Photographer Dietmar Eckell is no stranger to the allure of abandoned structures. Having spent years studying and photographing abandoned cold war relics, theme parks, churches and otherwise, Eckell has now trained his focus upon abandoned aircraft that have fallen from the sky. Eckell’s attraction to these aircraft is even more specific– in his series “Happy Ends”, he has documented fifteen different abandoned aircraft that fell from the sky without any casualties. Fifteen forced landings, in trees, deserts and seas, but not one casualty as a result. Eckell is now inviting the public to take part in the preservation of his art in a self-published book, ‘Happy End’ – a Photo-Book about Miracles in Aviation History. The book is now accepting sponsors on IndieGogo, an opportunity for art fans and cultural custodians to help Eckell and others explore their inspiration. For now, you’ve certainly inspired us, Mr. Eckell.
[images published with permission, copyright Dietmar Eckell]
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“Happy End” Photographs by Dietmar Eckell | Gallery