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Enneagram Type 9 (Peacemaker and Mediator) Motivations, Fears, and Levels of Development

Enneagram Type 9 refers to the Peacemaker and Mediator personality types. The key traits of Enneagram Type 9 include agreeability, passivity, open-mindedness, and a harmonious albeit non-confrontational nature. Type 9s display distinct motivations, fears, and levels of development that further define their personality.

Enneagram Type 9: The Peacemaker and The Mediator

Enneagram 9 belongs to the Enneagram of Personality. The Enneagram is a typology that groups human personality into one of nine Enneatypes. The Peacemaker and the other Enneagram personality types derive from Oscar Icahzo’s theory of protoanalysis. The protoanalysis theory assigns egos, fixation, virtues, and more to nine types. According to protoanalysis, Enneagram 9s want a harmonious life but become passive and different. Chilean psychologist Claudio Naranjo expands on Type 9s in his book Character and Neurosis. According to Naranjo, Nines are overly accommodating due to their desire for peace and fear of confrontation. Nines are also part of the Gut, or Body triad along with Enneagram 9 and Enneagram 1. As Body-centered enneatypes, Nines prefer physical environments.

More recent Enneagram concepts like the Levels of Development also expand on the Mediator personality type. The Levels of Development split Mediator behaviors into healthy, average, and unhealthy behaviors. Healthy Nines are wise, confident, and have a sense of self-purpose. Average Ninnes are agreeable but passive and resistant to change. Unhealthy Nines are listless, unmotivated, and lack self-purpose.

Enneagram Type 9s’ development emphasizes or dampens their fundamental strengths and weaknesses. The Peacemaker’s main strengths include easygoingness, open-mindedness, adaptability, optimism, and a comforting presence. Healthy Nines display more strengths than unhealthy Nines due to their positive behaviors. Meanwhile, the Peacemaker’s main weaknesses include passivity, submissiveness, passive-aggressiveness, and non-confrontational nature. Unhealthy Nines display weaknesses more prominently due to their destructive behaviors. Averages Nines display a mixture of strengths and weaknesses as they represent a middle ground of negative and positive Type 9 behaviors.

Enneagram Type 9s also demonstrate motivations, basic fears, and struggles. Harmony, stability, mediation, and connection motivate Type 9 personalities. Type 9s desire peace and contentment, so their motivations mirror their wants. Meanwhile, Nines fear clinginess, loss, confrontation, and discord. Mediators focus on their inner and external peace, so their fears reflect the disruption of said peace. Type 9s also struggle with their emotions, indecision, being over-compliant, and saying no because they don’t want to disturb their peace.

Nines grow to no longer fear disturbing their peace by actively working to improve themselves. Focusing on their priorities, reconnecting with motivations, and building boundaries are some growth tips for Enneagram Type 9.

Enneatype 9 is a common personality type. Enneagram distribution shows that Nines account for 16.2% of the surveyed population, making it the most common Enneatype. The Peacemaker’s commonality accounts for its prevalence among famous people. Selena Gomez, Andrew Garfield, Billie Eilish, and Keanu Reeves show an Enneagram 9 personality with an Enneagram 1 or Enneagram 8 wing.

Enneagram 9s with an Enneagram 1 wing (9w1) are Peacemakers with Perfectionist traits. 9w1s are diligent, modest, and more reserved than other Nines. Enneagram 9s with an Enneagram 8 wing (9w8) are Peacemakers with Challenger traits. 9w8s are easygoing leaders with an assertive streak.

Type 9s retain their fundamental characteristics regardless of their wing type. Nines also tend to display similar social skills. For example, Nines are largely easygoing and act as mediators in their friend groups. Type 9s also gravitate towards similar careers. Veterinarians, therapists, life coaches, and social workers are some occupations that fit Enneagram Type 9’s empathetic and meditating personality type.

What are the motivations of Enneagram Type 9?

Below are the four fundamental motivations of Enneagram Type 9.

  • Harmony: The pursuit of harmony motivates Enneagram 9s because they desire inner peace and contentment. Nines consider harmonious environments to be free of conflict so they tend to be agreeable and open-minded as a result.
  • Stability: Peacemakers find a stable lifestyle motivating as it eliminates conflicts and distribution. Nines work towards a stable existence by being easygoing, building enjoyable routines, and accommodating others’ needs.
  • Mediation: Type 9s want to avoid conflict at all times, making meditation a major motivator for the personality type. Type 9s are the first to step in to mediate situations and promote peace.
  • Connection: Peacemakers want to build strong emotional bonds, so they’re motivated to connect with others. A desire for connection also reaffirms Type 9’s comforting and open-minded nature as they go on to build healthy and easygoing relationships.

The motivations of Enneagram Type 9 differ from other Enneagram types because they focus on both internal and external desires. Enneatypes like Enneagram 4 focus solely on interpersonal growth and identity. Meanwhile, Enneatypes like Enneagram 6 motivations emphasize external security and support. Type 9s stand out because their pursuits of internal harmony extend to the outside world, promoting peace for themselves, their loved ones, and the world.

What are the basic fears for Enneagram Type 9?

Below are the four basic fears for the Enneagram Type 9 personality.

  • Clinginess: Mediators fear clinginess because they don’t want to lose or drive their loved ones away. Average and unhealthy Mediators consequently act overly agreeable or submissive to avoid appearing clingy
  • Loss: Loss is a basic fear of Enneagram Type 9 as people with this enneatype worry about their loved ones leaving them. The Nine’s fear is not necessarily rooted in insecurity but in circumstances that lead to loss. Type 9s consequently try to act as mediators to eliminate conflicts and encourage peace.
  • Confrontation: Type 9s fear confrontation due to their role as peacemakers. Nines desire harmony and contentment, so any situations that require confrontation cause stress. Some Enneagram 9s also struggle with saying no because of their non-confrontational nature.
  • Discord: Discord is a fear of Enneatype 9s because it spurns their basic motivations and desires. Discord in the form of conflict or uncontrollable circumstances disturbs the Nine’s internal peace.

The basic fears of Enneagram Type 9s differ from other Enneagram types because the fears highlight the internal conflict present within all Mediators. A desire for harmony and connection causes Type 9s to suppress their needs and exert through passive yet appeasing methods. Mediators avoid upsetting their carefully created peace but often at the cost of their needs and priorities. Suppression of emotions leads to internal conflicts, unaddressed emotions, and passive-aggressive tendencies.

Why is Enneagram Type 9 referred to as Peacemaker and Mediator?

Enneagram Type 9 is referred to as Peacemaker and Mediator because Type 9s are agreeable, comforting, and optimistic personalities. Healthy Nines act as promoters of peace and stability due to their fundamental traits. Type 9s step in to resolve and mediate conflicts because they value harmony. Type 9s also tend to be laidback and open-minded. People around Enneagram Type 9 personalities consequently feel more comfortable, typically going to Nines for guidance and support.

How does the Enneagram figure explain Enneagram Type 9?

The Enneagram figure explains the Enneagram Type 9 personality through four concepts.

The first concept is the Enneagram figure. The Enneagram figure is a geometric model consisting of nine points that symbolize the nine enneatypes. The Enneagram 9 point resides between Enneatype 8 and Enneatype 1. Enneatype 8 and 1 serve as the Peacemaker’s Enneagram wings. Lines connect the points, demonstrating the interconnectivity and fluidity of the Enneagram typology. For example, the Enneagram Type 9 point connects to Enneatype 6 and Enneatype 3, the Peacemaker’s respective stress and growth line.

The second concept we use to explain Enneagram Type 9 is its Enneagram wings. Type 9s demonstrate characteristics of one of its two neighboring enneatypes. Peacemakers with an Enneagram Type 1 wing have a 9w1 personality. Meanwhile, Peacemakers with an Enneagram Type 8 wing have a 9w8 personality. Either wing type demonstrates diverging traits but retains the Nine’s basic fears, motivations, and behaviors.

The third concept is protoanalysis. The theory of protoanalysis belongs to Oscar Ichazo, a Bolivian philosopher and one of the original minds behind the Enneagram typology. The modern Enneagram deviates from Ichazo’s work, but his ideas remain in use. For example, protoanalysis assigns nine distinct ego types that form the basis of today’s nine enneatypes. Enneagram Type 9’s ego type is Ego-In or Ego Indolence. According to protoanalysis, indolence highlights the Peacemaker’s passivity and listless behaviors. The Peacemaker’s ego type also demonstrates fixations, traps, virtues, and other distinct features outlined in the table below.

Enneatype Motivation Fear Characteristic Role Trap Ego Fixation
Enneagram Type 9 Harmony Confrontation Being a mediator Harmony Indolence

The final concept we use to define Enneagram Type 9 is the growth and integration lines. The aforementioned Enneatype 3 and Enneatype 6 function as the Peacemaker’s respective growth and stress lines. The Type 3 growth lines exemplify the Peacemaker’s behavior during periods of prosperity or integration. Peacemakers in growth demonstrate traits similar to healthy Type 3s but retain their fundamental traits. The Type 3 stress line highlights the Peacemaker’s attitudes during periods of stress or disintegration. Peacemakers under stress exhibit characteristics similar to unhealthy Type 6s. Both lines help define behaviors that deviate from what is typical of Type 9s.

What is the characteristic role of Enneagram Type 9?

The characteristic role of Enneagram Type 9 is that of the Peacemaker and the Mediator. Type 9s hold the role of the Peacemaker due to their pursuit of harmony and desire for a stable, conflict-free environment. Nines value inner peace and work hard to achieve it. Type 9s also hold the Mediator role because of their communication skills. Healthy Nines tend to step in and resolve conflicts, utilizing their open-mindedness and conversational talents to mediate. The characteristic role of Peacemakers and Mediators is unique to Enneatype 9 because people tend to rely on Type 9 personalities for gentle guidance and affirmation. Whereas other personality types like Enneagram 8 are direct and take control of situations, Type 9s mediate and make peace without needing to dominate others.

What is ego fixation of Enneagram Type 9?

The ego fixation of Enneagram Type 9 is indolence according to Oscar Ichazo’s nine ego types. Oscar Ichazo’s theory of protoanalysis defines nine unique ego types, fixations, and other attributes that are unique to the Enneagram personalities. Enneagram 9’s ego fixates on indolence because Nines want to achieve inner peace and contentment. Type 9s consequently tend to be passive, non-confrontational, and inactive in their own lives for the sake of peace. Mediators resist any external force that disturbs their peace—going as far as running away from their problems or avoiding any form of conflict. Indolence is specific to Enneatype 9 personalities because other Enneatypes’ ego types do not contribute to the passive behaviors we see in Mediators.

What is the trap for Enneagram Type 9?

The endless seeking of harmony serves as a trap for Enneagram Type 9s. All Enneatypes fall into traps dependent on their ego types, fears, and core motivations. Seeking out harmony is unique to Nines because they desire peace and contentment but fear loss and confrontation. Type 9s consequently believe that being passive and accommodating is the route to peace. Furthermore, the trap of the seeker reflects Enneatype 9’s ego fixation on indolence. Type 9s fixate on achieving inner peace and contentment. To do so, Nines fall into the trap of accommodating others and being passive to not disturb their environments.

What tempts Enneagram Type 9?

The thought of detaching from reality and ignoring the world tempts Enneagram Type 9 personalities. A Nine’s temptations exist within their id, an unconscious aspect of their identity. Whereas the ego dominates the conscious choices, fears, and motivations of Type 9s, the id drives their hidden desires. Therefore, Nines do not openly express their temptations if they’re aware of them. Peacemakers want to run away from their lives, ignore the hardships of reality, and find harmony with others. However, the Peacemaker’s optimistic and adaptable nature prevents healthy Nines from acting on their temptations. Unhealthy Nines detach from reality by relinquishing control to others and ignoring their problems Other Enneatypes such as unhealthy Enneagram Type 6s similarly desire to yield control to another person.

What are the virtues of Enneagram Type 9?

Action is the virtue of Enneagram Type 9s. The virtue of action exemplifies the outgoing, confident nature of healthy Peacemakers. The virtue symbolizes how healthy Nines no longer accommodate others or ignore their problems. Healthy Nines instead take the action required to combat their ego fixation, make proactive decisions about their lives, and mediate conflicts for the sake of peace. Other healthy Enneagram types like healthy Enneatype 8 are similarly proactive. However, virtuous action is distinct to Enneatype 9 because it showcases how healthy Type 9s fulfill their characteristic role as Peacemakers and Mediators.

What is the Holy Idea of Enneagram Type 9?

The Holy Idea of Enneagram Type 9 is holy love. The Holy Idea frees Enneatype 9s from their ego fixation and their fear of loss. Doing so allows Peacemakers to recognize they are both lovable and capable of loving. Enneatype 9’s virtue of action enables Peacemakers to obtain holy love. By no longer accommodating others and acting passively, Type 9s stop restricting themselves for the sake of peace and develop a healthier self-image. Other Enneagram personalities like Enneatype 2 also value self-love and loving others. However, the holy love of Enneagram Type 9s frees them from their passivity and enables them to pursue their goals—two key struggles of the Enneatype.

How does Enneagram Type 9 integrate others?

Enneagram Type 9 integrates with others through its Enneagram Type 3 growth line. Integration exemplifies the healthy behaviors Peacemakers develop during periods of growth and prosperity. According to the Enneagram model, the Peacemaker’s growth or integration line connects to Enneagram Type 3. Nines consequently take on the healthy traits of Threes, becoming more energetic, proactive, and motivated. Nines in integrations are also ambitious, focusing on their goals for peace rather than accommodating others’ desires. All Enneatypes tend to be more proactive while in growth. However, the Type 3 integration of Type 9 is significant as it symbolizes the goals and drive of healthy Peacemakers.

How does Enneagram Type 9 disintegrate with others?

Enneagram Type 9 disintegrates with others through the Enneagram Type 6 stress line. Disintegration refers to the unhealthy behaviors Mediators develop during times of stress and interpersonal turmoil. The Mediator’s stress connects to Enneagram Type 6 on the Enneagram model. Therefore, Type 9s under stress exhibit the insecure, overwhelmed, and passive-aggressive behaviors of unhealthy Sixes. Every personality type under the Enneagram is prone to some negative behaviors while under stress. The Mediator’s disintegration behaviors aren’t unique compared to other Enneatypes, but they do signify how the Nine’s passivity grows into more negative behaviors as they become overwhelmed by the world.

What are the scientists’ opinions on Enneagram Type 9?

Two notable researchers have opinions on Enneagram Type 9. Firstly, the psychotherapist Dr. Beatrice Chestnut supports Oscar Ichazo and Claudio Naranjo’s ideas in her book, The Complete Enneagram. Dr. Chestnut categorizes Nines as Body or Gut types as they prefer to focus on their physical environments. Chestnut goes on to describe the patterns of behavior, thinking, and feeling of Nines. According to The Complete Enneagram, Type 9s lack a clear self-purpose but accommodate other people’s agendas. Type 9s dissociate from their emotions, leading to passive-aggressive behaviors, and demonstrate inaction or resistance to change due to their laziness (the ego fixation of indolence).

Secondly, personality expert and researcher Katherine Chernick Fauvre expands on the initial ideas of Ichazo and Naranjo through her Tritype theory. Fauvre’s theory implements nine possible variants (called Tritypes) for the Enneagram 9. The nine possible variants of Enneagram 9 include the Problem Solver, Good Samaritan, Peacemaker, Thinker, Mediator, Ambassador, Contemplative, Seeker, and Gentle Spirit. According to Fauvre’s theory, Nines utilize their main personality (Enneagram 9) and two other enneatypes 9 from the Heart (Enneatypes 2,3, 4) and Head (Enneatype 5,6,7) types.Each variant has distinct traits and features that correspond to the Enneagram personalities.

What are the wings of Enneagram Type 9?

The wings of Enneagram Type 9 are Enneatype 8 and Enneatype 1. Enneagram wings refer to the two neighboring personalities next to Type 9 on the Enneagram model. Peacemakers exhibit traits of neighboring Enneatype 8 or Enneatype 1. Below is a summary of the Enneagram Type 9 wing personalities.

  • Enneagram 9w8: 9w8s have a core Enneatype 9 personality with Type 8 traits. 9w8s are consequently fair and open-minded leaders.
  • Enneagram 9w1: 9w1s display a main Enneatype 9 personality with Type 1 characteristics. As a result, 9w1s are diligent, hardworking, and agreeable people.

1. Enneagram 9w8

Enneagram 9w8 refers to Enneagram Type 9 wing Enneagram Type 8. People with 9w8 personalities are Mediators with Challenger traits. 9w8s retain the optimistic, easygoing nature of their core personality while demonstrating the leadership skills of their Enneagram wing. Enneagram type 9w8s utilize their Enneagram wing to be fair, open-minded, yet assertive Peacemakers. 9w8s differ from their counterparts, 9w1, by being more confident and direct.

2. Enneagram 9w1

Enneagram 9w1 refers to Enneagram Type 9 wing Enneagram Type 1. 9w1s demonstrate primarily Peacemakers characteristics with Perfectionist tendencies. Consequently, 9w1s have a harmonious and agreeable nature because of their main Enneatype. 9w1 personalities are also diligent, modest, and moralistic due to the Perfectionist’s influence. People with 9w1 personalities value stability and doing the right thing. 9w1s differ from 9w8 personalities through their more reserved and serious nature.

What are the developmental levels of Enneagram Type 9?

The developmental levels of Enneagram Type 9 refer to a range of behaviors and mental attitudes Mediators exhibit. The Levels of Development categorize into healthy, average, and unhealthy levels. The levels are not static, so Nines experience a range of levels depending on life circumstances, self-image, and emotional turmoil.

The list below summarizes the individual development levels of Enneagram Type 9s and the behaviors they exhibit at each level.

  • Enneagram Type 9 Level 1: The topmost Level 1 exemplifies Type 9s who’ve attained inner peace. Level 1 Type 9s demonstrate a confident self-image and a strong sense of purpose as a result of achieving inner peace.
  • Enneagram Type 9 Level 2: The second level of development defines Nines with healthy behaviors. Level 2 Type 9s promote peace and mediate conflicts without neglecting their own needs.
  • Enneagram Type 9 Level 3: The third level of development highlights healthy Peacemakers and their fears. Level 3 Type 9s have strong support groups, but they’re fearful of loss. Level 3 Typ 9s consequently focus a lot on their relationships.
  • Enneagram Type 9 Level 4: The fourth level of development includes a range of average behaviors. Level 4 Type 9s demonstrate strengths such as agreeability and weaknesses such as passivity.
  • Enneagram Type 9 Level 5: The fifth level of development groups average Type 9s with more passive tendencies. Level 5 Type 9s are modest and calm but notably conflict-averse.
  • Enneagram Type 9 Level 6: The sixth level of development defines average Nines with an overly accommodating and passive nature. Level 6 Type 9s also suppress their emotions and demonstrate passive-aggressive tendencies.
  • Enneagram Type 9 Level 7: The seventh level of development groups unhealthy Nines who lack confidence and a firm sense of self-purpose. Level 7 Type 9s struggle to maintain boundaries and relationships due to their poor self-image.
  • Enneagram Type 9 Level 8: The eighth level of development highlights increasingly unhealthy Mediators. Level 8 Type 9s are detached from reality, listless, and self-isolating.
  • Enneagram Type 9 Level 9: The lowermost level of development exemplifies Nines in crisis. Level 9 Type 9s no longer feel capable of living their own lives so they depend on others and detach from reality.

How is a healthy Enneagram Type 9?

A healthy Enneagram Type 9 refers to Peacemakers who are wise, easygoing, confident, optimistic, and open-minded. The healthy levels of Enneatype 9 consist of Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Peacemakers on healthy levels of development function as guides, mediators, and teachers as they’ve achieved their inner peace. Healthy Nines know who they are and what they want. Healthy Peacemakers have a strong sense of self-purpose because they’re not greatly affected by the ego fixation of indolence. Furthermore, Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 Peacemakers achieve their goals because they demonstrate greater self-assurance, communication skills, and ambition than average or unhealthy Nines.

1. Enneagram Type 9 Level 1 analysis

An Enneagram Type 9 Level 1 analysis examines Mediators who’ve achieved inner peace. The primary features of Level 1 Type 9s include independence, confidence, calmness, adaptability, and a strong sense of purpose. Peacemakers on Level 1 are healthy because they’re no longer affected by their ego fixation and fears. Level 1s maintain healthy boundaries and act as a guide in their social groups. Healthy Nines on the topmost level of development have the harmony, stability, and connections they desire. Nines descend to Level 2 if they become reattached to their ego and fears, though continue to demonstrate healthy behaviors.

2. Enneagram Type 9 Level 2 analysis

An Enneagram Type 9 Level 2 analysis defines healthy Mediators who focus on inner peace. Level 2 Type 9s are healthy because they prioritize their motivations and desires without neglecting their relationships. The main features of Level 2 Mediators include a calm exterior, conviction, and open-mindedness. Enneatype 9s within the range of Level 2 development promote peace by helping others mediate conflicts and respecting opinions. The Peacemaker’s ego fixation influences Level 2 Type 9s to sometimes suppress their emotions. However, Level 2 Mediators retain a firm sense of self-confidence and enforce boundaries. Level 2 Mediators develop to Level 3 if they focus more on others’ needs than their own.

3. Enneagram Type 9 Level 3 analysis

An Enneagram Type 9 Level 3 analysis highlights Peacemakers who focus on mediation and connections. The main features of Enneagram 9 on Level 3 include a comforting presence, communication skills, and easygoingness. Level 3 Peacemakers are healthy because they develop supportive social groups, functioning as mediators and advisors to their loved ones. That said, Level 3 Type 9s’ identity revolves around other people because they’re more fearful of loss and clinginess than Level 1 or Level 2 Peacemakers. Level 3 Type 9s develop to healthier levels if they combat their fears or descend to average levels if their fears become more influential.

How does Enneagram Type Nine react to stress?

Enneagram Type Nine reacts to stress through its disintegration line to Enneagram Type Six. Nines under stress take on the insecurity, anxiety, and passive-aggressiveness of unhealthy Sixes. Stressed Mediators lack the optimism and easygoingness they ordinarily exhibit. Mediators instead begin to doubt themselves and start lashing out passive-aggressively, much like unhealthy Type 6s. Stressed-out Nines also struggle to mediate conflicts, as stress magnifies their fear of confrontations. That said, healthy Nines tend to respond to stress better than unhealthy Nines. Healthy Mediators display greater confidence—taking steps to proactively manage stress rather than become listless and detached from reality like unhealthy Sixes.

How is an unhealthy Enneagram Type 9?

An unhealthy Enneagram Type 9 displays passive-aggressive and listless behaviors. Unhealthy Type 9 levels range from Level 7, Level 8, and Level 9. The main signals and symptoms of an unhealthy Enneagram Type 9 include a lack of self-purpose, boundaries, and confidence. Level 7, Level 8, and Level 9 Type 9s are unhealthy because they’ve grown passive and unmotivated in life. Unhealthy levels demonstrate increasingly negative behaviors that lead Nines to be indifferent towards their desires and goals. Unhealthy Nines instead prefer to acquiesce to others’ desires or avoid their lives altogether. Type 9s develop by addressing the causes of their behavior and reaching out for support.

1. Enneagram Type 9 Level 7 analysis

An Enneagram Type 9 Level 7 analysis looks at Mediators with a poor self-image. A Level 7 development is unhealthy because they repress their emotions and pull away from reality. Mediators on Level 7 lack a sense of self-purpose, so they distance themselves from their problems and act indifferent. Level 7s also lack confidence and consequently fail to uphold their boundaries, maintain healthy relationships, or make decisions for themselves. Other people take advantage of Level 7 Mediators because they’re so accommodating. Mediators degrade to Level 8 and develop more unhealthy behaviors if they do not take control of their life.

2. Enneagram Type 9 Level 8 analysis

An Enneagram Type 9 Level 8 analysis defines Peacemaker personalities with increasingly destructive and listless behaviors. Nines with a Level 8 development are unhealthy because they’re detached from reality. Level 8 Type 9s ignore both positive and negative aspects of their life as they feel incapable of making decisions. Type 9s choose to not engage, believing it’s best to isolate themselves to protect their peace. Doing so only fuels the Peacemakers’ negative mindset and contributes to mental health issues. Level 8s develop to Level 9 if they do not prioritize their well-being and ignore their mental health.

3. Enneagram Type 9 Level 9 analysis

An Enneagram Type 9 Level 9 analysis showcases the Peacemaker personality at its worst. A Level 9 development is unhealthy because it’s indicative of a mental health crisis. For example, Type 9s at the lowermost level of development no longer have dreams or goals. Level 9 Type 9s instead feel helpless, submissive, and incapable of taking care of themselves. Peacemakers rely on others to the point of codependency. As Level 9s Peacemakers are in the midst of a mental crisis, they must get professional help to develop back to healthier levels.

What are the average Enneagram Type 9 Levels?

The average Enneagram type 9 levels are a range of negative and positive behaviors Peacemakers exhibit. The average levels are part of the Levels of Development and range from Levels 4, 5, and 6. Nines on average developmental levels are shy, overly agreeable, passive, and non-confrontational. Average Nines prefer sticking to routines as they desire stability and resist change. Average Type 9s exhibit some healthy traits, but they’re largely unhealthy because they tend to be overly passive. It is possible to improve Enneagram 9 average levels to healthy levels if Peacemakers strengthen their sense of purpose and combat their ego fixation.

1. Enneagram Type 9 Level 4 analysis

An Enneagram Type 9 Level 4 analysis focuses on Mediators who are passive and conflict-averse. Nines on Level 4 are average because they display a mixture of strengths and weaknesses. Enneagram Type 9 Level 4 strengths include agreeability and getting along with others. Meanwhile, Level 4 weaknesses for Type 9s include a non-confrontational and passive nature. Level 4s prefer to stay out of the spotlight, agreeing to what others desire because they deeply fear conflict. At Level 4, Type 9s are consequently prone to over-accommodating others and neglecting boundaries. Level 4 weaknesses become prominent if Type 9s develop to Level 5 or 6 as their fears and ego fixation define more of their personality.

2. Enneagram Type 9 Level 5 analysis

An Enneagram Type 9 Level 5 analysis examines Peacemakers with progressively passive attitudes. Level 5 Type 9s are average because they try to avoid confrontation and appear laid back. Level 5 strengths include modesty and calmness. Conversely, Level 4 Type 9 weaknesses are more prominent. Weaknesses include a weakening sense of self-purpose, passive-aggressive tendencies, and complacency. Level 5s prefer to run from their problems due to the ego fixation of indolence. Enneagram Type 9s on Level 5 who descend to Level 6 behaviors grow more passive, being unwilling to take control of their life.

3. Enneagram Type 9 Level 6 analysis

An Enneagram Type 9 Level 6 analysis looks at Peacemakers with an overly accommodating yet stubborn nature. Level 6 Type 9s are average because they still exhibit an agreeable disposition and maintain connections. However, Level 6s also display passive-aggressiveness. Level 6s suppress their emotions to keep the peace but act stubbornly if confronted about their behaviors. Furthermore, Level 6 Type 9s prefer to distance themselves from reality rather than work through their problems. Peacemakers on Level 9 develop to healthier levels if they take a more active role in their lives and stop accommodating others.

How to recognize Enneagram Type 9?

The steps below demonstrate how to recognize Enneagram Type 9 traits.

  1. They’re agreeable: The first Enneagram 9 trait to recognize is agreeability. Nines are easy to get along with because they tend to be open-minded and adaptable. Nines readily accommodate others’ needs due to their agreeable nature.
  2. They’re passive: The second Enneagram Type 9 characteristic to recognize is passivity. Mediator types value their peace and contentment, so they tend to be passive about changes or challenges until they must act. Healthy Nines are more proactive than average or unhealthy Nines.
  3. They’re optimistic: The third Enneagram Type 9 trait to recognize is optimism. Healthy Peacemakers tend to see the bright side, often offering reassuring words to comfort others. The Peacemaker’s optimism is also evident in their promotion of peace and hopes for a better world.
  4. They’re non-confrontational: The fourth recognizable Enneatype 9 characteristic is a non-confrontational attitude. Peacemakers act as mediators, but they only step in if they deem it necessary. Nines rather avoid conflicts, preferring to pacify situations through compromise and accommodating others.
  5. They’re peace-loving: The final Enneatype 9 trait to recognize is a peace-loving nature. Type 9s desire harmony, so they work hard to help out others and build cohesive, comfortable environments free of conflict.

The characteristics listed above are key traits to recognize because they exemplify Mediators’ desire for peace, harmony, and contentment. Every Type 9 is unique and consequently has unique wants. However, peace typifies the Mediator personality type due to their collective traits. You should look out for characteristics that illustrate the Mediators’ collective desires and motivations. An Enneagram Type 9 test measures someone’s Enneatype.

How rare is an Enneagram Type 9?

Enneagram Type 9 is not a rare personality type. An Enneagram population distribution survey shows that Type 9s correspond to 16.2% of the observed population, making it the most common Enneatype. Enneagram Type 9 is also evenly distributed between men and women. Type 9 women comprise 17% of the general population, while Type 9 men represent 16%.

Who are the famous Enneagram Type 9 people?

Below is a list of five famous people with an Enneagram Type 6 personality.

  • Abraham Lincoln: The 16th President of the United States showed signs of Enneagram Type 9w1 personality type. Lincoln demonstrated his personality type by being an adaptable and open-minded yet moralistic leader.
  • Selena Gomez: Selena Gomez is an American singer and actress with an Enneatype 9 personality. Gomez displays Type 9 traits such as optimism through her philanthropic efforts and adaptability through her diverse career.
  • Andrew Garfield: English-American actor Andrew Garfield displays a 9w1 personality. Garfield takes his work seriously as a 9w1. He also displays the easygoingness characteristic of Type 9s through his well-liked, calm public persona.
  • Billie Eilish: Billie Eilish is a famous Enneagram Type 9 due to her prominent Peacemaker traits. Eilish maintains an easygoing, comforting relationship with her fans. Eilish also desires stability and harmony as displayed by her need for privacy.
  • Keanu Reeves: Keanu Reeves is an American actor with 9w1 characteristics. Reeves demonstrates a relaxed yet confident disposition typical of 9w1s. The actor is hard-working (verging perfectionistic) about his work due to his Enneagram wing.

What are the best occupations for Enneagram Type 9 people?

Below is a list of the best occupations for Enneagram Type 9 people.

  • Veterinarian: A veterinarian career is suitable for Enneagram 9 personalities due to their comforting nature. Healthy Type 9s particularly have the calmness and self-assurance necessary to care for animals.
  • Therapist: Therapy is a good occupation for Nines because it complements their fundamental traits. For example, therapists guide and support patients. Healthy Nines do similarly through their desire for peace, communication skills, and open-mindedness.
  • Life coach: Life coach is a suitable occupation for Type 9s because it’s similar to therapy. Life coaches help clients build skills for a better future. Coaching is an appropriate career for Nines as they have the adaptability and empathy to help others improve themselves.
  • Social worker: Social work is an opportunity for Nines to support their communities. As Nines desire peace not only for themselves but others, social work enables them to make their dreams a reality and provide people with the stability they need for a peaceful existence.

What are the hobbies of an Enneagram Type 9?

Below is a list of hobbies Enneagram Type 9s enjoy.

  • Meditation: Peacemakers enjoy meditation because they desire peace and calm. Meditation allows Type 9s to healthily detach from reality, cope with stress, and spend time in a harmonious space without distributions.
  • Hiking: A hiking hobby serves as a helpful reprieve for Enneagram Type 9s who are feeling overwhelmed. Hiking trails also provide Type 9s with a manageable challenge that doesn’t require mediation or confrontations.
  • Gardening: Enneagram Type 9s have a comforting disposition that encourages them to take care of others. Gardening offers Nines the chance to care for something without having to accommodate or manage another person’s needs.
  • Writing: Enneagram 9s tend to suppress their emotions and desire to not disturb the peace. A writing hobby allows Peacemakers to express themselves free of guilt.

The list of Enneagram Type 9 hobbies is not finite because hobbies change at any time for any Enneatype. The list above instead serves as an example of hobbies that suit the Peacemaker personality type. Type 9s tend to gravitate toward activities that are calming or relaxing because they desire harmony and stability. Meditating, hiking, gardening, and writing are a few examples of calming Type 9 hobbies.

What are the growth tips for Enneagram Type 9?

Below are four growth tips for Enneagram Type 9.

  • Focus on your priorities: Type 9s must focus on their priorities to grow and become less compliant. Type 9s tend to refrain from prioritizing themselves because they fear confrontation. Nines believe that by putting themselves first, they’ll break the peace and create discord in their environments. Enneatype 9 personalities grow out of this mindset by stepping back from their responsibilities and trusting others to resolve problems on their own.
  • Reconnect with motivations: Motivations define the fundamental goals for Enneatype 9s. Reconnecting with desires is an important growth tip because the Nine’s ego fixation is indolence; Nines consequently tend to feel purposeless. Reconnecting with what motivates them helps Peacemakers to grow out of their ego fixation and pursue their dreams. Nines reconnect with motivations by reflecting and dedicating themselves to their life values.
  • Build boundaries: A fear of confrontation sometimes prevents Type 9s from establishing healthy limits. People with Mediator Enneatypes grow by both building and enforcing their boundaries. Doing so ensures people do not take advantage of Type 9’s accommodating nature. Nines build boundaries through healthy communication or by limiting contact with people who disrespect them.
  • Say no: Similar to building boundaries, learning how to say no helps Type 9s be less accommodating. Peacemakers prefer to assert control through passive means, but that isn’t always efficient. Type 9s need to be open about refusals to avoid confusion or miscommunication. Nines grow comfortable with the word ‘no’ by practicing direct and honest communication.

How do Enneagram Type 9 people motivate themselves?

Enneagram Type 9 people motivate themselves through their desire for peace and contentment. Self-motivations for Type 9s manifest as control over their physical space and lifestyles. Nines want a harmonious space, so they’re easy to motivate as long as their peace is protected. Nines become unmotivated if any action or task leads to discord, confrontation, or being controlled by others. In addition, healthy Nines are more motivated than unhealthy Nines. Mediators with healthy levels of development demonstrate greater self-assurance and ambition. Meanwhile, Mediators with unhealthy levels of development are passive and indifferent to their goals. Healthy Nines consequently take action and motivate themselves while unhealthy Nines detach from reality.

What are the strengths of Enneagram Type 9 for business?

Below is a list of Enneagram Type 9 strengths for business.

  • Agreeability: Agreeability is a strength of Type 9s because others find them easy to work with. Nines build a supportive and encouraging work environment through their agreeable nature.
  • Easygoingness: Nines are easygoing in addition to being agreeable. Easygoingness is a strength for Peacemakers because it helps them get along with their coworkers. Team members feel comfortable approaching them for guidance or assistance due to the Peacemaker’s easygoing disposition.
  • Open-mindedness: Enneatype 9 personalities tend to be open-minded, enabling them to accept new perspectives in the workplace. Open-mindedness is a business strength as it facilitates better collaboration between Nines and coworkers.
  • Adaptability: Healthy Nines adapt well due to their strong communication skills and self-confidence. Adaptability proves to be a strength for Type 9s in business as it helps them think on their feet and solve problems efficiently.
  • Mediation: Peacemakers in business demonstrate strong mediation skills. Peacemakers step in to quell conflicts, improving collaboration and facilitating stronger work relationships.

What are the struggles for Enneagram Type Nine?

Below is a list of struggles Enneagram Type Nines tend to experience.

  • Indecision: Mediators tend to not prioritize their own needs so they struggle with making decisions. Mediators rather acquiesce to others’ desires than make potentially problematic choices. Furthermore, some unhealthy Type 9s no longer make decisions for themselves because they’ve grown passive and unmotivated.
  • Emotions: Peacemakers struggle with expressing their emotions because they fear doing so creates discord. Nines consequently suppress themselves and accommodate others, which in turn leads to unaddressed emotions manifesting as passive-aggressiveness or stubbornness.
  • Over-compliance: Nines accommodate others to avoid discord and conflict. Type 9s consequently struggle with over-compliance, going beyond what’s necessary to maintain internal and external harmony.
  • Saying no: Nines struggle with saying no due to their non-confrontational nature. Average and unhealthy Type 9s particularly struggle because they’re less likely to maintain their boundaries and more likely to be overly accommodating.

How does Enneagram Type 9 socialize?

Enneagram Type 9s socialize by being open-minded, accommodating, and easygoing. Type 9s get along well with most people as they’re considerate of alternative perspectives. Nines are the last to argue with friends, family, or coworkers if they don’t agree with someone. Instead, Type 9s prefer to distance themselves to keep the peace. Healthy Peacemakers step in to mediate conflicts between others, acting as guides or advisors to loved ones and coworkers. Conversely, unhealthy Nines are less sociable than healthy Nines. Unhealthy Peacemakers either overly rely on loved ones or distance themselves due to their destructive tendencies.

People who socialize with Peacemakers find that they’re not dominant or sensitive personalities. Nines tend to be compliant due to their accommodating and agreeable nature. Peacemakers also maintain a laid-back exterior by suppressing their emotions. Nines are not inherently emotionally repressed, but they prefer to keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves due to fear of confrontation and discord. As a result, Type 9s sometimes appear indifferent or placid while socializing.

How is an Enneagram Type 9 in a family?

An Enneagram Type 9 in a family demonstrates similar characteristics depending on three family roles. Firstly, Type 9 spouses are loyal and supportive of their partners. People married to a Mediator-type spouse benefit from an understanding, accommodating partner who maintains a harmonious home. However, Type 9 spouses avoid conflict even if it’s necessary. Second, Type 9 partners are involved, caring, and open-minded. Type 9 parents always consider their child’s perspective, though they compromise too often due to their accommodating nature. And finally, Type 9 children are similarly accommodating. Children with Mediator personalities don’t want to be a burden on others, so they avoid conflict and act easygoing. However, Type 9 children resist control from parents, school, or other authority figures if they have no personal freedoms.

How is an Enneagram Type 9 in a relationship?

How an Enneagram Type 9 acts in a relationship varies on the type of relationship. Enneagram Type 9s in a romantic relationship are affectionate, supportive, and understanding. The Peacemaker’s agreeable nature encourages Type 9 partners to accommodate their partner’s needs and maintain a harmonious space. However, Type 9s in romantic relationships tend to avoid or ignore problems due to their non-confrontational personality.

People dating Type 9s must also be considerate due to the Nine’s non-confrontational personality. Just as Nines avoid conflict, they also avoid being upfront about their feelings. Flirting with an Enneagram Type 9 requires you to be as openly affectionate and understanding as Nines are. Partners who act coldly or indifferently push Type 9s away as Nines prefer distance over confrontation.

An Enneagram Type 9 personality treats their familial relationship similar to their romantic relationship. Type 9s are involved, accommodating, and supportive family members. Nines treat their loved ones well and respect their needs. Type 9s also step in to mediate conflicts between family members. That said, Nines pull away from their families if they feel like they’re trying to control them or disturb their peace.

Enneagram Type 9s act similarly with their professional relationships. Peacemakers’ business strengths of agreeability, easygoingness, and adaptability make them likable coworkers. Professionally, Nines act as advisors and supporters. However, Nines dislike workplace conflicts and prefer to work alone to avoid them.

How does an Enneagram Type 9 in a relationship with Enneagram Type 9?

Enneagram Type 9 relationships with another Enneagram Type 9 are generally supportive, understanding, and empathetic. Type 9s treat fellow Peacemakers well according to three different types of relationships. Firstly, Type 9 professional relationships make for open-minded and collaborative coworkers. Two Type 9s work well together because they both understand their need for a harmonious work environment. Secondly, two Type 9s in a friendship are highly in tune with one another. Peacemaker friends mirror each other’s basic fears and motivations. Consequently, two Type 9s friends respect each other’s needs and work hard to maintain a harmonious relationship. Thirdly, two Type 9s in a romantic relationship benefit and struggle due to their similarities. Romantic Nines are accommodating and agreeable with each other but sometimes neglect relationship issues because they both fear conflict.

How does an Enneagram Type 9 show love?

An Enneagram Type 9 shows love in two notable ways. The first way Peacemakers show love is by helping people through conflicts. Healthy Nines act as guides and advisors, often stepping to mediate conflicts affecting their loved ones. Loved ones also seek out Nines for advice due to their open-mindedness. The second way Peacemakers show love is by maintaining a harmonious environment. Nines desire peace and contentment for themselves and their loved ones. As a result, Type 9s are supportive and comforting so that loved ones feel at peace in their presence.

How is an Enneagram Type 9 in friendship?

Enneagram Type 9 friendships are understanding, laidback, and supportive. Type 9 friends are respectful of other people’s space, needs, and opinions due to their agreeable nature. Peacemakers easily develop friendships because of their comforting presence and laid-back personality. In addition, Nines serve as advisors and mediators to their friends due to their open-mindedness. Type 9 friends also value their personal independence. Therefore, people in friendships with Peacemakers must not intrude on their space or try to control them. Type 9 otherwise starts to pull away as they dislike confrontation of any kind.

How does Enneagram Type 9 male differ from Type 9 female?

Enneagram Type 9 males do not display any significant differences from Type 9 females. Both men and women with Mediator Enneatypes desire peace and stability. Mediator men and women similarly strive for harmonious environments free of conflict. Healthy Type 9 men and women step in to mediate disagreements between others but distance themselves from confrontations about them. There is also no significant disparity between type 9 males and females. For example, male and female Mediator personalities respectively make up 16% and 18% of the observed population.

Do Enneagram Type 9s have commitment issues?

Yes, Enneagram Type 9s have commitment issues. Enneagram Type 9s’ desire for harmony and stability leads Nines to avoid long-term obligations. Nines are agreeable and accommodating, so they’ll agree to short-term commitments. However, any obligation that requires Nines to disturb their internal peace, invite major change or be decisive causes stress.

Are Enneagram Type 9s emotional?

No, Enneagram Type 9s are not emotional. Type 9s tend to suppress their emotions because they want to avoid conflict and keep the peace. Furthermore, the Enneagram Type 9 is a Body-centered Enneatype which means they focus on their physical freedoms more than their emotional needs. Nines’ comforting presence derives from a need for external tranquility rather than an emotional drive. Healthy and unhealthy Nines also display different emotional patterns. Healthy Nines are comfortable with expressing their emotions due to their positive self-image. Meanwhile, unhealthy Nines ignore their emoticons as they tend to detach from reality.

How do Enneagram Type 9 people control themselves?

Enneagram Type 9 people control themselves through their passive nature and by repressing their emotions. Type 9s do not ordinarily assert themselves to feel in control. Type 9s instead focus on maintaining their inner peace by controlling their environment through passive means. Methods of passive control include being agreeable, accommodating others’ needs, or mediating conflicts. Passive control allows Peacemakers to be in conflict without being assertive or confrontational. Type 9s also tend to suppress their emotions to uphold their peaceful disposition. Nines utilize repressive defense mechanisms like bottling up emotions or not speaking their minds in order to keep the peace. In addition, healthy Ninnes retain control by refusing to allow others to control them—establishing boundaries and distancing themselves from situations where they have no power.

How is a relationship with Enneagram Type 9?

A relationship with Enneagram Type 9s differ depending on their partner’s personality type. Some Enneatypes are more compatible with Nines than others. That said, all relationships have their strengths and struggles. The list below outlines Enneagram Type 9 relationships with other Enneatypes.

  • Enneagram Type 9 and Type 1 relationship: Nines and Ones in a relationship are loving and dedicated to one another. Both demonstrate respect for their partner’s diligence and adaptability but struggle with passive-aggressiveness tendencies.
  • Enneagram Type 9 and Type 2 relationship: Nines and Twos in a relationship demonstrate harmony and affection due to their similar mindsets. However, Type 9s and Type 2s tend to struggle because neither Enneatype likes to take action in the relationship.
  • Enneagram Type 9 and Type 3 relationship: Nines and Threes in a relationship differ in many ways. Type 3s and Type 9s learn to appreciate their differences but have issues with their opposing values regarding conflict management.
  • Enneagram Type 9 and Type 4 relationship: Nines and Fours in a relationship pull strength from their differences and balance each other out. However, Fours and Nines face issues due to their different stress responses. Fours become explosive while Nines pull away.
  • Enneagram Type 9 and Type 5 relationship: Nines and Fives in a relationship are respectful of each other’s personal space. Type 9s and Type 4s both tend to be reserved and like to spend time alone. The pairing struggles if they allow their independence to create too much distance in the relationship.
  • Enneagram Type 9 and Type 6 relationship: Nines and Sixes in a relationship are well-matched. Type 6s and 9s’ find strength in their similarities and mutual desire for stability. Type 6s and 9s ultimately struggle if anxious Sixes can’t communicate their concerns or if optimistic Nines can’t acknowledge problems exist.
  • Enneagram Type 9 and Type 7 relationship: Nines and Sevens in a relationship are compatible thanks to shared optimism for life. However, Type 9s and Type 7s experience struggles if their combined optimism blinds them to the realities of their relationships.
  • Enneagram Type 9 and Type 8 relationship: Nines and Eights in a relationship uplift one another through their respective strengths. Type 8s’ assertiveness aids Type 9s, while the Nine’s calmness grounds Eights. The pairing struggles due to their opposing temperaments, however.
  • Enneagram Type 9 and Type 9 relationship: Two Type 9s in a relationship provide support and empathy to one another. Nines understand their partner’s needs for a conflict-free life because they’re so similar. However, a double Type 9 relationship struggles if neither partner learns to face conflict.

1. Enneagram Type 9 and Type 1 relationship

An Enneagram Type 9 and Type 1 relationship demonstrates love and dedication from both partners. Peacemakers and Perfectionists take their connection seriously while valuing the other person’s independence. The main strength of Type 1 and Type 9 relationships is their mutual respect for one another. Nines appreciate Ones’ diligence, while Ones value Nines’ adaptable and open-minded work ethic. Both types maintain their independence in a relationship as a result of their mutual respect. On the other hand, Peacemakers and Perfectionists struggle with passive-aggressiveness. Both Ones and Nines suppress their emotions, which leads to passive-aggressive actions and a breakdown in communication while under stress. Type 1s and 9s must learn to cope with stress healthily to have a happy relationship.

2. Enneagram Type 9 and Type 2 relationship

An Enneagram Type 9 and Type 2 relationship is loving and affectionate due to their similar values. Peacemaker and Giver Enneatypes both want what’s best for their loved ones and the world around them. Both Peacemakers and Givers also tend to support others. Consequently, the main strength of an Enneatype 9 and 2 pairing is their mutual desire for harmony and love. Nines provide Twos with the support and appreciation they crave, while Twos make sure Nines do not neglect their needs. The main struggle of an Enneagram Type 9 and Type 2 relationship is their respective inaction. Neither Givers nor Peacemakers want to take the lead in the relationship. As a result, both Twos and Nines are slow to address problems in the relationship and ignore issues until they no longer can.

3. Enneagram Type 9 and Type 3 relationship

An Enneagram Type 9 and Type 3 relationship is an example of opposites attracting. Achievers and Mediators largely differ in their traits, values, and motivations. The pairing’s differences prove to be a source of strength and struggles. The main strength of an Enneatype 9 and Enneatype 3 relationship is how they learn to support each other. For example, Nines’ comforting presence provides Threes with the appreciation and acknowledgment they crave. Meanwhile, Threes uplift Nines to pursue their ambitions and spend less time trying to accommodate others. The main struggle between a Type 3 and Type 9 pairing is their opposing values. Achievers’ energetic personality drives them to tackle problems head-on. Achieves consequently grow frustrated with Nines as they prefer to hide from confrontation. Nines gradually grow distant and passive-aggressive if pushed by their partners.

4. Enneagram Type 9 and Type 4 relationship

An Enneagram Type 9 and Type 4 relationship is full of passion and self-expression. Nines and Fours also demonstrate great differences that either make or break the relationship. For example, the main strength of an Enneatype 9 and 4 relationship is how they balance each other. The Peacemakers’ harmonious, grounded presence soothes the Individualist’s vulnerability. Likewise, passion-fueled Individualists help Peacemakers express themselves and share their desires. The main struggle of an Enneatype 9 and 4 pairing is how they differently cope with stress. Nines under stress lose their optimistic side and start to doubt themselves. Nines cope by pulling away from their surroundings. Meanwhile, Fours respond to stress explosively. The Four’s volatility leads to confrontations that Nines fear, resist, and ultimately walk away from if neither side learns how to communicate.

5. Enneagram Type 9 and Type 5 relationship

An Enneagram Type 9 and Type 5 relationship values space and independence. Both Investigator and Peacemaker Enneatypes demonstrate a reserved personality. Fives like to be alone to focus on their fixations whereas Nines appreciate peace and quiet away. As a result, the main strength of an Enneagram Type 9 and 5 is their respect for each other’s personal space. Nines’ agreeable nature means they value the Five’s many interests. Type 5s feel similarly, appreciating Type 9s’ desire for a stable, peaceful life away from others. Type 9s and Type 5s struggle if their independence eliminates any intimacy between them. Peacemakers and Investigators grow distant from each other if neither makes an effort to build a strong and enduring connection.

6. Enneagram Type 9 and Type 6 relationship

An Enneagram Type 9 and Type 6 relationship is highly compatible due to their similar desires. Peacemakers desire peace and stability, whereas Skeptics desire security and support. The main strength of a Nine and Six pairing is their empathy for each other’s needs. Nines accommodate a Six’s need for security by providing comfort and guidance. Sixes meet the Nine’s desires by providing unwavering loyalty and respecting their partner’s non-confrontational nature. Peacemakers and Skeptics struggle due to their different perspectives. The Nine’s desire for peace sometimes causes them to ignore or dismiss the Six’s anxieties and insecurities about the relationship. Sixes tend to feel neglected but fail to communicate due to their innate self-doubt.

7. Enneagram Type 9 and Type 7 relationship

An Enneagram Type 9 and Type 7 relationship is lively and upbeat. Peacemakers and Enthusiasts are generally compatible due to their strengths. For example, the main strength of Type 9 and Type 7 pairing is their similarities. Both healthy Nines and healthy Sevens are optimistic and tend to look on the bright side of life. In addition, both healthy Nines and Sevens demonstrate strong communication skills which help them navigate and achieve their desired lifestyles. However, Peacemakers and Enthusiasts struggle if they neglect to acknowledge the downside of their relationships. Healthy Sevens and Nines communicate well, but average or unhealthy types struggle as they both fall into destructive behaviors and push people away

8. Enneagram Type 9 and Type 8 relationship

An Enneagram Type 9 and Type 8 relationship is uplifting and assuring. Mediators and Challengers appear to be opposites but individuals find common ground if they focus on their strengths. The main strength of an Enneatype 9 and 8 relationship is how they encourage each other. Eights’ assertiveness and self-assurance help to bring Type 9s out of their shell. Likewise, Nines’ comforting presence and calmness help ground over-ambitious Type 8s. The main struggle of a Challenger and Mediator relationship is their contrasting temperaments. Eights exhibit a domineering attitude that turns into aggression or pushiness during conflicts. Nines resist because they fear confrontation, eventually distancing from Eights to cope.

9. Enneagram Type 9 and Type 9 relationship

An Enneagram Type 9 and Type 9 relationship is empathetic and supportive. Two Peacemakers in a relationship reflect each other’s strengths, fears, and motivation. As a result, the main strength of a double Enneatype 9 pairing is their similarities. Peacemakers understand their partner’s desire for harmony and consequently work hard to be gentle, supportive, and open-minded with one another. Meanwhile, the main struggle of two Type 9s in a relationship is their non-confrontational nature. Peacemakers fear confrontation and discord, so both partners tend to ignore issues in the relationship. The two Nines gradually pull away from each other if neither makes the first move and speaks up.

What are the misidentifications for Enneagram Type 9?

The misidentifications for Enneagram Type 9 refer to Peacemakers who mistake their personality type for another Enneatype. Peacemakers who misidentify their personality type misunderstand their fundamental characteristics, behaviors, fears, and motivations. Doing so prevents Type 9s from growing and developing.

There are three popular misidentifications for Type 9s. Firstly, Type 9s mistake themselves for Enneagram Type 4. Both Fours and Nines tend to withdraw, distance themselves from reality, and focus on their internal needs. Secondly, Peacemakers misidentify as Enneagram Type 5. Both Nines and Fives are similarly reserved and independent. And finally, Nines mistake their personalities for Enneagram Type 6. Both Nines and Sixes desire stability. Furthermore, Nines under stress display unhealthy Six traits due to their disintegration line.

Below we’ll review the eight possible misidentifications for Enneagram Type 9.

1. Enneagram Type 9 and Type 1 misidentification

An Enneagram Type 9 and Type 1 misidentification is probable because the enneatypes are each other’s Enneagram wings. Some Type 9s demonstrate Type 1 traits and vice versa. Both Enneatypes also demonstrate compassion for the world around them. The main difference between Nines and Ones is how they demonstrate their compassion. Type 1’s compassion stems from a desire to see the world improve and meet its moral ideals. Nines do not hold others up to their holds, preferring to promote peace and understanding.

2. Enneagram Type 9 and Type 2 misidentification

An Enneagram Type 9 and Type 2 misidentification occurs due to surface-level similarities. Both Peacemakers and Givers demonstrate tend to focus on others’ needs over theirs. Peacemakers and Givers similarly want to uplift the people around them, stepping in to help however they can. It’s possible to differentiate between Nines and Twos by examining their motivations. Nines accommodate others because they desire a harmonious space free of conflict. Conversely, Type 2s care for others because they want their love and affection returned. Nines also want to feel loved but not to the same intensity as Twos. The Nine’s main focus is ultimately internal peace.

3. Enneagram Type 9 and Type 3 misidentification

An Enneagram Type 9 and Type 3 misidentification is uncommon because Threes and Nines are polar opposites. It’s possible to confuse Nines with Threes because the Nine’s growth leads to Enneagram Type 3. Mediators in growth take on the healthy characteristics of Achievers, becoming more proactive and ambitious. The most notable difference between Enneagram 9 and Enneagram 3 is their base energy levels. Type 9s tend to be easygoing, reserved, and calm even while in growth. Meanwhile, Type 3s are innately outgoing, demonstrating profound drive and a goal-oriented personality.

4. Enneagram Type 9 and Type 4 misidentification

An Enneagram Type 9 and Type 4 misidentification is common. Both Peacemakers and Individualists demonstrate a withdrawn, reserved, and relaxed exterior. Both Nines and Fours also tend to keep their distance to focus on their internal needs. It’s possible to differentiate between Type 9s and Type 4s by examining their needs. For example, unhealthy Peacemakers distance themselves because they want to ignore their problems and protect their peace. Investigators distance themselves because they regularly fixate on their internal desire and form an identity without outside influences.

5. Enneagram Type 9 and Type 5 misidentification

An Enneagram Type 9 and Type 5 misidentification is likely. Peacemakers and investigators are similarly reserved and independent. In addition, Nines who lack a concrete sense of self-purpose misidentify as Type 5s because they spend a lot of time dwelling a lot on their thoughts and suppressing their emotions. The most notable difference between Enneagram 9 and Enneagram 5 personalities is their disposition. Healthy and unhealthy Type 9s are generally laid-back and calm. Conversely, Type 5s demonstrate a quiet intensity that they unleash if challenged.

6. Enneagram Type 9 and Type 6 misidentification

An Enneagram Type 9 and Type 6 misidentification is common because of the enneatypes’ similarities. Both Skeptics and Mediators desire a stable, safe environment. The Mediator’s stress line also connects to Enneatype 6 while the Six’s growth line connects to the Mediator. Therefore, Sixes and Nines display similar characteristics depending on whether they’re a growth or stress period. It’s possible to differentiate between Nines and Sixes by examining how they approach their environments. Type 9s mediate conflicts to build a harmonious space. Type 6s are less proactive, demonstrating skepticism and distrust about the world around them.

7. Enneagram Type 9 and Type 7 misidentification

An Enneagram Type 9 and Type 7 misidentification is uncommon but possible. Enthusiast and Peacemaker personalities are both optimistic, easygoing, and get along with others. That said, Nines and Sevens demonstrate different temperaments. It’s easy to differentiate between Type 9s and Type 6s because Type 9s are relaxed. Nines approach life and their goals with a calm, albeit sometimes indifferent disposition. Meanwhile, Type 7s are naturally outgoing and spontaneous, jumping head-first into new adventures.

8. Enneagram Type 9 and Type 8 misidentification

An Enneagram Type 9 and Type 9 misidentification is due to their overlap as Enneagram wings. Type 9s demonstrate Challenger traits just as Type 8s exhibit Peacemaker characteristics. Eights and Nines also similarly tend to assert control over their surroundings albeit differently. Type 8s assert control by being direct and domineering. Meanwhile, Type 9s assert control through passive means like mediation, distance, and accommodating others. Another way we differentiate between Nines and Eights is how they approach problems. Type 8 personalities take charge and become energetic because they find problems to be motivations. Average and unhealthy Type 9s prefer to distance themselves from conflicts, managing issues at a distance if at all.

What are the theories about Enneagram Type 9?

A notable theory about the Enneagram Type 9 derives from the Tritype system. The Tritype system is a theory by personality expert Katherine Chernick Fauvre. Fauvre’s theory proposes individuals use not one but three Enneatypes from the Head, Heart, and Gut triads. Enneagram Type 9 is part of the Gut triad alongside Enneagram Type 1 and 8.

According to Fauvre, the three types combine under your dominant Enneagram personality. Peacemakers’ main Enneatype combines with two other Enneatypes from the triads to create a distinct Tritype. 925, 962, and 972 are some examples of Nine-dominant Tritypes. The individual numbers of a Tritype indicate the enneatypes. For example, Tritype 925 is a combination of the main Enneagram 9 personality, Enneagram 2 from the Heart Triad, and Enneagram 5 from the head triad. The combinations provide greater accuracy into the Type 9s’ psyche, ego, fears, and motivations.

There are nine out of twenty-seven possible Tritypes for Enneagram Type 9. The Tritypes for the Enneagram 9 personality are the Problem Solver, Good Samaritan, Peacemaker, Thinker, Mediator, Ambassador, Contemplative, Seeker, and Gentle Spirit. Each Type 9 Tritype has distinctions that illustrate the way Nines deviate from their main Enneatype.