Type 4 for business?

Below are the strengths of Enneagram Type 4 for business.

  • Unique ideas: One of the main strengths of Enneagram Type 4 for business is its ability to bring forth unique ideas. Type 4s want to stand out and will try to outdo their own creativity in the workplace to maintain their identity as an individual.
  • Passion: Type 4s are passionate about their work and they bring an element of enthusiasm about their work that resonates with others around them.
  • Authenticity: Type 4s bring a sense of sincerity and authenticity to their work which helps create a healthy business environment built on trust.
  • Ability to embrace faults: Type 4s are able to embrace their negative emotions and won’t let them get in the way of their business success.

What are the struggles for Enneagram Type Four?

Below are four main struggles of Enneagram Type 4.

  • Judgemental opinions: Type 4s struggle with judgemental opinions of other people. They let their idealism take over and judge others if they don’t meet their expectations.
  • Low self-esteem: Type 4s struggle with low self-esteem and need constant validation from other people to feel appreciated.
  • Volatile emotions: Enneagram Type 4s struggle to control their volatile emotions. Type 4s are liable to let their emotions cloud their judgment and cause them to withdraw into isolation.
  • Sticking to schedules: Enneagram Type 4s struggle to maintain a consistent schedule and have to fight their impulses to stay on task.

How does Enneagram Type 4 socialize?

Enneagram Type 4s socialize by cultivating deep emotional connections with other people. Individualists are passionate about playing a significant role in their chosen group whether with their family, relationships, business, or with friends. Type 4s are deeply emotional and have a difficult time controlling their emotions. They are prone to bouts of anger and feel rejected by those they love and are often apprehensive about socializing out of fear they won’t be accepted. Type 4s that are in control of their emotions enjoy socializing with others because they have a chance to show off their quirkiness. They use their unique qualities to stand out in the workplace and make passionate employees who want to exhibit their many talents. Enneagram Type 4s socialize in a strategic way to capitalize on the emotional sensitivities of others and assess how others will accept them for who they really are.

How is an Enneagram Type 4 in a family?

An Enneagram Type 4 in a family is supportive, creative, and sensitive. Firstly, Individualists are the family members people go to if they need advice or help to assess their emotions. Type 4s understand that everyone is unique and support their children and family members through life. Secondly, Type 4s are creative and always find new ways to have fun as a family. For example, Type 4s will use their creativity to tell elaborate bedtime stories or write funny music for their children. Thirdly, an Enneagram Type 4 in a family is sensitive. Type 4s want to be authentic with their family but take it to heart if their family doesn’t reciprocate the same passion for their hobbies they have. As such, Type 4s are moody and cause their family members to think before they speak candidly.

How is an Enneagram Type 4 in a relationship?

An Enneagram Type 4 in a relationship becomes captivated with the object of their affection. Romantics are passionate and idealistic about relationships. They project their ideals onto the person they’re dating and hold them to a high standard that’s sometimes hard to meet. Type 4s become despondent if their relationship fails to satisfy their expectations and will retreat to mourn the rejection. However, a healthy Enneagram Type 4 in a relationship is attentive and serves as a source of comfort and stability for their partner.

How does an Enneagram Type 4 show love?

Enneagram Type 4s show love by swooning over their love interest and passionately expressing their affection. Type 4s show love differently depending on if the relationship is familial or romantic. 4s show love toward their parents, siblings, and children in a similar way by including them in their hobbies and imaginative thoughts. However, Type 4s show loves for romantic interests through creative expressions, such as through a playlist or an elaborate date. Although Type 4s are eager to show love, they are sensitive to rejection if their declarations of love are not appreciated.

How is an Enneagram Type 4 in friendship?

Enneagram Type 4 is empathetic and exciting in friendship. Type 4s are the friends people turn to in emotional times of need. 4s don’t mind being a shoulder for friends to cry on or acting as a temporary counselor to help them analyze their emotions. Additionally, Type 4s are exciting to have as friends because of their need to stand out and revolt against the norm. Despite the positive aspects of being friends with an Enneagram Type 4, their constant need for approval can force a wedge between them and their friends. However, as long as Type 4s feel they play a significant role in their friend group they will remain a valuable confidant and friend.

How does Enneagram Type 4 male differ from Type 4 female?

Enneagram Type 4 characteristics don’t differ from male to female. According to the Personality Data Project, females make up 56.8% of Enneagram Type 4s, while males make up 41.9%, and non-binary people make up 1.3%. However, societal influences will interfere with how Type 4 males and females journey through life. For example, Type 4s are prone to bouts of social isolation, a trait that is more socially acceptable for males rather than females.

How do Enneagram Type 4 people control themselves?

Enneagram Type 4 people control themselves by isolating themselves from others and expressing their emotions. Type 4s don’t have strong self-control and let their emotions erupt if they’re stressed. However, 4s work to control their emotions by walking away from the situation and attempting to sort through their emotions. 4s can work on controlling their emotions by communicating their needs.

How is a relationship with Enneagram Type 4?

A relationship with Enneagram Type 4 features empathy, passion, and idealistic interpretations of partnership. Healthy Enneagram Type 4 relationships are full of creative expressions of love, passionate devotion, and an eagerness to please their partner. However, unhealthy Enneagram Type 4s need to feel important to their significant other or they suffer from low self-esteem and jealousy. How a relationship unfolds with Enneagram Type 4s depends on the other Enneagram type they’re interacting with. Below, we explain the positive and negative aspects of Type 4 being in a relationship with the other Enneatypes.

  • Enneagram Type 4 and Type 1 relationship: Type 4 and Type 1 relationships are harmonious because Type 4s bring creativity to Type 1s and Type 1s bring discipline to Type 4s.
  • Enneagram Type 4 and Type 2 relationship: Type 4 and Type 2 relationships are a pleasant match because they are both emotionally intelligent.
  • Enneagram Type 4 and Type 3 relationship: Type 4 and Type 3 relationships are compatible because they each bring out positive qualities in the other.
  • Enneagram Type 4 and Type 5 relationship: Type 4 and Type 5 relationships are harmonious because both types will understand the other person’s aloof personality.
  • Enneagram Type 4 and Type 6 relationship: Type 4 and Type 6 relationships are compatible because they each bring a sense of balance to the relationship.
  • Enneagram Type 4 and Type 7 relationship: Type 4 and Type 7 relationships are contentious because they disagree on methods of conflict resolution.
  • Enneagram Type 4 and Type 8 relationship: Type 4 and Type 8 relationships feature conflict because 4s are hypersensitive while 8s are overly assertive.
  • Enneagram Type 4 and Type 9 relationship: Type 4 and Type 9 relationships are a harmonious match because they are both creative and sympathetic toward others.

1. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 1 relationship

An Enneagram Type 4 and Type 1 relationship combines the logical reasoning skills of Enneatype 1 with the expressive individualism of Enneatype 4. Type 4 and Type 1 relationships are promising because of how well they complement each other’s qualities. For example, both types are idealistic but Type 1s practicality helps Type 4 regulate their emotional reactions. The main strength of the Type 4 and Type 1 relationship is the mutual idealism that motivates them to work together as partners.The biggest struggle for Enneagram Type 4 and Type 1 relationships is communication. For example, 4s and 1s are both stubborn and will rather argue than admit they are wrong.

2. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 2 relationship

An Enneagram Type 4 and Type 2 relationship intertwines the passion of Type 4 and the empathy of Type 2. Relationships between Enneatypes 4 and 2 are harmonious because both types bring out the best qualities in each other. For example, Enneagram Type 2’s outgoing personality inspires confidence in Type 4, and Type 4s help 2s explore their emotions. The main strengths of a Type 4 and Type 2 relationship are warmth and emotional intelligence. For example, both Type 4 and Type 2 are Heart types, but 4s are in touch with their emotions while 2s are in touch with other people’s emotions. The biggest struggle for Enneagram Type 4 and Type 2 relationships is attention-seeking behavior. Both 4s and 2s want attention and recognition from others and struggle to share the spotlight.

3. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 3 relationship

An Enneagram Type 4 and Type 3 relationship is a promising combination of intense ambition and emotional maturity. Type 4 and Type 3 are good matches for a relationship because they bring out the other person’s best qualities. For example, Type 4s help 3s get in touch with their emotions on a deeper level and Type 3s motivate 4s during their bouts of depression and low productivity. The main strength of a Type 4 and Type 3 relationship is their ability to take care of the other in their time of need. The biggest struggles Type 4s and 3s face in a relationship are overcoming their emotional shortcomings and learning to be patient with each other.

4. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 5 relationship

An Enneagram Type 4 and Type 5 relationship is a harmonious coupling that benefits from each Enneatypes’ creative spark. Type 4 and Type 5 both prefer privacy and respect the other person’s boundaries. The main strength of Type 4 and Type 5 relationships is the combination of their innovative minds. For example, both Type 4 and 5 are unique individuals but their creativity flourishes if they can bounce ideas off each other. The biggest struggle they face in a relationship is for Type 5 to satisfy Type 4s need for recognition. For example, Type 5s are less attentive than Type 4 would like and as a result, they feel starved for attention.

5. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 6 relationship

An Enneagram Type 4 and Type 6 relationship is a compatible match that combines the enthusiasm of Type 6 with the intuition of Type 4. Type 4 and 6 have similar emotional needs, insecurities, and worries. The main strength of Type 4 and Type 6 relationships is their ability to make the other feel seen and heard. For example, both types are emotionally volatile, and knowing the other can relate allows them to let their anxieties subside. The biggest struggle Type 4 and Type 6 face in a relationship is codependency. Their reliance on each other for stability becomes unhealthy and they risk damaging their relationship and emotional serenity.

6. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 7 relationship

An Enneagram Type 4 and Type 7 relationship is a controversial pairing that has difficulty unifying their personalities. Type 4 and Type 7 experience success in relationships that work to emphasize their complementary personality traits, such as 4s shyness and 7s outgoingness. The main strength of Type 4 and Type 7 relationships is their ability to enjoy life together. For example, Type 7 adds energy to Type 4s life while 4 helps 7 understand their emotions. The biggest struggles Type 4s and 7s face in their relationship are how to approach their problems. For example, Type 4 wants to discuss their emotions and the issues at hand, whereas Type 7 wants to ignore the problem.

7. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 8 relationship

An Enneagram Type 4 and Type 8 relationship is a problematic partnership that brings out the volatile emotions of each Enneatype. Type 4 and Type 8 have intense emotions and both types try to compete to play a significant role in the relationship. Intensity is one of the main strengths of a Type 4 and Type 8 relationship if they can keep their emotions in control. Type 4s respond well to the intense confidence Type 8s bring and 8s respond to Type 4 displaying their intense emotions. Despite having complementary qualities, a relationship between Type 4 and Type 8 remains difficult. The biggest struggle they face is how they communicate. Both 4 and 8 want to express themselves, but 8 comes across as overbearing while 4 will withdraw if the relationship problems overwhelm them.

8. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 9 relationship

An Enneagram Type 4 and Type 9 relationship is a pleasant pairing that is an example of a healthy and nourishing relationship. Types 4 and 9 are both sensitive to the emotional needs of others, passionate creatives, and respect the other’s autonomy. The main strength of a Type 4 and Type 9 relationship is their eagerness to support the other. For example, Type 9s consider themselves creative, but Type 4s are able to inspire a more enthusiastic creativity in 9s. Type 4 and Type 9 are not without their struggles. The main issue for a Type 4 and Type 9 relationship is communication. Type 4s communicate on a deeper level, while 9s are more logical and less emotional than 4s.

What are the misidentifications for Enneagram Type 4?

The misidentifications for Enneagram Type 4 are Types 3, 5, and 9. Misidentification of Enneagram types is the act of assigning the wrong Enneatype as a result of wrongly interpreting a person’s behavior. Type 4s will misidentify as Type 3 or 5 because they are both Type 4 wings while 4s misidentify as 9s due to their creativity. Each person that identifies as Enneatype 4 displays characteristics that are found in other types but the determining factor to identify an Enneagram Type 4 is their core motivation. Below we discuss the misidentifications for Enneagram Type 4 and how to differentiate each type.

1. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 1 misidentification

Enneagram Type 4 and Type 1 misidentification occurs because both types are idealistic with high standards. The misidentification of Types 4 and 1 is most common in healthy Type 4s because Type 4 moves in the direction of Type 1 during times of growth. Despite the similarities between Types 4 and 1, their core motivations highlight their differences. Enneatype 1s are motivated by honor and a desire to create an idealistic world. However, Type 4s draw motivation from their desire to be unique and express themselves creatively.

4. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 2 misidentification

Enneagram Type 4 and Type 2 misidentification is due to their emotional intelligence. Both Type 4 and Type 2 have a deep understanding of human emotions because they’re both Heart types. Moreover, unhealthy Type 4s will resort to the average and unhealthy traits of Type 2 during stress. The main difference between Type 4 and Type 2 lies in their core motivations. Type 4s find motivation in their individuality while Type 2s find motivation in appreciation.

4. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 3 misidentification

Enneagram Type 4 and Type 3 misidentification is a result of both types having intense passion and drive. Additionally, Type 4 and Type 3 are neighboring Enneatypes and can serve as the other wing and will display common traits of each other. Both Enneagram Types 4 and 3 are Heart types and have high emotional intelligence. Despite their similarities, Type 4 and Type 3 have different core motivations behind their passion and drive. Enneagram Type 3s are motivated by a desire to become successful and achieve their goals whereas Type 4s are motivated by authenticity.

4. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 5 misidentification

Enneagram Type 4 and Type 5 misidentification is a result of their creativity and individualism. Types 4 and 5 are neighboring Enneatypes and risk misidentification because they display similar characteristics as Enneagram wings. Although both Type 4 and Type 5 are creative individuals, their core motivations help differentiate between the two types. Enneagram Type 5s find motivation in their independence and want to appear self-sufficient while Type 4s are motivated by expressing their individualism through creative efforts.

5. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 6 misidentification

Enneagram Type 4 and Type 6 misidentification occurs because both types struggle with insecurity. Enneatype 6 misidentifies as Type 4 if they overemphasize their self-doubt. The difference between the two Enneatypes is seen in Type 6’s core motivation of security within a group. Despite their struggle with insecurity, Enneagram Type 4’s core motivation in life is to have a significant role while remaining independent.

6. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 7 misidentification

Enneagram Type 4 and Type 7 misidentification is due to their intensity and indulgent behavior. Average and unhealthy Enneagram Type 7s display impulsive behavior, such as shopping to achieve a superficial sense of satisfaction. Type 7’s negative behavior is similar to the excessive tendencies of Enneagram Type 4s. For example, Type 4s are emotionally self-indulgent and revel in destructive behavior because they believe their emotions define them. The biggest difference between Type 4 and Type 7 is the motivation behind their impulsivity. Type 4s are motivated to act impulsively by their desire to live an authentic life whereas Type 7s are motivated by their desire to be happy and live a fulfilling life.

7. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 8 misidentification

Enneagram Type 4 and Type 8 misidentification is a result of confusing each type’s independence and intense passion. Average and unhealthy Enneagram Type 8s are individualists who have a direct way of expressing their intense emotions. Type 4 is confused for Type 8s because of their depth of emotions and desire for self-sufficiency. Although Type 4 and Type 8 have similar qualities, their core motivations reveal their differences. Type 4s find motivation in being free to express their authentic personalities while Type 8s find motivation in the freedom to make their own decisions.

8. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 9 misidentification

Enneagram Type 4 and Type 9 misidentification occurs because each type is creative and withdraws from others. Type 4s live to create and use artistry to express themselves whereas Type 9s overemphasize their creative pursuits and capacity for artistic expression. Additionally, Type 4s are independent and withdrawn from social situations to embrace their emotions while 9s withdraw or detach themselves from others to avoid negative emotions. Enneagram Type 4 and Type 9 have different core motivations despite their similarities. Type 4s draw motivation from their individuality and unique identity. However, Type 9s draw motivation from a desire to live peacefully and ignore the negative aspects of life.

What are the theories about Enneagram Type 4?

There are two main theories about Enneagram Type 4. Firstly, in the paper Exploring Enneagram Tritype: Theory and Practice, researchers theorize that Enneagram Type 4s have an innate capacity to understand emotions. The researchers Katherine Fauvre and David Fauvre argue that Enneagram Type 4 is part of the Heart triad and displays prominent emotional intelligence. Secondly, researchers theorize that Type 4s use wings, lines, and other methods to develop their personalities. For example, Type 4 can connect to points 6 or 8 on the Enneagram and display characteristics of both types.