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The 1-9 ISFJ Enneagram Types and ISFJ-A (Assertive) and ISFJ-T (Turbulent)

The nine ISFJ Enneagram types and the ISFJ-A (Assertive) and ISFJ-T (Turbulent) are subtypes of the Enneagram and ISFJ personality typologies. The ISFJ, or Nurturer, personality type is one of sixteen personalities defined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Nurturer personalities display the dominant attitudes of Introversion versus Extroversion, Sensing versus iNtuition, Feeling versus Thinking, and Judging versus Perceiving.

ISFJ Subtypes

The ISFJ personality type breaks down into the ISFJ-A (Assertive) and ISFJ-T (Turbulent) subtypes. Assertive and Turbulent ISFJ personalities share similar traits but differ in how they perceive and respond to the world. ISFJ-A subtypes are more presumptuous and confident, while ISFJ-T subtypes remain hesitant and rely on the opinions of others to act. Each of the ISFJ subtypes displays the same four cognitive functions. The cognitive functions of the MBTI help describe how a personality type processes the world around them. ISFJ’s cognitive function stack consists of Introverted Sensing, Extroverted Feeling, Introverted Thinking, and Extroverted iNtuition.

The Enneagram uses nine personality types to categorize a person’s personality. Each of the nine Enneatypes separates into three centers of intelligence called the Heart, Body, and Head. An Enneagram center explains each of the nine personality subtypes’ decision-making processes.

Below are the nine Enneagram types and their respective center of intelligence.

  • ISFJ Enneagram type 1: The ISFJ Enneagram type 1 belongs to the Body center of intelligence. Type 1 ISFJs are perfectionistic and calculated.
  • ISFJ Enneagram type 2: The ISFJ Enneagram 2 subtype is part of the Heart center of intelligence. Type 2 ISFJs are altruistic and want others to like them for their good deeds.
  • ISFJ Enneagram type 3: The ISFJ Enneagram 3 subtype belongs to the Heart center of intelligence. Type 3 Nurturers want others to admire them for their accomplishments.
  • ISFJ Enneagram type 4: ISFJ Enneagram type 4 personalities are the last of the Heart types. Type 4 ISFJs are individuals but worry others won’t appreciate their unique qualities.
  • ISFJ Enneagram type 5: The ISFJ Enneagram type 5 belongs to the Head center of intelligence.
  • ISFJ Enneagram type 6: The ISFJ Enneagram 6 subtype is one of the three Head types. ISFJ type 6s internalize their anxieties and are skeptical of others.
  • ISFJ Enneagram type 7: ISFJ Enneagram type 7s is part of the Head center of intelligence. Type 7 Nurturers are more easygoing and ignore their anxieties.
  • ISFJ Enneagram type 8: The ISFJ Enneagram 8 subtype belongs to the Body center of intelligence. ISFJ type 8s are confident in their instincts and are more likely to assert their opinions than other Enneagram personality types.
  • ISFJ Enneagram type 9: The ISFJ Enneagram 9 subtype is the final Body center of intelligence. Type 9 Nurturers choose to ignore their negative emotions and work to create harmony in the world around them.

To better understand your ISFJ Enneagram subtype, take a test to confirm your MBTI and Enneagram types. After you verify your MBTI and Enneagram type you can compare the main strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics of each result.

1. ISFJ Enneagram type 1

The ISFJ Enneagram type 1 exhibits characteristics of Enneagram type 1 and the ISFJ. Nurturers possess the moniker the Perfectionist under the Enneagram of personality. ISFJ Enneagram type 1s align with Assertive ISFJs because they’re direct and outspoken about their wants and needs. ISFJ Enneagram 1 subtypes belong to the Body center of intelligence. As a Body type, ISFJ type 1s have a thorough understanding of anger and work to manage their inflammatory emotions with controlling behavior.

The ISFJ Enneagram type 1 has three main strengths. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 1s have high standards and won’t settle for less than perfect. For example, Nurturer type 1s will often look for opportunities to solve problems and make a positive impact on the world. Secondly, Nurturer type 1s have highly effective communication skills. Nurturer type 1s are direct and aren’t easily distracted during a conversation. Thirdly, ISFJ Enneagram type 1s are diligent and work to see a task through to completion. Having an exceptional work ethic makes ISFJ Enneagram type 1s superior employees. For example, an ISFJ type 1 is quick to organize their work plans and is able to engage with a task with little to no breaks.

The ISFJ Enneagram type 1 has three main weaknesses. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 1s can be hyper-critical of others. ISFJ type 1s have an idealized worldview, and their quest for perfection causes them to be critical of themselves and others. Secondly, ISFJ Enneagram type 1s let their intense focus take charge. ISFJ Enneagram type 1s are diligent workers but can become obsessive with their work, which can interfere with other facets of their life. For example, if a Perfectionist ISFJ has a breakthrough on a project at work, they may work long hours or lose sleep until they get the results they want. Thirdly, Perfectionist ISFJs are inflexible with schedules and take offense to last-minute changes in plans. Unhealthy ISFJ type 1s will resort to anger if plans fall through, which makes maintaining relationships with ISFJ type 1s difficult. Perfectionist ISFJs would rather their idealism take center stage over other peoples’ emotions.

The percentage of males and females that are ISFJ Enneagram type 1 is unknown. There are currently no studies that assess the gender population among ISFJ Enneagram type 1s. However, you can use independent MBTI and Enneagram gender population studies to extrapolate which gender is more prevalent. For example, Louisiana State University’s study on personality and gender shows that ISFJs account for 9.9% of the female population and 7.6% of the male population. Additional studies show that female Enneagram type 1s account for 9% of the population of those studies, while males account for 10%. Neither study shows a significant difference in the population of male and female ISFJ or Enneatype 1s.

Three examples of famous ISFJ Enneagram type 2s are Prince William, Amy Coney Barrett, and Jason Alexander. Each celebrity ISFJ type 2 exhibits diligence in the workplace and has an idealized worldview.

2. ISFJ Enneagram type 2

The ISFJ Enneagram type 2 displays characteristics of Enneagram type 2 and the ISFJ. Nurturers bear the nickname the Giver under the Enneagram of personality. ISFJ Enneagram type 2s align with Turbulent ISFJs because they’re prone to self-criticism. ISFJ Enneagram 2 subtypes belong to the Heart center of intelligence. As a Heart type, ISFJ type 2s have a deep understanding of sadness and work to manage their negative emotions by ignoring their emotions and taking care of others instead.

The ISFJ Enneagram type 2 has three main strengths. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 2s are warm and generous. The ISFJ type 2 is altruistic by nature and takes great pride in their ability to help those in need. Secondly, Nurturer type 2s are dependable and happy to be there for other people if they need a helping hand. If an ISFJ type 2 tells someone they will be there for them, they follow through because they enjoy being the person that reaches out. Thirdly, ISFJ type 2s are sensitive to the emotional needs of others. ISFJ type 2s can register another person’s emotional state with ease and uses it to help improve their mood.

The ISFJ Enneagram type 2 has three main weaknesses. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 2s are needy of those they’re close to. For example, ISFJ type 2s are social and feel a sense of sorrow if they feel rejected. Therefore, ISFJ type 2s require more emotional labor from those they’re friends with to compensate for their insecurities. Secondly, ISFJ type 2s have a weak sense of self. Giver ISFJs struggle with their identity because they spend much of their time focusing on others. Thirdly, can let their sensitivity overwhelm them. Unhealthy ISFJ type 2s risk taking on too many emotional burdens and become worn out by the stress.

The percentage of male and female ISFJ Enneagram type 2s is unknown. There are no standalone studies that provide a statistical analysis of ISFJ Enneagram subtypes. Our analysis of separate MBTI and Enneagram gender population studies shows that there is a slight disparity between male and female ISFJs and Enneagram type 2s. According to Enneagram gender statistics, male Enneatype 2s make up 6% of the population polled, while females comprise 10%. Louisiana State University’s MBTI gender statistics show ISFJ males at 7.6% and ISFJ females at 9.9% of the population.

Three famous ISFJ type 2s are Natalia Dyer, Roger Federer, and Jill Biden. All three celebrities showcase the warmth and loyalty of ISFJ type 2s. The lifestyle of a public figure is well suited for ISFJ type 2s because they exude warmth and kindness.

3. ISFJ Enneagram type 3

The ISFJ Enneagram type 3 displays characteristics of Enneagram type 3 and the ISFJ. Nurturers are called Achievers under the Enneagram of personality. ISFJ Enneagram type 3s are Assertive ISFJ subtypes that express their emotions through their confidence and high-energy work ethic. ISFJ Enneagram 3 subtypes belong to the Heart center of intelligence. As a Heart type, ISFJ type 3s have a deep understanding of sadness. For example, an ISFJ type 3 will ignore their negative emotions in favor of entertaining or working.

ISFJ Enneagram type 3s have three main strengths. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 3s know how to impress other people. Achiever ISFJs are captivating and leave a lasting impression on those they meet. Secondly, ISFJ Enneagram type 3s are goal oriented. ISFJ type 3s work hard to achieve their goals and have confidence in their ability to succeed. Thirdly, ISFJ Enneagram type 3s view failures as a chance to improve. Healthy ISFJ Enneagram type 3s use their positive attitude to practice self-improvement instead of resorting to self-criticism.

ISFJ Enneagram type 3s have three main weaknesses. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 3s are impatient. Achiever ISFJs have goals to accomplish and if something interferes with their plans, they can become impatient and upset. Secondly, ISFJ Enneagram type 3s are self-conscious. Unhealthy ISFJ type 3s lose all their confidence if they feel their achievements were all for nothing. Thirdly, ISFJ Enneagram type 3s are ruthless in accomplishing their goals. If an ISFJ type 3 feels threatened, they can become combative with other people and view life as a competition.

The statistics for male and female ISFJ Enneagram type 3s are unknown. Currently, there are no studies that cover ISFJ Enneagram type 3 gender population statistics. To establish an understanding of the gender disparity of ISFJ Enneagram type 3, it is necessary to study the traits of both the ISFJ and Enneagram type 3 and compare them to traditional gender roles. Additionally, you can research studies that cover the gender population of the MBTI and Enneagram separately. For example, the MBTI gender statistics from Louisiana State University show that ISFJ males are 7.6% and ISFJ females are 9.9% of the population. A second example, Enneagram gender statistics shows that male Enneatype 3s make up 14% of the population polled, while females make up 10%.

Three examples of famous Achiever ISFJs are Liam Payne, Beyoncé, and Aretha Franklin. Each of the famous ISFJ Enneagram type 3s adores the limelight and has tangible charisma.

4. ISFJ Enneagram type 4

The ISFJ Enneagram type 4 displays characteristics of Enneagram type 4 and the ISFJ. Nurturers are called Individualists under the Enneagram of personality. ISFJ Enneagram type 4s are Turbulent ISFJ subtypes that risk succumbing to their negative emotions. ISFJ Enneagram 4 subtypes belong to the Heart center of intelligence. The core emotion of Heart type Enneagrams is sadness. Individualist ISFJs embrace their sadness and use it to help construct their personal identity.

The ISFJ Enneagram type 4s have three main strengths. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 4s are individualistic. ISFJ Enneagram type 4s want to go against the status quo and have a well-defined sense of self. Secondly, ISFJ Enneagram type 4s are creative. ISFJ Enneagram type 4s want to outwardly express themselves and do so through art, music, and creative writing. Thirdly, ISFJ Enneagram type 4s are compassionate. ISFJs are naturally caring personality types and Enneagram type 4s are in touch with their grief. The ISFJ Enneagram 4 subtype uses type 4’s creativity and deep understanding of sadness to help other people cope with their negative experiences.

Meanwhile, the ISFJ type 4s have three main weaknesses. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 4s are sensitive. ISFJ Enneagram type 4s are proud of who they are but if they sense they’re not liked, it causes them serious anguish. Individualist ISFJs outwardly project their true selves and rejection is a personal attack. Secondly, ISFJ Enneagram type 4s are prone to self-destructive behavior. Unhealthy ISFJ Enneagram types can lose their identity in negative emotions and spin out of control. Thirdly, ISFJ Enneagram type 4s are self-centered. Unhealthy ISFJ Enneagram type 4s struggle to remember that other people can have similar interests and experiences as theirs.

The percentage of males and females that are ISFJ Enneagram type 4 is unknown. There are currently no studies that assess the gender population among ISFJ Enneagram type 4s. However, you can use independent MBTI and Enneagram gender population studies to extrapolate which gender is more prevalent. For example, Louisiana State University’s study on personality and gender shows that ISFJs account for 9.9% of the female population and 7.6% of the male population. Additional studies show that female Enneagram type 4s account for 18% of the population of those studies, while males account for 10%.

Three celebrity ISFJ Enneagram type 4s are Phil Collins, Christina Perri, and Emo Philips. Each of the three famous ISFJ type 4s is uniquely expressive and values creative expression.

5. ISFJ Enneagram type 5

The ISFJ Enneagram type 5 displays characteristics of Enneagram type 5 and the ISFJ. Nurturers are called Investigators under the Enneagram of personality. ISFJ Enneagram type 5s are Assertive ISFJ subtypes that are independent and know how to define boundaries in relationships. ISFJ Enneagram 5 subtypes belong to the Head center of intelligence. As a Head type, ISFJ type 5s have a deep understanding of fear and work to manage their negative emotions by avoiding their nervousness.

The ISFJ Enneagram type 5 has three main strengths. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 5s are passionate. Investigator ISFJs feel strongly about their interests and will eagerly strike up a conversation about their passions. Secondly, ISFJ Enneagram type 5s are independent. ISFJ type 5s don’t rely on the opinions of others as much as their ISFJ Enneagram peers. Instead, Nurturer type 5s have their own interests and prefer to live in a world void of outside influence.Thirdly, ISFJ Enneagram type 5s are thoughtful. ISFJ type 5s parse out their thoughts before they speak up resulting in profound insight and advice.

The ISFJ Enneagram type 5 has three main weaknesses. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 5s isolate themselves. ISFJs type 5s are intensively introverted. If Investigator type 5s fall into unhealthy behaviors, they will isolate from others. Secondly, ISFJ Enneagram type 5s have strong emotional walls. ISFJ type 5s appreciate their autonomy and don’t open up about their internal thoughts and feelings easily. Thirdly, ISFJ Enneagram type 5s are prone to letting their negative thoughts fester. For example, ISFJ Enneagram type 5s isolate if they’re under stress. In their isolation, the ISFJ Enneatype 5 will dwell on their negativity and fear until it causes them to become angry.

The percentage of male and female ISFJ Enneagram type 5s is unknown. There are no standalone studies that provide a statistical analysis of ISFJ Enneagram subtypes. Our analysis of separate MBTI and Enneagram gender population studies shows that there is a slight disparity between male and female ISFJs and Enneagram type 5s. According to Enneagram gender statistics, male Enneatype 5s make up 7% of the population polled, while females comprise 3%. Louisiana State University’s MBTI gender statistics show ISFJ males at 7.6% and ISFJ females at 9.9% of the population.

Three famous ISFJ type 5s are Mahiro Takasugi, Colby Minifie, and Norman Rockwell. All three of the famous ISFJ Enneagram type 5s are individualists that put a great amount of effort into their passions.

6. ISFJ Enneagram type 6

The ISFJ Enneagram type 6 displays characteristics of Enneagram type 6 and the ISFJ. Nurturers are called Skeptics under the Enneagram of personality. ISFJ Enneagram type 6s are Turbulent ISFJ subtypes that express their emotions through paranoid behavior. ISFJ Enneagram 6 subtypes belong to the Head center of intelligence. As a Head type, ISFJ type 6s have a close relationship with their fear and use it as a motivation to accomplishing goals in life.

ISFJ Enneagram type 6s have three main strengths. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 6s are loyal friends. Nurturer type 6s are thoroughly committed to their relationships and take them very seriously. Secondly, ISFJ Enneagram type 6s dig deep and ask tough questions. Skeptic ISFJs aren’t afraid to ask difficult questions if it means they can ease their suspicions. Thirdly, ISFJ Enneagram type 6s have the gift of discernment. Due to their hypervigilance, ISFJ type 6s are able to discern the outcome of situations.

Additionally, ISFJ Enneagram type 6s have three main weaknesses. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 6s struggle with fear. Unhealthy ISFJ type 6s will let their fear take control of their thoughts and cause them to turn against other people. Secondly, Skeptic ISFJs have volatile emotions. The same hypervigilance that allows the Skeptic ISFJ to ask difficult questions, causes them to experience rapid mood changes if they fear something is wrong. Thirdly, ISFJ Enneagram type 6s struggle with projecting their emotions on other people. If an ISFJ type 6 feels guilty or paranoid, they will treat others as if those people feel what the ISFJ type 6 is feeling. As a result, ISFJ type 6s risk damaging relationships.

The statistics for male and female ISFJ Enneagram type 6s are unknown. Currently, there are no studies that cover ISFJ Enneagram type 6 gender population statistics. To establish an understanding of the gender disparity of ISFJ Enneagram type 6, it is necessary to study the traits of both the ISFJ and Enneagram type 6 and compare them to traditional gender roles. Additionally, you can research studies that cover the gender population of the MBTI and Enneagram separately. For example, the MBTI gender statistics from Louisiana State University show that ISFJ males are 7.6% and ISFJ females are 9.9% of the population. A second example, Enneagram gender statistics shows that male Enneatype 6s make up 13% of the population polled, while females make up 18%.

Three famous ISFJ type 6s are Seth Meyers, Sundar Pichai, and Rachel McAdams. All three of the ISFJ type 6 celebrities are detail oriented and good at working with groups.

7. ISFJ Enneagram type 7

The ISFJ Enneagram type 7 exhibits characteristics of Enneagram type 7 and the ISFJ. Nurturers possess the nickname the Enthusiast under the Enneagram of personality. ISFJ Enneagram type 7s align with Turbulent ISFJs because they are prone to unstable behavior, and are unsure of what they want in life. ISFJ Enneagram 7 subtypes belong to the Head center of intelligence. As a Head type, ISFJ type 7s have a thorough understanding of fear and control their fear by ignoring it in favor of a positive attitude.

ISFJ Enneagram type 7s have three main strengths. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 7s are ambitious. Nurturer Enneagram type 7s are always seeking new opportunities and experiences they can say they overcame. Each new experience is a chance for them to advance to greater achievements in life. Secondly, ISFJ Enneagram type 7s are spontaneous. Enthusiast ISFJs are avid thrill seekers. For example, while on vacation, ISFJ type 7s will revel in being a tourist and enjoy every moment of their holiday. Thirdly, ISFJ Enneagram type 7s have a contagious positivity. Nurturer Enneagram type 7s have a glowing personality. While ISFJs are typically introverted, the Enneagram type 7 brings out their social side and they enjoy spreading their positive energy with others before escaping to recharge.

ISFJ Enneagram type 7s have three main weaknesses. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 7s are thoughtless. ISFJ type 7s struggle to maintain a stagnant lifestyle and will jump from one adventure to the next. By doing so the Enthusiast ISFJ is giving into impulsive behaviors that can lead them down a risky path. Secondly, ISFJ Enneagram type 7s often resort to toxic positivity. Nurturer Enneatype 7s are can try to ignore their fear and focus on having a good time. While their positivity has good intentions, their refusal to address issues can cause more damage. Thirdly, ISFJ Enneagram type 7s struggle to maintain their optimism. If an ISFJ Enneagram 7 subtypes experience stress their emotions become unpredictable. The juxtaposition of type 7s lively demeanor and sudden cynicism makes them appear volatile and can push people away.

The percentage of males and females that are ISFJ Enneagram type 7 is unknown. There are currently no studies that assess the gender population among ISFJ Enneagram type 7s. However, you can use independent MBTI and Enneagram gender population studies to extrapolate which gender is more prevalent. For example, Louisiana State University’s study on personality and gender shows that ISFJs account for 9.9% of the female population and 7.6% of the male population. Additional studies show that female Enneagram type 7s account for 12% of the population of those studies, while males account for 19%.

Three famous ISFJ Enneagram type 7s are Ben Fero, Peniel, and Geoff Ramsey. Each of the ISFJ Enneagram type 7 celebrities has a big personality and is adored by their fans for their many professional endeavors. However, if they fall into unhealthy behaviors that can appear egocentric or emotionally volatile.

8. ISFJ Enneagram type 8

The ISFJ Enneagram type 8 displays characteristics of Enneagram type 8 and the ISFJ. Nurturers are called Challengers under the Enneagram of personality. ISFJ Enneagram type 8s are Assertive ISFJ subtypes that express their emotions through controlling behavior. ISFJ Enneagram 8 subtypes belong to the Body center of intelligence. As a Body type, ISFJ type 8s’ core emotion is anger. Challenger ISFJs embrace their anger and use it to their advantage to fuel their ambition.

The ISFJ Enneagram type 8 has three main strengths. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 8s are bold. ISFJs traditionally timid personality types; however, ISFJ Enneagram type 8s have amplified confidence and proactive ambition. Secondly, ISFJ Enneagram type 8s advocate for others. Nurturer Enneatype 8s use their confidence to stand up for people they view as weaker than them. Thirdly, ISFJ Enneagram type 8s are energetic. If an ISFJ Enneagram type 8 sets out to accomplish a goal, their drive and confidence in themselves will keep them pushing through to the end.

Meanwhile, the ISFJ Enneagram type 8 has three main weaknesses. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 8s are insensitive. Unhealthy ISFJ Enneagram type 8s let their anger fuel their passions and drive, causing them to act coldly toward other people. Secondly, ISFJ Enneagram type 8s find compromise difficult. The traditional ISFJ is an inflexible personality while the Challenger ISFJ subtype is naturally more assertive and finds it difficult to submit to other peoples’ plans. Thirdly, ISFJ Enneatype 8s struggle with thinking and speaking in absolutes. Challenger ISFJs are adamant that their opinions and beliefs are based on truth and will exclude other thoughts and ideas.

The percentage of male and female ISFJ Enneagram type 8s is unknown. There are no standalone studies that provide a statistical analysis of ISFJ Enneagram subtypes. Our analysis of separate MBTI and Enneagram gender population studies shows that there is not a major disparity between male and female ISFJs and Enneagram type 8s. According to Enneagram gender statistics, male Enneatype 8s make up 8% of the population polled, while females make up 6%. Louisiana State University’s MBTI gender statistics show ISFJ males at 7.6% and ISFJ females at 9.9% of the population.

Three famous ISFJ type 8s are Julian Peterson, François Cluzet, and Gerardo Alcoba. Famous ISFJ type 8s display the common traits of ISFJ Enneatypes including competence, confidence, and control.

9. ISFJ Enneagram type 9

The ISFJ Enneagram type 9 displays characteristics of Enneagram type 9 and the ISFJ. Nurturers are called Peacemakers under the Enneagram of personality. ISFJ Enneagram type 9s are Assertive ISFJ subtypes that express their emotions through passive-aggressive behavior. ISFJ Enneagram 9 subtypes belong to the Body center of intelligence. As a Body type, ISFJ type 9s have a deep understanding of anger and work to manage their negative emotions by ignoring their emotions completely.

Nurturer type 9s have three strengths. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 9s excel at conflict resolution. For example, ISFJ Enneagram type 9s are known as the Peacemaker because they work diligently to end and prevent arguments. Secondly, ISFJ Enneagram type 9s have an easygoing attitude. Nurturer Enneagram type 9s have an innate ability to soothe other people and use it to bring harmony to the world. Thirdly, ISFJ Enneagram type 9s have excellent social skills. Peacemaker ISFJs use their easygoing attitude and conflict avoidance to make friends wherever they go.

Meanwhile, Nurturer type 9s have three weaknesses. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram type 9s struggle with passive-aggressiveness. If an ISFJ Enneatype 9 feels upset, they won’t directly say so. Instead, Peacemaker ISFJs can expose their anger in small indirect ways. Secondly, ISFJ Enneagram type 9s try to avoid conflict and problems to an unhealthy extent. If an unhealthy ISFJ type 9 has their way, they will avoid a conflict until it’s too late to intervene. Thirdly, ISFJ Enneagram type 9s struggle with self-criticism. If an ISFJ type 9 falls into negative thoughts, they will dwell in self-criticism. Self-criticism keeps the ISFJ Enneagram type 9 from creating peace in their life.

The statistics for male and female ISFJ Enneagram type 9s are unknown. Currently, there are no studies that explore the gender statistics of ISFJ type 9s. To establish an understanding of the gender disparity of ISFJ Enneagram type 9, you can study the traits of ISFJ and Enneagram type 9 and compare them to traditional gender roles. Moreover, you can research studies that cover the gender population of the MBTI and Enneagram separately. For example, the MBTI gender statistics from Louisiana State University show that ISFJ males are 7.6% and ISFJ females are 9.9% of the population. Additionally, Enneagram gender statistics show that male Enneatype 9s make up 16% of the population polled, while females make up 17%.

Three examples of famous ISFJ Enneagram type 9s are Bob Ross, Ed Sheeran, and Sade Adu. Each of the famous ISFJ type 9s is a gentle soul with an easygoing attitude.

How are ISFJ Enneagram types classified?

ISFJ Enneagram types are classified according to the four dichotomies of the MBTI and the nine Enneagram types. Firstly, ISFJ Enneagram types are classified by the four dichotomies of Introversion versus Extroversion, Sensing versus iNtuition, Feeling versus Thinking, and Perceiving versus Judging. ISFJ Enneagram types align with Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging. Secondly, ISFJ Enneagram types are classified by their center of intelligence through the Enneagram. The Enneagram features three separate centers of intelligence, the Heart, Head, and Body. Each of the nine types gets sorted into one of the centers. Heart types are Enneatypes 2, 3, and 4. Head types are Enneatypes 5, 6, and 7. Body types are Enneatypes 8, 9, and 1.

How are ISFJ Enneagram types found?

ISFJ Enneagram types are found by comparing a person’s MBTI and Enneagram test results. There is no singular person responsible for finding the ISFJ Enneagram types; however, the two typologies exist separately and have their own respective origins. The MBTI was first theorized by Carl Jung and later developed into a personality assessment by Katharine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Myers. Additionally, the Enneagram of personality was partially developed by Chilian psychiatrist Claudio Naranjo and Bolivian philosopher Oscar Ichazo.

Although the MBTI and Enneagram determine a person’s personality type, they have different intentions. The MBTI was created to assess a person’s response to stress in war. However, the Enneagram was created as a soul-searching tool.

How is the ISFJ type 6 determined?

The ISFJ type 6 is determined by overlaying the Enneagram typology with the MBTI. According to TypologyCentral, the Enneagram type 6 has the largest population within the ISFJ personality type. Both the ISFJ and Enneagram type 6 have similarities to each other. ISFJ Enneagram 6 subtypes have good communication skills, close groups of friends, and are good at responding to other people’s needs.

Do ISFJ Enneagram types change according to gender?

ISFJ Enneagram types do not change according to gender. There’s currently no research to show the correlation between gender and the MBTI Enneagram subtypes. However, it is possible to look at gender statistics within the MBTI and Enneagram separately. For example, an analysis of gender in the MBTI shows that 9.9% of ISFJs are female and 7.6% are male, not a large disparity. Additionally, Enneagram gender population statistics can further illustrate the gender population differences, with the largest disparities occurring in types 4, 6, and 7.

Can someone change their character from an ISFJ Enneagram type to another?

It may be possible for someone to change their character from an ISFJ Enneagram to another subtype. Professors Nathan W. Hudson and R. Chris Fraley’s research at the University of Illinois shows there is a possibility for people to change their personalities voluntarily. The professors focused on the Big Five personality typology and held two sixteen-week studies where participants were asked to change their personalities. While the study neglects to utilize the MBTI or the Enneagram, the results to show there is a possibility to force a change to your personality, but the length of time the change remains is unknown.

Can someone be from multiple ISFJ Enneagram types?

No, someone cannot be from multiple ISFJ Enneagram types. ISFJ Enneagram types are derived from the combination of the MBTI and Enneagram typologies. Both the MBTI and Enneagram exist as fixed personality types, without the option for multiple types under either system. However, the Enneagram of personality accounts for stress lines, growth lines, and wings. Stress and growth lines show how a person can shift between types to respond to stress or growth opportunities. Meanwhile, Enneagram wings display characteristics of both the main Enneatype and the wing. For example, ISFJ Enneagram type 1 could have a wing of type 9 or type 2. Although the Enneagram accounts for personality shifts, the MBTI remains a fixed typology and the type’s core traits remain consistent throughout subtypes.

What are the main Enneagram types of ISFJ?

The four main Enneagram types of ISFJ are subtypes 2, 6, and 9. According to a study by TypologyCentral, ISFJ Enneagram type 6 is the main subtype of ISFJ at 27% of ISFJs testing as type 6. ISFJ type 2 follows closely behind at 26%. Both ISFJ type 6s and type 2s are protective of others and are good at responding to other people’s needs. ISFJ Enneagram type 9s are the third most prevalent of the ISFJ subtypes at 22%. Each of the main three Enneagram types of ISFJ belongs to a different center of intelligence and differs in how they process emotions and make decisions.

What is the ISFJ-A (Assertive)?

The ISFJ-A (Assertive) is one of two subtypes of the ISFJ personality. Assertive ISFJs and Turbulent subtypes share the same traits and cognitive functions of the ISFJ as defined by the MBTI. The ISFJ displays Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging traits with the cognitive functions of Introverted Sensing, Extroverted Feeling, Introverted Thinking, and Extroverted iNtuition. However, there are notable differences in how an Assertive ISFJ approaches problems and makes decisions. For example, ISFJ-As are more self-assured than their turbulent counterparts. ISFJ-As use their confidence to approach issues with a level head and are better able to handle stress.

The main Enneagram types of ISFJ-A personalities are types 1, 3, and 8. ISFJ Enneagram type 1s are confident in their ability to perfect a task and will assert their opinions without hesitation or fear. Nurturer type 3s easily assert themselves in situations because they derive confidence from other people’s appreciation. Meanwhile, ISFJ-A Enneagram type 8s are confident in both personality and demeanor, commanding a room with their presence and assertiveness.

What are the key characteristics of ISFJ-A?

Below are four key characteristics of ISFJ-A.

  • Confident: ISFJ-A personality types are introverts who are confident in their endeavors. ISFJ-As are more present in their communities because they have more self-confidence.
  • Insensitive: ISFJ-A subtypes are less tactful than their Turbulent counterparts. Assertive ISFJs’ sensitivity towards others competes with their own increased confidence and desire to assert their opinions.
  • Upbeat: ISFJ-A subtypes are optimistic and more social than ISFJ-Ts. Assertive ISFJs use their positivity and confidence to shrug off their concern about failing to meet their own high expectations.
  • Inflexible: ISFJ-A personality types showcase the ISFJs inflexibility more than their Turbulent peers.

The two main characteristics of ISFJ-As are confidence and inflexibility. ISFJ-As are self-assured and use their confidence to express their opinions. ISFJs value planning and traditionalism, and Assertive subtypes will confidently express their inflexibility with change.

What is the ISFJ-T (Turbulent)?

The ISFJ-T (Turbulent) is one of two subtypes of the ISFJ personality. Turbulent ISFJs and their Assertive counterparts share the same traits and cognitive functions as described by the MBTI. ISFJs display traits of Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging with the cognitive function stack of Introverted Sensing, Extroverted Feeling, Introverted Thinking, and Extroverted iNtuition. Notable differences between ISFJ-T and ISFJ-A are present in the Turbulent ISFJ’s concern for others. For example, Turbulent ISFJs experience a deep concern for others that can manifest in the form of anxiety. Unlike their Assertive counterparts, ISFJ-Ts find it difficult to advocate for themselves over others.

The main Enneagram types of ISFJ-T subtypes are 4, 6, and 7. ISFJ Enneagram type 4s can become withdrawn and hypersensitive if they feel other people don’t appreciate their unique identity. Enneatype 6 Nurturers fall easily fall into a turbulent state if under stress, resorting to insecurities and apprehension. Enneagram type 7s are ISFJ-T subtypes because they risk falling victim to peer pressure.

What are the key characteristics of ISFJ-T?

Below are four key characteristics of ISFJ-T.

  • Sensitive: ISFJ-T personality types are empathetic and have a deep understanding of other people’s emotions.
  • Few boundaries: ISFJ-T types have a genuine concern for other people, but often fail to consider their personal needs. As a result, ISFJ-Ts struggle to set proper boundaries for themselves.
  • High standards: ISFJ-T subtypes have a fear of failure and set high standards for themselves to combat their fears.
  • Self-critical: ISFJ-T personality types are often hypercritical of their failures. ISFJs value giving back to others and if they fail in their mission it can be a blow to their ego; however, ISTJ-Ts take failure extra hard.

The two main characteristics of ISFJ-T are their sensitivity and propensity to criticize themselves. ISFJs have a keen sensitivity to other people’s feelings. However, the sensitivity that drives ISFJs can overwhelm and stress the Turbulent ISFJ because they don’t want to offend or hurt someone’s feelings. Additionally, ISFJ-T subtypes are self-critical and will dwell on their letdowns.

How are ISFJ Enneagram types analyzed with ISFJ Enneagrams?

ISFJ Enneagram types are analyzed with ISFJ Enneagrams by overlaying the two typologies of MBTI and the Enneagram. The Enneagram is a personality assessment that uses a nine-pointed system to categorize personalities. Enneagram types are further categorized by their center of intelligence, wing, stress lines, and growth lines. Due to the Enneagram and MBTI being separate systems, the two require separate test results to be properly analyzed as an ISFJ Enneagram. For example, if you know you’re ISFJ according to the MBTI and you will need to take an Enneagram test to see what your Enneatype is.

How does MBTI interpret ISFJ Enneagram type with the help of Enneagram?

The MBTI does not interpret ISFJ Enneagram types with the help of the Enneagram. The MBTI and Enneagram are two separate typologies that both offer a unique perspective on personality. MBTI typology does not use the Enneagram in its analysis of the ISFJ personality. However, a person’s Enneagram and MBTI test results can be analyzed to better understand an ISFJ Enneagram personality. For example, Pat Wyman covers both the Enneagram and MBTI in her book Three Keys to Self-Understanding. Additionally, L. Alboaie, Mircea Vaida, and Diana Pojar study the Enneagram and MBTI in their paper Alternative methodologies for automated grouping in education and research.

Comparison of ISFJ-T and ISFJ-A

The table below offers a comparison of ISFJ-T and ISFJA.

ISFJ Enneagram type ISFJ-A (Assertive) ISFJ (Turbulent)
Stress Management ISFJ-As are less prone to stress due to their higher level of self-confidence. Assertive ISFJs approach stress with grace and worry about tangible problems instead of problems they can’t control. ISFJ-Ts are prone to stress due to their tendency to stress over the opinions of others. Turbulent ISFJs manage their stress by dwelling on their anxiety.
Business Life ISFJ-As are practical workers that are eager to please their coworkers. Assertive ISFJs are confident in their business savvy and won’t shy away from voicing their opinions. ISFJ-Ts are so eager to please their coworkers that they will take on too many assignments at work. Turbulent ISFJs can become burdened by their work and neglect to speak up for themselves.
Social Life ISFJ-As are optimistic and are more comfortable socializing. Assertive ISFJs are easygoing and well-liked by their peers. ISFJ-Ts are timid and shy away from social interactions. Turbulent ISFJs overthink their interactions with other people and will miss out on opportunities to socialize.
Relationships ISFJ-As are generous, upbeat, and kind. In relationships, Assertive ISFJs are optimistic and nurturing partners. ISFJ-Ts are observant, altruistic, and concerned for those they love. In relationships, Turbulent ISFJs are thoughtful and caring partners.
Behaviors ISFJ-As behave in a practical, confident, and positive manner. ISFJ-Ts behave in a reserved, kind, and sensitive manner
Strengths The main strength of ISFJ-A is their confidence. ISFJ personality types often shy away from confrontation and lose out on opportunities. However, Assertive ISFJs have their confidence and know when to speak up for themselves. The main strength of ISFJ-T is their compassion for others. Turbulent ISFJs have an intense understanding of human emotion and use that knowledge to nurture those around them.
Weaknesses The main weakness of ISFJ-A is their inflexibility. ISFJ-As appreciate planning and schedules and are more headstrong than their counterpart. The main weakness of ISFJ-T is their self-critical nature. If an ISFJ-T feels they aren’t up to par, they will become insecure.

Which ISFJ Enneagram type is better for relationships?

ISFJ Enneagram type 7s are better for relationships. Enthusiast ISFJ subtypes are outgoing, social, and good at working with other people. ISFJs have pleasant personalities and try to accommodate other people, while the Enneagram type 7s are excitable, fun-loving people. The combination is suitable for many types of relationships. For example, ISFJ type 7s have a tangible glow that urges others to follow their fun-loving lead as they embrace spontaneity and positivity. ISFJ Enneagram type 7s are Head Enneatypes who feel a connection to fear. Nurturer type 7s use their optimism to mask their fear and choose to live an adventurous life while suppressing their fears. In relationships, ISFJ Enneatype 7s use their adventurous spirits to help other people experience life to the fullest despite their anxieties.

Which ISFJ Enneagram type is better for family life?

ISFJ Enneagram type 9s are better for family life. Peacemaker ISFJs are the calm, cool, and collected ISFJ subtypes. ISFJ personalities are selfless and nurturing in relationships. The Enneagram type 9s desire for a harmonious existence, coupled with the Nurturer types kindness are suitable for family life. ISFJ Enneagram type 9s are Body types and have a deep understanding of their anger. To combat feelings of anger, ISFJ Enneagram type 9s will focus on keeping a peaceful home. For example, if there’s a family dispute, ISFJ type 9s are most likely to resort to conflict resolution and they will try to quickly end the argument without the fight escalating.

Which ISFJ Enneagram type is better for sensitive people?

ISFJ Enneagram type 2 is better for sensitive people. Nurturer Enneagram type 2s are gentle people that are intimately aware of other people’s emotions. ISFJ personality types are naturally altruistic and want to help whomever they can. Enneagram type 2 personalities are compassionate and work to give back to their communities. ISFJ Enneagram type 2s are Heart types and connect with their sadness, using it to motivate their kind nature. The ISFJ Enneagram 2 subtype combines the compassion of type 2s and the altruism of ISFJs making them suitable companions for sensitive people.

Which ISFJ Enneagram type is more confident?

ISFJ Enneagram type 8s are the more confident subtype. The ISFJ Enneagram type 8s are passionate, vocal, and self-assured. While ISFJs typically avoid confrontation and are sensitive to criticism, the Enneatype 8 can bring out self-confidence and assertiveness. ISFJ Enneagram type 8s are Body types and feel a deep connection to their anger. Type 8s are prone to letting their anger flow and using it as motivation to assert their wants and needs. As a result of their emotional response to anger, ISFJ Enneagram types appear the most confident ISFJ Enneagram type possibility.

Which ISFJ Enneagram type is better for careers?

ISFJ Enneagram type 1s are better for careers. Perfectionist ISFJs have high standards and make diligent workers. If you compare ISFJ Enneagram type 1s to other ISFJ Enneagrams, the ISFJ type 1 remains the most industrious of the other subtypes. ISFJ Enneagram type 1s are Body type Enneagrams and have a close relationship with their anger. Nurturer type 1s control their anger by controlling their environment through sticking to schedules and performing tasks with efficiency, two useful traits for career growth.

Which ISFJ Enneagram type is better for teamwork?

ISFJ Enneagram type 3s are better for teamwork. Nurturer type 3s value the opinions of others and their own personal achievements. ISFJ type 3s want other people to recognize the talents they bring to the table, and will work hard to live up to their own high expectations. Achiever ISFJs are Heart type Enneagrams who connect with their own feelings of grief on a deep level. ISFJ type 3s will work hard to achieve their goals within a team setting to avoid letting others down and feeling like a failure. Additionally, healthy ISFJ type 3s are charming and work well with others.

Which ISFJ Enneagram type is better for artists?

ISFJ Enneagram type 4s are better for artists. Nurturer Enneagram type 4s are unique and value self-expression. Although ISFJ personality types choose careers that focus on social welfare, the Enneagram type 4’s desire to outwardly express their creativity will present itself. ISFJ Enneagram type 4s are Heart type Enneagrams and have a deep understanding of sadness. Type 4s will use their sadness in their creative endeavors and ISFJ Enneagram type 4s will combine that creativity with their giving nature. An ISFJ Enneagram type 4 may use their talents to lead art therapy classes or to express their sorrow.

Who are the famous people from ISFJ Enneagram type?

Below is a list featuring two famous people from each of the nine ISFJ Enneagram types.

  • ISFJ Enneagram type 1: Sadie Sink and Marie Kondo are two examples of ISFJ Enneagram type 1s. Both exhibit the hardworking and high standards of ISFJ Enneatype1, as seen in Sadie Sink’s acting and Marie Kondo’s design work.
  • ISFJ Enneagram type 2: Henry Cavill and Mother Teresa are two famous ISFJ Enneagram type 2s. Both are known to be gentle giving souls that match the ISFJ Enneatype 2 personality.
  • ISFJ Enneagram type 3: Tan France and Hilary Duff are two famous Achiever ISFJs. Each ISFJ type 3 celebrities have a multitude of accomplishments and charisma, common to the ISFJ Enneatype.
  • ISFJ Enneagram type 4: Leighton Meester and Phil Collins are two famous ISFJ Enneagram type 4s. Both are artistic and passionate about expressing themselves in their own ways, a common trait of type 4s.
  • ISFJ Enneagram type 5: Sergio Perez and Colby Minifie are two examples of ISFJ Enneagram type 5 celebrities. Each of the famous ISFJ Enneagram type 5s show independence that is common to type 5s.
  • ISFJ Enneagram type 6: Anderson Cooper and Halle Berry are two celebrities that have ISFJ Enneagram type 6 personalities. Both of the ISFJ type 6s are likable and good at working with other people.
  • ISFJ Enneagram type 7: Peniel from BtoB and Geoff Ramsey are two famous ISFJ Enneagram type 7s. Each of the famous ISFJ type 7s has a positive attitude and is highly inquisitive.
  • ISFJ Enneagram type 8: François Cluzet and Julian Peterson are two celebrities with ISFJ Enneagram type 8 personalities. Both of the famous ISFJ Enneagram type 8s are confident and passionate.
  • ISFJ Enneagram type 9: Selena Gomez and Brian May are two examples of ISFJ Enneagram type 9 celebrities. Each of the two examples of famous Nurturer type 9s has a peaceful demeanor that’s common in type 9s.

How to understand which ISFJ Enneagram type you are?

To understand which ISFJ Enneagram type you are, follow the four steps below.

  • Take an MBTI test: To understand if ISFJ is your MBTI personality type, you need to first take an MBTI test. An MBTI test can offer a breakdown of your personality and some will assess if you’re Assertive or Turbulent.
  • Take an Enneagram test: You need to take an Enneagram test if you want to know what your ISFJ Enneagram type is. An Enneagram test will give you a better understanding of your personality and give you an Enneagram wing type.
  • Ask someone to assess you: To provide you with further proof of your ISFJ Enneagram type, ask someone you know to assess you. However, the chosen person will need to understand both the Enneagram and MBTI to properly analyze personality types.
  • Compare your results: After you know your MBTI and Enneagram type, you can compare the results to discover your ISFJ Enneagram subtype.

ISFJ Enneagram type Quiz Example

There is not an official ISFJ Enneagram type quiz. However, try taking each quiz separately to assess your results. Below are ten ISFJ Enneagram quiz examples that help explain how to reconcile the MBTI and Enneagram to discover your subtype.

  • I’m a perfectionist: An ISFJ Enneagram will agree with this question because they have an eye for detail.
  • I complete a task before switching to a new one: An ISFJ Enneagram will strongly agree with this question. ISFJ Enneagrams will choose to remain on a project until they see it through to completion.
  • I put work first: Nurturer Enneagrams struggle with self-sacrifice and will tend to put work first.
  • You often end up procrastinating: ISFJ Enneagrams are not likely to procrastinate. Nurturer Enneagrams value diligence and sticking to a schedule.
  • I strive for efficiency: ISFJ Enneagrams are practical and methodical people that seek out the most efficient options.
  • I enjoy helping others: ISFJ Enneagrams are altruistic and want to do what they can for other people.
  • I often have to redo others’ work: ISFJ Enneagrams work well with others, but their perfectionism and kindness lead them to redo other people’s work.
  • I’m inflexible: ISFJ Enneagrams enjoy their schedules and prefer not to make last-minute changes to their plans.
  • I’m sensitive: ISFJ Enneagram types are empathetic and can sense how others might feel.
  • I avoid confrontation: ISFJ Enneagram types don’t force confrontation if it’s unnecessary. Due to their kind nature, ISFJ subtypes prefer to remain agreeable.

How can ISFJ Enneagram types develop themselves?

ISFJ Enneagram types can develop themselves by focusing on their strengths, weaknesses, and how they react under stress. Below are six methods Nurturer Enneagram subtypes can use to develop themselves.

  • Speak up for yourself: ISFJ personality types have difficulty speaking up if they need to confront someone. ISFJ Enneagram type 2s will give to others before they give themselves what they need. To grow as a person, an ISFJ Enneagram subtype needs to advocate for their own needs, regardless of their altruistic nature.
  • Practice flexibility: ISFJ Enneagram types can develop themselves by breaking their own schedules from time to time. Nurturer type 1s will have difficulty ignoring their plans or schedules, but life is unpredictable and they need to practice accepting change.
  • Learn to say no: ISFJ Enneagrams want to help other people and actively agree to be there for others anytime they can. However, ISFJ Enneagrams tend to overwork themselves and need to say no sometimes. ISFJ type 3s are overachievers that could use fewer projects to work on. Type 3s should learn to say no to other people, and see their own self-worth.
  • Develop healthy coping mechanisms: ISFJ Enneagram subtypes risk falling victim to unhealthy coping mechanisms, due to ignoring their stress and letting it fester. Unhealthy Nurturer type 6s risk developing unhealthy coping mechanisms if they fall victim to their anxieties.
  • Get to know yourself: ISFJ Enneagrams are so busy advocating for others that they can lose touch with themselves. Enneagram type 9s struggle to acknowledge their desires because they want to please others.
  • Get out of your comfort zone: ISFJ Enneagrams should learn to embrace new experiences to develop themselves further. ISFJ and Enneagram type 5s are introverts that could benefit from socializing outside of their comfort zones.

Who are the famous experts for ISFJ Enneagram type?

There are no famous experts for ISFJ Enneagram types. The hybrid analysis of MBTI and Enneagram that’s used to define the ISFJ Enneagram subtype utilizes two separate systems with experts existing in each field respectively. Below are four famous experts in either the MBTI or Enneagram.

  • Mary McCaulley: Dr. Mary McCaulley (1920-2003) was a clinical psychologist from New York state that backed the research of Carl Jung, Katharine Briggs, and Isabel Myers. Dr. McCaulley went on to help pen the MBTI Manual alongside Isabel Myers and founded the Center for Applications of Psychological Type (CAPT).
  • Pat Wyman: Pat Wyman has a Master’s in Education-Counseling and is certified in the MBTI. She’s published several works on the MBTI and is a former faculty member of CAPT.
  • Claudio Naranjo: Claudio Naranjo (1932-2019) is a Chilean psychiatrist and is considered one of the creators of the Enneagram of Personality.
  • Eugene Kaluzniacky: Eugene Kaluzniacky is a professor at the University of Winnipeg who is a member of the Association for Psychological Type and trained in the MBTI system. Kaluzniacky wrote about the MBTI and Enneagram in his book, Managing Psychological Factors in Information Systems Work: An Orientation to Emotional Intelligence.

What are the other personality Enneagram Type close to ISFJ Enneagram type?

The other personality Enneagram types close to ISFJ Enneagram types are. Each of the four subtypes displays characteristics similar to ISFJ Enneagram personalities.

  • ESFJ: ISFJ Enneagram types are compatible with ESFJs because of their practicality and desire to help others.
  • INFJ: ISFJ Enneagram types are compatible with INFJs because both types care about other people and are organized.
  • ENFJ: ISFJ Enneagram types and ENFJs are both empathetic and want the world to be at peace.
  • ESTJ: ISFJ Enneagram types and ESTJs both appreciate plans and set forth to complete those plans.