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INTJ Personality Enneagram: INTJ-A (Assertive) vs INTJ-T (Turbulent) Characteristics and Behavioral Analysis

Nine INTJ subtypes form the INTJ Enneagram. The INTJ personality enneagram is a typology of personality variants that describe the pragmatic Mastermind personality type. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) does not provide an analysis of behavioral psychology under the Enneagram of Personality’s typology, so we’ve analyzed how these two personality systems converge on the nine INTJ subtypes.

INTJ Subtypes

Each of the sixteen personalities on the MBTI has two halves, Assertive and Turbulent. Meanwhile, the Enneagram of Personality has nine personalities split into three categories of Heart, Head, and Body types. With the help of the Enneagram, INTJ-A and INTJ-T personalities can be broken down into nine different subtypes. Each subtype correlates to the INTJ-A and INTJ-T typology and one of the nine points of the Enneagram.

The nine INTJ subtypes are as follows.

  • The INTJ Perfectionist (Type 1) is an INTJ-A personality. INTJ Perfectionists are highly structured and hold themselves accountable to a strict moral code.
  • The INTJ Giver (Type 2) is an INTJ-T personality. INTJ Givers are sympathetic characters who often care more about others than themselves. The INTJ Giver is a rare subtype because Masterminds display decreased empathy due to their Thinking (T) function, thus conflicting with the Giver’s caring personality.
  • The INTJ Achiever (Type 3) is an INTJ-A personality. INTJ Achievers are ambitious and have a very goal-centric attitude toward life.
  • The INTJ Individualist (Type 4) is an INTJ-T personality. Compared to other Mastermind subtypes, the INTJ Individualist is a creative, albeit overly sentimental personality.
  • The INTJ Investigator (Type 5) is an INTJ-A personality. The INTJ Investigator is a highly logical personality with excellent perception skills.
  • The INTJ Skeptic (Type 6) is an INTJ-T personality. An INTJ Skeptic is a risk-averse personality type with exceptional strategic thinking skills.
  • The INTJ Enthusiast (Type 7) is an INTJ-A personality. The INTJ Enthusiast is an energetic and carefree character who ensures they enjoy every moment. INTJ Enthusiasts are rare as most Masterminds prefer rules and routine due to their Judging (J) dominant personality.
  • The INTJ Challenger (Type 8) is an INTJ-A personality. INTJ Challengers are independent personalities with tremendous self-belief and confidence.
  • The INTJ Peacemaker (Type 9) is an INTJ-T personality. The INTJ Peacemaker is a calm and agreeable personality. Peacemakers are also often spiritual characters.

What is the INTJ Enneagram of Personality?

The INTJ Enneagram of Personality converges nine INTJ subtypes to offer a more nuanced understanding of the Mastermind personality type.Every Mastermind has the same fundamental Introverted (I), iNtuitive (N), Thinking (T), and Judging (J) traits. However, each INTJ subtype has unique strengths, weaknesses, fears, and desires attributed to its Enneagram categorization. The INTJ Enneagram groups these subtype characteristics through the Enneagram of Personality, a human psyche model with nine personality types (also referred to as archetypes or enneatypes).

The nine INTJ subtypes are as follows.

  • The INTJ Perfectionist (Type 1)
  • The INTJ Giver (Type 2)
  • The INTJ Achiever (Type 3)
  • The INTJ Individualist (Type 4)
  • The INTJ Investigator (Type 5)
  • The INTJ Skeptic (Type 6)
  • The INTJ Enthusiast (Type 7)
  • The INTJ Challenger (Type 8)
  • The INTJ Peacemaker (Type 9)

The INTJ subtypes listed above differ primarily according to their enneatype-specific fears, desires, and characteristics. Masterminds retain the fundamental traits the MBTI defines, while the Enneagram captures and categorizes an individual INTJ’s fears and desires. Furthermore, converging the Enneagram’s typology assigns characteristics not equally displayed or typically assigned to Mastermind types under the MBTI’s typology. As a result, some Masterminds may more closely identify with certain enneatypes like the Perfectionist (Type 1) or Investigator (Type 5) than with the Giver (Type 2) or the Enthusiast (Type 4).

The Enneagram further divides personality types into subgroups known as Heart, Head, and Body types according to their shared fears and desires. Each INTJ subtype and its subgroup are explored in detail below.

1. The INTJ Perfectionist

The INTJ Perfectionist (Type 1) is self-disciplined, pragmatic, righteous, and self-critical. INTJ Perfectionists fall under the Body Enneagram category. Perfectionists’ behavior adheres to instinctual intelligence and a rigid moral code. The Perfectionist’s self-righteous attitude compels Masterminds to stand up to injustice, fixate on perfectionism, and deeply fear any form of failure. The INTJ Perfectionist utilizes their pragmatic thinking and innate intuition to develop idealistic yet realistic ideas. INTJ Perfectionists desire to live a good life with integrity and purpose. One example of a Mastermind with Enneatype 1 traits is Susan B. Anthony, an early American feminist and a key figure in the women’s suffrage movement.

2. The INTJ Giver

The INTJ Giver (Type 2) is kind, nurturing, and altruistic. The Giver’s behavior is largely characterized by the empathy of the Heart Enneatype and emotional intelligence of the Mastermind’s tertiary Introverted Feeling (Fi) function. That said, Mastermind Type 2s are rare because the strong empathy of the Giver Enneatype doesn’t typically align with INTJ’s dominant Thinking (T) function. If aligned, INTJ Givers like to put others’ needs first and utilize their intuition to help those in need. INTJ Givers fear being unloved and unwanted, so they’re motivated by their overly courteous attitude and altruistic thinking. Giver personalities are always looking for logical solutions to others’ problems. INTJ Givers desire love and appreciation from others. A famous example of an INTJ Giver is Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the late Supreme Court Justice who advocated for gender equality.

3. The INTJ Achiever

INTJ Achievers (Type 3) are ambitious, shrewd, and determined. The Achiever subtype is the third Heart Enneatype, but they do not focus their emotions inward or prioritize others’ feelings. Instead, INTJ Achievers derive emotional value from how others perceive them. The Mastermind’s inferior Se function pushes the Achiever subtype to plan for success, set high-reaching goals, and think strategically. INTJs with an Achiever enneatype have an action-oriented attitude and behave according to an ambitious life plan. Furthermore, INTJ Achievers desire validation and fear they’re worthless without achievements. A famous example of an INTJ Achiever is Augustus Caesar, a highly ambitious Roman emperor and military general.

4. The INTJ Individualist

The INTJ Individualist (Type 4) is introspective, reserved, passionate, and creative. Like other Heart Enneatypes, Type 4 Masterminds have a stronger sense of empathy than most other INTJ subtypes. The Individualist’s behavior and way of thinking reflect their overly sentimental side. INTJ Individualists are deeply introspective, constantly looking within to discover their identity and connect with their emotions. Individualists spend so much time lost in their thoughts that they often feel like the odd ones out. The Individualist INTJ subtype fears that they’re intrinsically flawed. Individualists want to be unique and express themselves, oftentimes through art. American actress Jodie Foster exemplifies the INTJ Individualist’s innate creativity.

5. The INTJ Investigator

The INTJ Investigator (Type 5) is perceptive, inquisitive, curious, and private. INTJ Investigators are Head Enneatypes who defer to logic, their behavior being ruled by rational thought and cold hard facts. The Investigator archetype embodies the Mastermind’s introverted attitude and analytical way of thinking. Investigators prefer spending time alone, contemplating philosophy, and analyzing the intricacies of the world. INTJ Investigators fear incompetency and desire to be knowledgeable in their pursuits, whatever they may be. One example of an INTJ Investigator is Friedrich Nietzsche, a German pioneer of Western philosophy and intellectualism.

6. The INTJ Skeptic

The INTJ Skeptic (Type 6) is strategic, vigilant, dependable, and risk-averse. The INTJ Skeptic is (as the name implies) also the most skeptical of the INTJ subtypes, though they share other Head enneatypes’ preferences for logical thinking. Hypervigilance and self-perseverance generalize the Skeptic INTJs’ behavior. Skeptic Masterminds prepare for the worst, regardless of the situation, and often crave an authority figure to guide them. Without anyone to rely on, Skeptics tend to develop a highly independent attitude. INTJ Skeptics consequently fear abandonment, their logical mindset sometimes clouded by anxiety. As a result, this Mastermind subtype desires security and support. A famous historical example of the INTJ Skeptic is Hannibal Barca, a Carthaginian general whose strategic thinking repelled Roman forces during the Second Punic War.

7. The INTJ Enthusiast

The INTJ Enthusiast (Type 7) has an optimistic, imaginative, and carefree attitude. INTJ Enthusiasts are a Head Enneatype and value logic. However, INTJ Enthusiasts are more attuned to their inferior Extraverted Sensing (Se) function than other INTJ subtypes. Masterminds with Enneatype 7 are consequently rare since most INTJs prefer to rely on their dominant Judging (J) function. INTJ Enthusiasts also have an optimistic way of thinking as a result of their Se function. Mastermind Enthusiasts cherish life’s small moments and seek out new adventures. INTJ Enthusiasts like staying busy and often suppress emotions due to their fear of feeling stuck. INTJ Enthusiasts ultimately desire a satisfying, exciting lifestyle where all their needs are met. A famous example of an INTJ Enthusiast is Amy Poehler, an American actress known for her bubbly and carefree persona.

8. The INTJ Challenger

The INTJ Challenger (Type 8) has an independent spirit and a bold attitude. Challengers are one of the Body enneatypes, demonstrating strong instincts and the most self-confidence of all the INTJ subtypes. High self-confidence drives these Masterminds to complete tasks and meet commitments as efficiently as possible. The INTJ Challenger’s fierce independence contributes to a deep fear of vulnerability and giving up control, and often become jaded as a result. Masterminds with an Enneatype 8 personality are uncompromising towards authority and often feel they can only rely on themselves. Thus, INTJ Challengers desire complete control over their lives. James Cameron, a famous American director, exemplifies the INTJ Challenger due to his bold film projects and uncompromising directorial style.

9. The INTJ Peacemaker

The INTJ Peacemaker (Type 9) is calm, spiritual, agreeable, and modest. INTJ Peacemakers are one of the three Body Enneatypes, meaning they often trust their instincts. The Peacemaker’s gentle instincts motivate typically arrogant Masterminds to behave in a more passive, agreeable manner. INTJ Peacemakers fear loss and ostracism, desiring stability and harmony instead. INTJ Peacemakers are open-minded thinkers who like to analyze topics from many different perspectives and respect conflicting beliefs. A famous example of an INTJ Peacemaker is Al Gore, the 45th US Vice President, and environmentalist who won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his activism.

10. INTJ Enneagram 5w8

The INTJ Enneagram Type 5w8 is not a recognized personality grouping on either the MBTI or the Enneagram system.

5w8 refers to the Enneagram’s concept of personality wings, the Enneatypes directly neighboring your core personality type. Despite common misconception, INTJ Enneagram 5w8 does not exist because Enneatype 5 only shares wings with Enneatype 4 and Enneatype 6. That said, Masterminds with Enneagram Type 5 have a growth line to Type 8. If in a growth phase, a Type 5 Mastermind demonstrates the positive traits of the Enneatype 8 personality. Growth lines are a different concept from the Enneagram wings, but in either case, the underlying enneatype still classifies solely as Type 5, the Investigator.

11. INTJ Enneagram 8w9

The INTJ Enneagram Type 8w9 is another way of capturing the Challenger INTJ personality. The inclusion of a wing such as 8w9 on the INTJ Enneagram does not change the underlying personality type. Wings are part of the growth concept that fuels the Enneagram methodology. Type 8 is driven by their independent spirit and a need to be in control. The INTJ 8 wing points to the Type 9 Peacemaker, making the controlling Type 8 Mastermind a more caring and nurturing character. As a result, INTJ 8w9s are more inclined to use their power to protect others than to exert control over them.

12. INTJ Enneagram 5w4

The INTJ Enneagram Type 5w4 is a sign of growth and direction for Investigator INTJs. The Enneatype 5 Mastermind loves to learn and cuts a rather solitary figure. If they have a strong 4 wing, Investigator INTJs embrace their unique identity even more. Additionally, the natural strengths of the INTJ Type 4 are in direct opposition to the weaknesses of Enneatype 5, enabling INTJ Enneagram 5w4 to be a healthy and balanced personality. The Type 5w4 INTJ is smart and curious with a creative streak. Depending on the strength of their wing, 5w4 Masterminds can be one of the more romantic and empathetic INTJs. The INTJ 5w4 is also an example of a strong Head type with Heart type tendencies.

13. INTJ Enneagram 1w9

The INTJ Enneagram Type 1w9 is a dominant Perfectionist INTJ personality with Peacemaker tendencies. The INTJ Enneagram Type 1 and Type 9 are both good and helpful characters. The combination of the perfection-loving Enneatype 1 and the harmony-craving Enneatype 9 results in an empathetic Mastermind who always wants to do what is suitable for others. The INTJ 1w9 is an excellent mediator, as their drive to be perfect and get everything right—coupled with their winged desire to keep the peace—means they won’t rest until everybody is happy with the outcome.

How are INTJ Subtypes analyzed with INTJ Enneagrams?

INTJ subtypes are analyzed with INTJ Enneagrams by overlaying the results of the opposing MBTI and Enneagram personality tests.

The Enneagram of Personality is a typology that allocates personalities based on the nine points of the Enneagram model. The personalities are either Heart, Body, or Mind-dominant. Each personality type additionally has growth lines and wings linking to two other Enneagram types.

The Enneagram and MBTI subtype combination overlays the results from the two independent tests to create one complete picture of a personality. By overlapping the two methodologies, you can better understand your personality and your development pathway. Data from TypologyCenter shows that 62% of Masterminds identify as Investigators, making Enneagram 5 the most common INTJ Enneagram subtype. The core INTJ personality and Enneagram 5 share many of the same dominant traits and characteristics. Investigators and INTJs display a similar thirst for knowledge, being keen to understand themselves and the world around them.

How does MBTI interpret INTJ Subtypes with the help of Enneagram?

The MBTI interprets the INTJ subtypes with help from the Enneagram by overlaying the MBTI’s definition of personality over the nine Enneagram archetypes. The MBTI defines and categorizes sixteen personality types based on dominant functions set across four psychological dichotomies. The MBTI bases its results on the idea that personality is innate, while the Enneagram looks at how personality is formed in response to life’s traumas.

The MBTI and Enneagram theories conflict so our analysis serves as an example of how the personality systems can converge. Identifying MBTI-Enneagram subtypes creates a well-rounded personality profile with clear indications of how a healthy personality can develop. Two personality experts support the concept of MBTI-Enneagram personality types. Firstly, Eugene Kaluzniacky covers the idea in his book, Managing Psychological Factors in Information Systems Work. Secondly, Pat Wyman broaches MBTI and Enneagram cross-compatibility in her book, Three Keys to Self-Understanding.

Which INTJ Enneagram type is better for relationships?

The INTJ Enneagram Type 5w4 is better for relationships in a romantic sense. Masterminds with Enneatype 5w4 are sensitive, in tune with their emotions, and desire to better understand romance and their partners’ needs. The stronger the wing to the Type 4, the more romantic the INTJ is. However, the most romantic INTJ subtype, before considering the presence of wings and growth lines, is the Type 4 INTJ. The Individualist is sensitive and, as far as the hyper-logical INTJ is concerned, knows the most about romance.

Which INTJ Enneagram type is better for a career?

The INTJ Enneagram Type 8 is the better personality for a career. Type 8 Masterminds are confident and commanding; they get the work done and are great in a position of leadership. If looking to climb the career ladder, no other INTJ Enneagram can touch the Challenger. Conversely, if talking about being a team player and contributing in the workplace, the Challenger can be a little too outspoken and argumentative. Instead, the INTJ Enneagram Type 3 shines. Type 3 INTJs set their targets high and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, be it for the team or as individuals.

Which INTJ Enneagram type is better for artists?

The INTJ Enneagram Type 4 Individualist is the better artist out of all the INTJ subtypes. The serious and straight-talking INTJ is not known for its creative tendencies, but the Enneagram Type 4 holds the most creative flair. INTJ Individualists are bold and proud to be unique, affording themselves the freedom of expression and creative experimentation.

Which INTJ Enneagram type is better for family life?

The INTJ Enneagram Type 1w9 is better for family life. The combination of Perfectionist and Peacemaker tendencies creates a romantic and understanding partner. Furthermore, Masterminds are generally loyal, supportive members of any family. The 1w9 INTJ retains these qualities but is not as wantonly independent thanks to the Peacemaker wing. The 1w9 INTJ Enneagram always wants to do the right thing for their family, including maintaining a harmonious and happy home at all costs.

Which INTJ Enneagram type is better for sensitive people?

The INTJ Enneagram Type 9 is the better personality type for sensitive people. The INTJ Peacemaker subtype is always willing to make adjustments to keep the peace. Maintaining a happy and positive status quo is the life mission of the Type 9 INTJ, making them the perfect subtype for sensitive people. Furthermore, compared to Giver INTJs who are very caring, the INTJ Type 9 is better for sensitive people because the Giver subtype is prone to giving too much.

Which INTJ Enneagram type is more confident?

The most confident INTJ Enneagram type is the INTJ Challenger. Individuals with the Challenger Enneatypes are natural-born leaders, and with that comes a degree of self-confidence that cannot be shaken. The INTJ Challenger is still dominated by the introverted nature of the overarching personality, but within the subtypes, Type 8 Masterminds stand out with their innate assurance and unwavering self-belief.

The INTJ Achiever is also a highly confident personality. Type 3 INTJs’ confidence lies in their ability to get the job done at any cost. However, Type 3 INTJs lack the leadership credentials of the more dominant Type 8 Challenger.

Which INTJ Enneagram type is better for teamwork?

The better INTJ Enneagram type for teamwork is the INTJ Type 3 Achiever. INTJ Achievers are the type of characters who set high goals and will stop at nothing to ensure they are achieved. The INTJ Type 3’s perseverance extends to working as part of a team as much as it does to solo endeavors.

Besides the INTJ Enneagram Type 3, the Type 1 Mastermind is also a good team player because their innate perfectionism cannot allow their team to deliver sub-par work. However, Type 1 INTJs are more outspoken and critical, and thus more likely to cause conflict or upset within a team than an Achiever INTJ.

Which INTJ Enneagram type is creative?

The most creative INTJ Enneagram type is the Type 4 Individualist. The INTJ Individualist subtype is a naturally creative personality, aided by their level of comfort with their individuality. Self-acceptance supported by a willingness to be different is a breeding ground for creativity. Artistic expression also helps the Type 4 INTJ find their unique personality.

The INTJ Type 5 Investigator is also a surprisingly creative character. However, Investigator INTJs’ creativity is limited and focused on finding new ways to view a problem or develop innovative solutions. Experimentation is part of the subtype’s mindset, but outside the scope of the investigation, the creative spark fades away.

What is the INTJ-A (Assertive)?

The INTJ-A (Assertive) is one of the two primary subtypes of the Mastermind personality according to the MBTI. The INTJ-A is the more self-confident and positively focused of the INTJs. While all Masterminds are known for their organization and rational creativity, the Assertive sub-branch carries the most positive traits.

INTJ-A types are more likely to be bold and self-assured and thus dress confidently and professionally. Happier to take charge and be the voice for change, Assertive Masterminds will speak up if required and make the first move on the dating scene.

All INTJ subtypes are introversion dominant; however, the INTJ subtypes with Assertive qualities tend to be more extroverted within their main personality type. Furthermore, the INTJ-A subtypes are more likely to find motivation from setbacks and respond positively to stress. As a result, the INTJ-A subtypes are natural leaders, both at work and at home. While all INTJs are organized and logical, those with the Assertive subtype often have better financial stability and control over their spending.

What are the key characteristics of INTJ-A?

These are the 5 key characteristics of the INTJ-A subtype.

  • Independence
  • Inflexibility
  • Insensitivity
  • Confidence
  • Strong organization skills

The MBTI classifies the INTJ as having dominant functions in Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking, and Judging. Therefore, all of the traits associated with the INTJ are still governed by these dominant functions. That said, the assertive tendencies of the INTJ-A mean Assertive Masterminds are more headstrong and independent. Assertive INTJ subtypes push themselves if hard work is needed and are less likely to have an adverse stress reaction. Additionally, the INTJ-A can be insensitive to the emotions of others. INTJs are not the most emotionally intelligent personality on the MBTI, but the Assertive subtype is even blunter and less attuned to feelings than other MBTI personalities.

What is the INTJ-T (Turbulent)?

The INTJ-T (Turbulent) is the second primary subtype of the Mastermind personality type. Turbulent INTJs are the more reserved and anxious subtype. The Turbulent Mastermind is also the emotionally attuned subtype, and while retaining the overarching logic of the Mastermind personality, they have a greater propensity for empathy and understanding.

The INTJ-T is more likely to demonstrate stronger inclinations towards introversion. Furthermore, the INTJ-T subtype lacks the confidence and assertive nature of its INTJ-A counterparts. As such, Turbulent INTJ subtypes are less likely to stand up and assume leadership roles, nor will they be bold enough to make the first move regarding romantic relationships.

In a family unit, the INTJ-T is likely to be calm and quiet, potentially adjusting their behavior to suit the group. Unfortunately, the INJ-T subtypes will also be the most prone to stress-based reactions. Going through a bad time will knock down Turbulent Masterminds’ confidence and have an adverse effect on their mental health.

What are the key characteristics of INTJ-T?

Below are the 5 key characteristics of the INTJ-T.

  • Self-consciousness
  • Tactfulness
  • Adaptability
  • Prone to stress
  • Sensitivity

The Turbulent INTJ is the quieter and more reserved primary INTJ subtype, but remains governed by the dominant functions of Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking, and Judging. Compared to INTJ-As, Turbulent INTJs are more sensitive to the emotions and needs of others—displaying more substantial empathy levels. As a result, INTJ-Ts enjoy building deeper connections with people. However, the Turbulent INTJ is also more prone to stress-based anxiety. Naturally introverted, INTJ-T subtypes like INTJ Skeptics may be more anxious about the world and their position in it. Their Turbulent qualities cause INTJ-Ts to appear as cautious and nervous characters against the bold and confident INTJ-A.

Comparison of INTJ-T and INTJ-A

Below is a comparison of the INTJ-T and INTJ-A subtypes.

Stress Management Assertive INTJs manage stress well. INTJ-As use stress as motivation to move forward. Turbulent INTJs manage stress poorly because they’re susceptible to stressors. INTJ-Ts become anxious and defeated.
Business Life INTJ-As are confident and self-assured in business life. Assertive INTJs work hard but with an ease of character that makes them appear uncaring. INTJ-Ts are apprehensive to follow through on their ideas in business life. Turbulent Masterminds are constantly second-guessing themselves.
Social Life Socially, INTJ-As enjoy a small social circle. Assertive INTJs are also happy to be the leader and often speak their mind. Socially, INTJ-Ts enjoy a small social circle. Turbulent INTJs are also dependable and caring.
Relationships Assertive INTJs in relationships are emotionally colder and more distant. INTJ-As are also less dependent on their partners. INTJ-Ts in relationships are more attuned to their partner’s emotions. As a result, INTJ-Ts are loyal and supportive.
Behaviors Assertive Masterminds behave dominantly; they’re comfortable being in charge and dealing with authority figures. Turbulent Masterminds behave in a cautious and observant manner. INTJ-Ts are likely to have great ideas but are too reserved to voice them.
Strengths The INTJ-A’s main strength is that they’re self-assured and will stand behind their decision. The INTJ-T’s main strength is that they’re hardworking and analytical.
Weaknesses The Assertive Mastermind’s main weakness is that their confidence makes them appear apathetic. The Turbulent Mastermind’s main weakness is that they lack confidence and are more anxious.

The INTJ-A and INTJ-T retain their core functions, but each subtype responds to stress differently. The INTJ-A’s confidence means they are less likely to react negatively to stressful events. The Assertive Mastermind is consequently more inclined to find motivation in stress and failures. On the other hand, the INTJ-T has greater emotional fragility, meaning they are more likely to struggle if things get difficult. Turbulent Masterminds’ confidence is easily knocked, and they may struggle to get back on track once things go wrong.

Who are the famous people from INTJ Subtypes?

Below are two famous people from each of the nine INTJ subtypes.

  • The INTJ Perfectionist: Stanley Kubrick and Arnold Schwarzenegger are two famous INTJ Perfectionists. Both men strived to be the very best in their chosen fields. Kubrick is well known for reshooting scenes over and over until they were perfect. Meanwhile, Arnold Schwarzenegger spent hours in the gym, crafting the ultimate physique.
  • The INTJ Giver: Two examples of famous INTJ Givers are Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Jane Austen. Ginsburg was renowned throughout her life as a vocal advocate for equality and civil rights. In her time, Jane Austen was similarly always looking for ways to help others and improve the quality of their life.
  • The INTJ Achiever: Two celebrity INTJ Achievers are Elon Musk and Bill Belichick. Elon Musk has led multiple companies to international success and is constantly setting himself new goals. Bill Belichick is regarded as one of the most successful coaches in the NFL. Both Musk and Belichick embody the INTJ Achiever spirit because they’re never satisfied and always strive for more.
  • The INTJ Individualist: Two famous INTJ Individualists are Russell Crowe and C.S. Lewis. Both are fiercely creative and unashamed to be themselves. Both Crowe and Lewis demonstrate their creativity through multiple mediums.
  • The INTJ Investigator: Isaac Newton and Nikola Tesla are two famous people from the INTJ Investigator subtype. Both men were inquisitive and knowledge-hungry Masterminds whose discoveries made a lasting impact on the world.
  • The INTJ Skeptic: Martina Navratilova and Magneto are two celebrity examples of the INTJ Skeptic subtype. Navratilova is fun-loving but hard-working. Dedicated to her friends and family, Navratilova embodies the INTJ Enneagram Type 6. Conversely, Magneto is an example of an unhealthy INTJ Type 7. Controlled by his fears and experiences during the Holocaust, Magneto focuses on the negative and worst possible outcomes.
  • The INTJ Enthusiast: Ludwig van Beethoven and Leopold Mozart are two famous INTJ Enthusiasts. Both men were highly creative and had a zest for life that came alive in their music.
  • The INTJ Challenger: Two celebrity examples of the INTJ Challenger are Professor Moriarty and Julius Caesar. Both men craved being in control and reacted poorly when their power was challenged.
  • The INTJ Peacemaker: Two celebrity INTJ Peacemakers include Jodie Foster and Heraclitus. Both are intensely calm individuals who are conflict-averse and believe there is a peaceful resolution to everything.

How to understand which INTJ Enneagram you are?

The following three steps will allow you to better understand which INTJ Enneagram you are.

  1. Take the MBTI test. The MBTI test will allow you to confirm that you have the base Mastermind personality type. Doing so is important as the Enneagram does not ascertain the INTJ element of a personality.
  2. Take the Enneagram Test. Taking the Enneagram test will show you which of the nine Enneagram points relates to your INTJ personality. The Enneagram results can then be overlaid with the MBTI results to confirm your INTJ Enneagram personality.
  3. Research the different Enneagrams. With your test results overlaid, you can research your INTJ Enneagram’s specifics to fully understand your personality.

What is the best growth part of each INTJ subtype?

The best growth aspect of each INTJ subtype varies. Each of the nine Enneagram points is interconnected by two lines. These lines represent the traits enneatypes will develop during periods of growth or stress. INTJs gain traits that highlight how human personalities fluctuate, taking on healthy (growth) and unhealthy (stress) qualities depending on life circumstances. That said, INTJs do not develop a new personality due to stress or growth.

The list below details the best growth parts of each of the nine INTJ Enneagram subtypes.

  • INTJ Perfectionist: Masterminds with a Perfectionist subtype grow into the healthy characteristics of INTJ Enthusiasts. INTJ Perfectionists learn how to cope with their fear of failure, developing a more optimistic way of thinking. Perfectionists also tend to develop a sense of self-acceptance and spontaneity.
  • INTJ Giver: Masterminds with a Giver personality develop characteristics of the Individualist subtype during periods of self-growth. INTJ Givers grow out of some of the unhealthy aspects of their self-sacrificing personality, finally putting their needs first. INTJ Givers also take on the Individualist’s introspective qualities regarding identity and self-awareness.
  • INTJ Achiever: INTJ Achievers take on the healthy qualities of the Skeptic subtype. The INTJ Achiever’s ambition and fear of worthlessness balance the Skeptic’s logical thinking. INTJ Achievers in growth become more self-discerning, readily acting on concrete facts over sentimental notions.
  • INTJ Individualist: Type 4 Masterminds, in periods of growth, develop qualities of the Perfectionists subtype. INTJ Individualists become more disciplined. Individualists also worry less over their flaws and embrace a more righteous, moral way of thinking.
  • INTJ Investigator: Mastermind with an Investigator enneatype grows into the healthy qualities of the Challenger subtype. The Investigator’s private nature takes on the Challenger’s more confident, independent personality. Investigators also gain aspects of the Challenger’s proactive decision-making skills.
  • INTJ Skeptic: Skeptic INTJs develop the healthy traits of the Peacemaker subtype. INTJ Skeptics’ hypervigilance and need for an authority figure diminish during periods of growth. Skeptics trust themselves better, feeling more relaxed and calm. INTJ Skeptics in growth also tend to be less skeptical and anxious.
  • INTJ Enthusiast: The INTJ Enthusiast’s carefree attitude takes on the healthy qualities of the Investigator subtype. INTJ Enthusiasts begin to take life a little more seriously, developing a stronger sense of self-control. Type 7 Masterminds additionally learn how to process negative emotions and create a more stable lifestyle.
  • INTJ Challenger: INTJ Challengers develop the healthy traits of INTJ Givers during periods of growth. The Challenger’s independent spirit becomes more compassionate and less self-assertive. The Challenger’s fear of vulnerability also lessens as they develop the Giver’s more sentimental, nurturing characteristics and learn how to open up to loved ones.
  • INTJ Peacemaker: Masterminds with a Peacemaker personality grow into the healthy qualities of the Achiever subtype. INTJ Peacemakers, in growth, become more ambitious and action-oriented, taking realistic measures to create the stability and harmony Peacemakers desire.

How do INTJ subtypes deal with their fears?

The INTJ subtypes deal with their fears in the following ways.

  • INTJ Perfectionist: INTJ Perfectionists deal with their fear of failure through strict self-discipline and high expectations. Type 1 Masterminds also follow their rigid moral code to guard against failure.
  • INTJ Giver: INTJ Givers deal with their fear of being unloved and unwanted through self-sacrifice. INTJ Givers will put others’ needs first and provide unconditional support to loved ones.
  • INTJ Achiever: INTJ Achievers deal with their fear of worthlessness through success. INTJs with the Achiever subtype feel emotionally validated by their accomplishments and find self-value through ambition.
  • INTJ Individualist: INTJ Individualists deal with the fear of being intrinsically flawed by looking for a life’s purpose. Individualists’ introspective thinking pushes them to explore their identities and find what makes them unique.
  • INTJ Investigator: INTJ Investigators deal with their fear of incompetency by fixating on their intellectual pursuits. Type 5 Masterminds try to learn as much as possible, often becoming experts on their passions or careers.
  • INTJ Skeptic: INTJ Skeptics deal with their fear of abandonment by preparing for the worst. INTJ Skeptics try to anticipate every outcome to protect themselves from situational risks and emotional pain.
  • INTJ Enthusiast: INTJ Enthusiasts deal with their fear of pain and feeling stuck by seeking adventure. Masterminds with the Enthusiast subtype use new experiences and exciting lifestyles to distract them from their emotional fears.
  • INTJ Peacemaker: INTJ Peacemakers deal with their fear of loss and ostracization by being agreeable. Peacemakers submit to others’ agendas, avoid confrontations, and adhere to the status quo.
  • INTJ Challenger: INTJ Challengers deal with their fear of vulnerability by exercising control over every aspect of their lives. INTJ Challengers tend to avoid situations where they have to give up control or open up about their emotions.

To better understand The Mastermind’s coping mechanisms, see our article What Are INTJs Afraid Of?

How can INTJ subtypes develop themselves?

The INTJ subtypes can develop themselves by working to understand their strengths and weaknesses. By isolating the strongest and weakest parts of their subtype, Masterminds can look to actively improve their abilities in these areas.

For example, the INTJ Challenger subtype’s weakness is an inability to surrender control. By actively working to be more flexible and understanding when someone else is in command, the Challenger can become healthier and less likely to succumb to their negative traits.

Similarly, the INTJ Giver is so used to offering themselves selflessly that they forget to look after themselves and thus are prone to suffering from burnout. To develop themselves, the INTJ Giver subtype could look to dedicate some time to themselves each week. Doing so will not only make Type 2 INTJs healthy examples of their subtype but also provide them with an outlet for any pent-up stress or emotions they have ignored.

Do INTJ subtypes change according to gender?

No, the INTJ subtypes do not change according to gender. The INTJ personality type is slightly more common in males than females according to research. We can infer that the INTJ subtypes may also be male-dominant, but there is no tangible link between gender and subtypes. Instead, a subtype links to the specific set of dominant traits and characteristics that a person displays. These traits may be traditionally masculine or feminine, but they do not adjust based on the individual.

Can someone change their character from an INTJ Enneagram to another?

There isn’t enough evidence to suggest someone can change their character from an INTJ Enneagram to another, but recent studies have hypothesized a person can choose to change their personality traits. That said, voluntary changes may not be something within the capabilities of every individual. Furthermore, the different questions that help assign a personality type can be subjective. Even if a person answers honestly, emotional bias while taking the test could change some of the answers, as these tend to look for an absolute. A person could get different results if they take the test multiple times and assume their personality has changed.

In addition, the Enneagram accounts for personality development via growth and stress lines linking to specific types. While in growth or under stress, individuals may demonstrate traits associated with their respective growth or stress-related Enneagram types. Under the Enneagram’s typology, these changes are not necessarily an indication of permanent changes or a new personality type as both the MBTI and Enneagram assert that personality is fairly fixed.

Can someone be from multiple INTJ Enneagram types?

No, someone can’t be from multiple INTJ Enneagram types, but a person can display some traits of other Enneagram identities. For example, an INTJ Enneagram 5 can display strong Type 4 traits, becoming an INTJ Enneagram 5w4. The specific enneagram type is still a dominant 5, which will not change.

As we age and grow, we can develop our weaknesses and enhance our strengths, making us healthy versions of our Enneagrams. However, neither the Enneagram nor the MBTI personality systems support two different dominant types.

What is an INTJ personality type?

An INTJ personality type is one of the sixteen personality types under the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Each MBTI personality type has a propensity for one of two psychological traits from a set of four dichotomies. The INTJ’s traits are Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking, and Judging. INTJs are highly analytical, innovative individuals due to this unique combination of characteristics, which fits the Mastermind archetype.

The MBTI focuses on psychological traits and cannot accurately account for an individual’s core motivations, fears, and desires, whereas the Enneagram does this more accurately. As a result, we can group the INTJ personality type into subtypes derived from the Enneagram.