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The Supervisor (ESTJ) Personality Type (Characteristics and Traits)

ESTJ personality type

The ESTJ personality type, commonly known as “The Composer”, describes people with dominant Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging (ESTJ) psychological traits. ESTJs are hardworking, confident, detail-oriented, and highly motivated to get work done.

To break down the concept of the ESTJ type, we must consider the four fundamental psychological attitudes. These attitudes come from psychologist Carl Jung’s personality type theory and exist within the four dichotomies below.

  • Extroversion (versus Introversion): Extraverts gain energy from being around people. ESTJs thrive in active social situations, unlike their introverted counterparts.
  • Sensing (versus iNtuition): Denotes a preference for using sensory data to make decisions. ESTJ prefers to deal with facts over vague concepts and what-ifs.
  • Thinking (versus Feeling): Thinking types prefer to make informed decisions based on logical reasoning. ESTJ Supervisors are not likely to make knee-jerk decisions.
  • Judging (versus Perceiving): Defines a preference for a structured and well-organized approach to life. An ESTJ personality is not prone to acts of wild spontaneity.

Composers are hardworking, traditional, and eager to create a solid organizational foundation for their work. ESTJ’s fastidious nature also fits “The Supervisor” alternative archetype. Supervisors have three telltale characteristics that make them easy to identify as ESTJ. Firstly, ESTJs have a confidence level that shines through in all weathers. They are tough as nails and ready to face any challenge. Secondly, ESTJs find comfort in rules and structure and will often start any get-together by establishing some semblance of ground rules for everybody. Finally, a true ESTJ will look to either take charge of a situation or create a hierarchy whereby they respect those above them and expect the same from others lower down the chain.

The main strength of an ESTJ is their dedication to whatever they are doing. Be it work or play, the ESTJ approaches every situation with passion and determination, giving their all day in and day out. However, one of the main weaknesses of the ESTJ personality is that they can be somewhat judgemental. Staunch traditionalists at heart, the ESTJ can struggle with those that have non-conventional ideas or lifestyles.

Due to the ESTJ’s affinity for rules, structure, and discipline, they are a natural fit for careers such as law enforcement or academics. Supervisors are also industrious and committed, so they’re often found at the top end of the corporate ladder. The ESTJ personality type entails traditionally masculine traits, but there are actually more women than men who fit the Supervisor archetype.

What does ESTJ stand for?

ESTJ stands for Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging. With these fundamental traits, an ESTJ Supervisor cuts a serious figure who respects authority and relishes a rigid rule base, employing an organized approach to life. Whether at work or spending time with friends, everything will be well structured when an ESTJ is around.

What are the characteristics of ESTJ?

ESTJs have five recognizable characteristics. Firstly, a true ESTJ is a hardworking individual who will sacrifice whatever is necessary to get the job done. Secondly, ESTJs are often the alpha leaders of a group, both in work and play. Thirdly, ESTJs love structure and will be the first to stand up, set the rules, and decide on who is in charge of what. Fourthly, ESTJs are natural leaders but will readily recognize authority and show respect to their superiors. Finally, ESTJs are so dependable and organized that you could set your watch by them.

What are the ESTJ cognitive functions?

Below are the four ESTJ cognitive functions, listed in order of dominance.

  1. Extraverted Thinking (Te): ESTJ’s dominant function Te defines a desire to create logical, universal frameworks of truth and knowledge. Dominant Te is principled, organized, inspiring, but inflexible.
  2. Introverted Sensing (Si): ESTJ’s auxiliary function Si tempers Te’s idealism with sensitivity and patience. Auxiliary Si helps The Supervisor approach subjective experiences with empathy, rather than annoyance.
  3. Extraverted Intuition (Ne): ESTJ’s tertiary function Ne awakens a sense of curiosity about possibilities beyond immediate perception. Tertiary Ne tries to be open-minded and explorative, but is often naive.
  4. Introverted Feeling (Fi): ESTJ’s inferior function Fi mostly takes a back seat to Dominant Te, but emerges in times of stress as an ego-check. When intellectual frameworks fail, Inferior Fi offers a path to emotional grounding–which Te may embrace or reject.

Carl Jung defined human behaviors and interactions with the world through the lens of cognitive functions. Cognitive functions differ from the aforementioned psychological attitudes in that they exist along a signal dichotomy of either introverted or extraverted. Each cognitive function exists within a specific dominance tier, which has profound affects on ESTJ’s personality as described below.

1. Dominant Te

The dominant function of the ESTJ personality type is Extraverted Thinking (Te), opposite of Introverted Thinking (Ti). The Supervisor’s dominant Te cognitive function seeks out standardization in truth as often as possible, believing that rationality and objectivity provide the strongest framework for social order. Te’s idealism is rooted in benevolence, but may come across as overbearing when left unchecked by ESTJ’s less dominant cognitive functions. 

2. Auxiliary Si

The auxiliary function of the ESTJ personality type is Introverted Thinking (Si), opposite of Extraverted Sensing (Se). Auxiliary Si offers patience and introspection where dominant Te’s inflexible need for order falls short. Supervisors who regularly tap into the Si cognitive function are actually more effective problem solvers because they are able to detect nuance that would otherwise go unheeded by ESTJ’s macro-oriented dominant function.

3. Tertiary Ne

The tertiary function of the ESTJ personality type is Extraverted iNtuition (Ne), opposite of Introverted iNtuition (Ni). Tertiary Ne is less developed than the previous two cognitive functions, and much like a child, views the world as a creative sandbox. Tertiary Ne probes and tweaks the established order sought by dominant Te, which can cause inner conflict as easily as it can lead to more novel solutions.

4. Inferior Fi

The inferior function of the ESTJ personality type is Introverted Feeling (Fi), opposite of Extraverted Feeling (Fe). Supervisors selectively use their inferior Fi cognitive function to understand individualized emotionality within the context of solving a social problem. However, Fi really comes to the fore as a salve of introspection during identity crises when dominant Te’s idealism turns to zealotry .

How does ESTJ behave in a relationship?

ESTJs are not the easiest to deal with in a relationship. ESTJs’ need for structure, hierarchy and general control can sometimes make them a little fastidious. ESTJs are also opinionated and prone to impatience, which may cause some arguments from time to time. On the other hand, Supervisors appreciate a supportive partner and are dedicated in return.

When a relationship ends, the ESTJ can struggle. Supervisors view a breakup as a personal failure — the one thing they struggle to accept in themselves.

How is the ESTJ personality in parenthood?

The ESTJ personality is strict but caring in parenthood. Even within the family circle, Supervisors will have established rules and responsibilities for all members. However, being such traditionalists, ESTJs place great importance on family holidays and family customs. ESTJs establish bonding rituals with their children, and it is during these times that they build connections. Supervisors may be seen as cold or unloving, but really, ESTJs are simply straight-laced throwbacks to an older age.

How is the productivity of ESTJ business people?

In general, ESTJs are extremely productive business people. Supervisors thrive in conditions ensconced within a rigid structure, with clear rules and defined requirements. ESTJs are dependable and will do whatever it takes to complete the job on time. Supervisors tend to do well at any level, but shine especially in management roles. Although ESTJ is productive, their zealous dedication to their jobs often leads to overwork and burnout.

How is the efficiency of ESTJ science people?

Just like in business, ESTJ science people are efficient, dedicated, and productive. Supervisors are willing to make personal sacrifices to complete a task. The hallmark ESTJ perseverance allows them to thrive both in the lab and field. 

What are ESTJs like as kids?

ESTJ kids are social from an early age, and enjoy being outdoors with friends. Young Supervisors find nothing worse than being cooped up alone indoors. No matter their age, however, ESTJs kids to play by the rules. Even as young children, little Supervisors will be the organizers of the group, allocating roles and trying to be the ones in control of any situation.

What are the key ESTJ traits?

Below are the four core ESTJ traits that will reverberate Supervisor personality types.

  • Reliability: If an ESTJ says they will do something, they will do it come hell or high water.
  • Honesty: ESTJs love law and order, which sometimes comes with brutal honesty.
  • Practicality: The ESTJ is a highly practical individual who isn’t prone to unplanned flights of fancy.
  • Logical: Rational thought governs all of the actions of an ESTJ. As such, they are highly logical people even in times when the result goes against what they would have personally wanted.

What are the ESTJ strengths?

Below are the four key ESTJ strengths.

  • Strong Will: ESTJs are a determined bunch. Once they set their mind to something, it will take a lot for them to be swayed from the task. Likewise, it will take a solid and convincing argument to make an ESTJ change their mind on anything.
  • Organization: It is vital to an ESTJ that everything is structured and organized. As a result, ESTJs are also great at organizing. A skill that helps them become important figures in business and social circles.
  • Dedication: The intense dedication levels on an ESTJ allow them to be such strong-willed characters. Once they start a project, they will do anything to see it through. Determined in the extreme, an ESTJ always gets the job done.
  • Loyalty: ESTJs are people of their word. Whether in the business world, the local community, or within the family unit, if an ESTJ says they will do something, you can bet your house on them doing it.

What are the ESTJ weaknesses?

Below are the four weaknesses that immediately spring to mind when thinking about an ESTJ.

  • Stubbornness: Because of their strong will, ESTJs are often quite stubborn. While this obstinacy can be an advantage, it is just as often something that can go against ESTJs or garner them the label of being a bit awkward.
  • Conventionality: Traditional values make up the backbone of ESTJ beliefs. Unfortunately, that’s why ESTJs are not the most accepting of non-conventional views or lifestyles, which can hinder them in the modern world.
  • Difficulty relaxing: ESTJs often struggle to switch off and relax because of their hardworking nature.
  • Challenges with dealing with emotion: ESTJs are driven by structure and order. As a result, they can struggle to understand and deal with emotions—both their own and those of others. Empathy is a concept they lose sight of in the name of logic and routine.

What stresses an ESTJ?

There are five main things that stress the ESTJ personality type.

  • Surprises: The Supervisor rarely appreciates being surprised, even if it was meant with the best of intentions. ESTJs always appreciate knowing what is around the corner and planning for it.
  • Going without a plan: Thorough planning is required for ESTJ’s peace of mind. Thus, they feel extremely stressed when forced into a situation without any preparation.
  • Emotional situations: Supervisors lead with logic rather than empathy, so they often become frustrated when dealing with the irrationality of emotional conflict.
  • Unexpected changes: ESTJ goes by the book, and loses their bearings if something unexpected comes along to knock them off course.
  • Unfamiliarity: The ESTJ personality type craves stability, so they quickly become exhausted dealing with the variables of unfamiliar territory.

What do ESTJs hate?

ESTJs hate disorganization. Whether at home or in the workplace, a lack of organization will invoke the ire of an ESTJ. When something is disorganized, an ESTJ type can be thrown from their safe place and find themselves stressed, frustrated, and disappointed with those that failed to bring order to the chaos. ESTJs also hate having people disappoint them or fail to hold up their end of an agreement.

How does the ESTJ deal with stress?

ESTJs deal with stress by avoiding the stressor, at least at first and as much as possible. Instead of facing it head-on, they focus on an activity that helps them relax, leaving them better positioned to deal with their stress points from a better place. After some time, Supervisors eventually come around to accept that change is necessary, and slowly work to get themselves into the best frame of mind to enact that change in a methodical way.

How do ESTJs deal with grief?

ESTJs generally internalize their grief because they are somewhat out of touch with their emotions. Supervisors maintain a positive external facade while secretly struggling to apply logic to their inner emotional turmoil. Thus, even close friends and family have a hard time identifying an ESTJ in the process of compartmentalizing their feelings.

Are ESTJs empathetic?

No, ESTJs are not particularly empathetic individuals. ESTJ types are level-headed and logical, and as a result, they struggle to deal with emotional situations. Supervisors who actively work to develop their auxiliary Si and inferior Fi cognitive functions are more likely to handle overt emotionality well than ESTJs who don’t.

Are ESTJs narcissistic?

No, ESTJs are not naturally narcissistic personalities. That said, ESTJ characteristics may resemble narcissism. However, although ESTJs are focused and determined, they are not self-centered or self-absorbed. ESTJs simply have high standards and would like others to demonstrate the same.

What are the hobbies of an ESTJ?

The ESTJ’s preferred hobbies are industrious, structured, and serve a purpose as evidenced by the seven examples below.

  • Gardening
  • DIY
  • Volunteering
  • Working in the community
  • Playing and watching sports
  • Investing
  • Exercising in the gym

What are the career paths for ESTJ?

The five careers paths below provide the rules and structure that allow the ESTJ to thrive.

  • Police officer: Police uphold the rules and societal structure, thus a career in law enforcement perfectly matches the ESTJ’s core traits.
  • Attorney: ESTJs make ideal lawyers because they are outspoken, resolute in their views, and willing to put in the work to get a result. 
  • School principal: With their love of structure, routine, and rules, a job as a school principal speaks to the fastidious nature of the ESTJ Supervisor.
  • Stockbroker: Working as a stockbroker appeals to the ESTJ, and allows a hobby to become a career. The concrete nature of buying and selling assets appeals to everything the ESTJ enjoys.
  • Auditor: ESTJs make great auditors because the role provides a detailed framework that guides their work. They know exactly where they fit, and their contributions to the organization are easily seen and quantifiable.

In addition to this list of occupations, there are more suitable ESTJ professions available in the career personality profiler.

How does ESTJ prepare for a job interview?

An ESTJ should use the four steps below to prepare for an interview.

  1. Research the role thoroughly. ESTJs don’t do well in jobs with open-ended roles and responsibilities. Thus, it is critical to research the job and ensure a good fit well in advance.
  2. Evaluate strengths and weaknesses and prepare to discuss them. ESTJ should be especially open about shortcomings so both employer and employee have time to plan around them.
  3. Mentally prepare to answer unanticipated questions. The Supervisor is not an adept improviser, some coming prepared to answer curve-ball questions is a serious leg-up.
  4. Calm the mind and get some rest before the interview. ESTJ’s extreme anticipation can lead them to feel tired and sluggish in the interview itself. 

The rigors of preparing for a job interview fall well within the confident and commanding Supervisor’s wheelhouse. However, confidence can sometimes be overbearing, so the ESTJ should keep in mind the following four tips before attending their interview.

  • Remember who is in charge. As a natural leader, the ESTJ will always look to take charge of a situation. However, when interviewing for a new role, it always pays to remember who is in control of that situation. Confidence is critical, but taking over is ill-advised.
  • Listen actively. Listening is always a good skill, regardless of your position. As an ESTJ, investing extra energy in your active listening skills is advisable.
  • Pay attention to tone. The matter-of-fact way the ESTJ approaches things, combined with their lack of empathy, can make them seem somewhat cold and disinterested. An ESTJ must pay extra attention to how they answer questions and their tone of voice.
  • Try to be relaxed. For an ESTJ, the need to have everything rigid and structured could lead to over-preparation and make the interview feel wooden and forced. Going into an interview, ESTJs should focus on trying to relax and let the answers flow naturally.

Are ESTJs good employees?

ESTJs are exceptional employees, as they are hardworking and dependable. Once given a task, ESTJs will do anything to see it finished. ESTJs dislike disappointing their superiors and tend to work within the rules of the business. However, they tend to take on too much and overwork themselves; their drive to succeed can get the better of them.

How ESTJs prefer to work?

Supervisors have equal preference for working in teams or alone, as long as there is a solid framework for the work they need to do. Their extraversion makes them friendly workers who enjoy talking with their colleagues. ESTJ takes their responsibilities seriously, and expect their coworkers to do the same. However, the are sometimes bossy, and tend to micromanage or impose their views on their team. The quickest way to lose the respect of an ESTJ is to cut corners or deliver sub-standard work.

What career paths should ESTJs avoid?

The careers below require creativity, compassion, and spontaneity, and thus are a poor match for the ESTJ’s strengths.

  • Child care provider: Given ESTJs’ need for structure and rules, working with children is something they should avoid. The unpredictable nature of the young will keep the ESTJ on edge and only raise their stress levels.
  • Writer: ESTJs are not known for their creativity, which is an essential quality for any writer. Supervisors will be too logical to embrace the fluid style of a fiction author. While it’s not unheard of for an ESTJ to write, it would go against the dominant personality traits.
  • Musician: ESTJs’ lack of spontaneity and creativity will hold them back as musicians. Frank Sinatra is one of the few examples of an ESTJ’s success in music.
  • Veterinary assistant: ESTJs should avoid working with animals because they are unpredictable and even the best attempts to implement structure can fall apart at a moment’s notice. This unpredictability goes against every fiber of the ESTJs being.
  • Social worker: ESTJs should avoid a career in social sciences because such jobs entail a great degree of compassion, which Supervisors generally lack. Particularly a career as a social worker, dealing with those needing help or in bad places in their life will be a struggle for the straight-talking, traditionalist ESTJ.

What are the key statistics for ESTJ personality types?

The statistics for ESTJ personality types show it is the most common personality type overall, with Doers representing 11.2% of the population. The gender split is fairly even, with 11.5% of women and 10.1% of men responding as ESTJ.

The ESTJ is a very confident and dominant character which would traditionally be considered masculine regardless of gender. Many people classified as ESTJ work in large businesses, and excel in senior management. Supervisors’ direct and logical ways are well suited to this line of work, and it is here that they truly thrive.

Who are the ESTJ celebrities?

The Supervisor archetype has a serious character, which is embodied perfectly in the ESTJ celebrities below.

  • Kamala Harris (49th Vice President of the United States)
  • Piers Morgan (Broadcaster)
  • Judge Judy (American court show arbitrator)
  • Lord Alan Sugar (Business magnate)
  • Michelle Obama (Former first lady of the United States)
  • Margaret Thatcher (Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)
  • Saddam Hussein (5th President of Iraq)

What are the ESTJ quotes?

ESTJs are confident personalities, so it’s not surprising that there are a number of great quotes from successful ESTJs. Below are four examples of ESTJs’ words of wisdom.

  • “Tony Blair is a decent man who genuinely thinks what he is doing is justified. But when he sees men such as George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld smirking and boasting as they announce their Shock and Awe offensive, we hope he understands why we believe we have been dragged into something we should have been fighting tooth and nail to stop.” – Piers Morgan
  • “Even in dark times, we not only dream, we do. We not only see what has been, we see what can be. We shoot for the moon, and then we plant our flag on it. We are bold, fearless, and ambitious. We are undaunted in our belief that we shall overcome; that we will rise up. This is American aspiration,” – Kamala Harris
  • “A good leader is not necessarily the most popular person in their business, but the best ones are liked because they are respected for their clarity and vision.” – Lord Alan Sugar
  • “You cannot take your freedoms for granted. Just like generations who have come before you, you have to do your part to preserve and protect those freedoms… you need to be preparing yourself to add your voice to our national conversation.” – Michelle Obama
  • “Have you ever heard of the K.I.S.S. principle? ‘Keep It Simple, Stupid.'” – Judge Judy

What are the ESTJ sub-types?

There are four distinct ESTJ subtypes: ESTJ Leader (ESTJ-A+), ESTJ Pleaser (ESTJ-T+), ESTJ Fighter (ESTJ-A-), and ESTJ Follower (ESTJ-T-). Although these subtypes share key Supervisor traits, each has subtle character differences that set it apart.

  • ESTJ-A+: The Leader has dominant cognitive functions in Extroverted Thinking and Introverted Sensing. ESTJ-A+ types are highly self-motivated and driven to complete projects that they are passionate about. As a result, they are more likely to take risks by setting overly high expectations, which is as much a strength as a weakness.
  • ESTJ-T+: The Pleaser shows dominant cognitive functions in Introverted Feeling and Introverted Sensing. This means that the ESTJ-T+ are very focused on the outward projection of their character. They always want to appear positive and upbeat, but in return, it makes them far more emotionally fragile when it comes to criticism.
  • ESTJ-A-: The Fighter displays dominant cognitive functions in Introverted iNtuition and Extroverted. Thinking, making them the lone wolves of the ESTJ family. Highly self-critical, they are more likely to be out for themselves and driven to achieve their individual goals.
  • ESTJ-T-: The Follower has dominant cognitive functions in Introverted Feeling and Introverted iNtuition. Follower subtypes are often concerned about their position within their social groups. Therefore, they are the most likely of the ESTJs to adjust their outward persona to fit whatever group they are in.

How do ESTJs view other types?

ESTJs struggle to properly understand other personality types. While attempting to understand others, ESTJs will defer to themselves and expect others to perform to their high standards. Although some ESTJ subtypes (such as the ESTJ-T- Follower) may adjust themselves to fit the group, this conformity doesn’t subtract from their base desire for rules, structure, and discipline.

Can a person be both ESTJ and ESTP?

No, a person cannot be both an ESTJ and an ESTP. You can only have one personality type. However, because all personalities are made up of different combinations of the same functions, two subtypes from different personalities may seem very similar.

Are ESTJ personalities hereditary?

There’s no evidence that the ESTJ personality is hereditary. The answer will lie within the ever-raging debate of nature vs. nurture. Ultimately, a child born from two ESTJ parents and raised with ESTJ values will be more likely to take those traits into adulthood. However, exposure to the reality of the world will undoubtedly play a role also.

How are the genders of the ESTJ personality?

The ESTJ personality type is more common among males than females. The definitive traits of the ESTJ personality are certainly more on the masculine side, and as such, the ESTJ genders tend to present themselves in different ways.

There are three core differences between male and female ESTJs. Firstly, at work, ESTJ men are more interested in being in control, while productivity is more of a driving factor for ESTJ women. Secondly, in social settings, ESTJ women are more likely to cause disruption with their forthright views and manner of speech than their male counterparts. Such behavior could stem from the lack of immediate femininity associated with the ESTJ personality. The final difference between ESTJ men and women lies in their pursuit of relationships. ESTJ men are traditionalists, looking to settle down and live a family life. On the other hand, ESTJ women struggle to form long-term relationships as they are tough, independent, and hesitant to form emotional bonds with others.

How is the ESTJ female personality?

The ESTJ female personality accounts for 11.5% of all women. Female Doers’ strengths lie in their logical decision making, so they are great leaders, especially with larger teams. With their confidence and outspoken nature, many ESTJ women can be perceived as being blunt and masculine by patriarchal societies.

How is the ESTJ male personality?

The ESTJ male personality makes up 10.1% of men in total. ESTJ men are dominant and often alpha in their nature. Male Supervisors are fans of rules and structure and, as such, excel in positions of authority. In addition, ESTJ men are ethical characters who make solid moral decisions.

What are the strongest signals that someone is ESTJ?

Below are the five strongest signals that someone is an ESTJ.

  • They are organized to the extreme: ESTJs thrive for organization and structure. If someone looks to take charge and manage even the simplest of occasions, this is a strong sign of them being an ESTJ.
  • They are logical: We all have emotions, but some are better at controlling them. A clear sign of an ESTJ is making a reasoned and rational decision even when emotional responses are easier and more common.
  • They are go-getters: Procrastination is not in the ESTJ vocabulary. No matter the temptation to sit and do something else, the ESTJ is a go-getter at heart, and once committed to a project, they will ensure it gets done.
  • They hate giving up control: Control means everything to the ESTJ. If ever they have this control taken away, they crumble and find themselves in a state of panic.
  • Traditions are important to them: Not only are ESTJs conventional in their view of the world, but they love and value traditions. Christmas, birthdays, and recurring family customs are of great importance to them.

How to understand whether you are an ESTJ or not?

To understand whether you are an ESTJ or not, you need to take a step back and look at what values you hold dear. For example, if creative freedom makes you panic, but a solid structure and ground rules bring peace of mind, then you are likely an ESTJ. If family time is more important to you than doing something unplanned or random, this is another sign that you’re an ESTJ.

The easiest way to make a quick self-assessment of your MBTI classification is through a personality type test.

How to classify personality types for ESTJ communication

There are four main ways to classify other personality types based on how they communicate with ESTJ.

  • Kindred personalities: These relationships relish in their similarities, which far outnumber their differences. Kindred personalities make fast friends, but sometimes the lack of differences is actually a point of friction.
  • Friendly personalities: This classification denotes similar worldviews and dispositions to get along, but with enough differences to make it interesting. Friendly personalities easily find common ground and celebrate their differences.
  • Different personalities: Two personalities may be quite different while still forging a strong bond. Different personalities complement each other’s weaknesses with their own strengths.
  • Opposite personalities: This class contains the personalities that have the least in common with ESTJs and whose differences are often too great for their similarities to overcome. Relationships between opposite personalities take effort, but are often highly rewarding in the long-run.

What are the main similarities of other personality types to ESTJ?

Three core similarities run between ESTJs and some other types. Firstly the straight-talking nature of an ESTJ is closely shared by ESTPs. Secondly, a certain kinship is shared between the ISTJ personality’s logical pragmatism. Finally, a shared love of schedules and orderly routine binds the ESTJ with the ENTJ.

What are the kindred personality types for ESTJ?

Below are the four kindred personality types to the ESTJ.

  • ISTJ: The first kindred personality for the ESTJ is the ISTJ because both of these characters are naturally logical thinkers. The main difference between the ESTJ and ISTJ is the social energy levels of the ESTJ can be too much for the quieter ISTJ.
  • ESTP: The second kindred personality for the ESTJ is the ESTP because they are both highly social personalities who enjoy spending time with family and friends. The main difference between the ESTJ and ESTP is how they approach life. The ESTJ is serious and enjoys structure while the ESTP is more free-spirited and relaxed.
  • ESTJ: The third kindred personality for the ESTJ is other ESTJs. It goes without saying that one ESTJ will get along with another because they share exactly the same views on life. However, the main difference between ESTJ and ESTJ relationships is that the ESTJ can be fiercely stubborn to the values they hold dear, which can cause conflict when those values differ.
  • ENTJ: The fourth kindred personality of the ESTJ is the ENTJ because both personalities have a shared affinity for schedules and order. However, the main difference between the ESTJ and ENTJ is in their view on life. ESTJ types are grounded and all about the facts, while ESTJs want to have adventures and broaden their horizons.

What are the most friendly personality types to ESTJ?

The following are four friendly personalities to the ISTJ.

  • ISFJ: The first friendly personality to the ESTJ is the ISFJ because they are both traditionalists and put faith in established routines and processes. The main difference between the ESTJ and the ISFJ is with regards to voicing opinions. The ESTJ is blunt and honest, while the INSJ is loath to give comments that might cause upset or offense.
  • INFJ: The second friendly personality to the ESTJ is the INFJ because they are both organized and tidy souls. The main difference between the ESTJ and the INFJ is in how they view the world. The INFJ believes in working towards positive change, while the ESTJ lives in the facts of modern life.
  • ENTP: The third friendly personality to the ESTJ is the ENTP because they are both logical and reason-driven characters. The main difference between the ESTJ and the ENTP is how they communicate. The ENTP prefers talking in abstracts and metaphor, while the ESTJ is far more down-to-earth and direct.
  • ENFJ: The fourth friendly personality to the ESTJ is the ENFJ because they are both social personalities who enjoy spending time with friends. The main difference between the ESTJ and ENFJ is the connections they form with people. ENFJ types crave deep emotional relationships with their friends, while the ESTJs are more emotionally distant.

What are the challenging opposite personality types to ESTJ?

Below are the four personality types that are challenging opposites to the ESTJ.

  • ISFP: The first challenging opposite to the ESTJ is the ISFP because the ISFP is all about having fun. The main difference between the ESTJ and the ISFP is that the ISFP prefers to live in the moment and turn everything into a good time.
  • INTP: The second challenging opposite to the ESTJ is the INTP because INTPs prefer a quieter, more relaxed way of life. The main difference between the ESTJ and the INTP comes down to communication. The INTP likes to understand the why of things while the ESTJ is more about hearing the facts and moving on.
  • INFP: The third challenging opposite to the ESTJ is INFP because the INFP is an idealist while the ESTJ is more concerned about maintaining the status quo. The main difference between the ESTJ and the INFP is how the INFP considers the emotional impact of words and actions, while the ESTJ is far more direct.
  • ENFP: The final challenging opposite to the ESTJ is the ENFP because the ENFP is all about establishing an emotional connection. The main difference between the ESTJ and ENFP lies in the empathy the ENFP feels for the world around them, while the ESTJ often seems cold and unaffected by life’s suffering.

What are the most different personality types for ESTJ?

Below are the four highly different personality types from the ESTJ.

  • ISTP: The first most different personality to the ESTJ is the ISTP because ISTPs love to live in the moment. The main difference between the ESTJ and the ISTP is the hard work ethic of the ESTJ as opposed to the more fun-loving nature of the ISTP.
  • INTJ: The second most different personality to the ESTJ is the INTJ because the ESTJ is too much of a traditionalist. The main difference between the ESTJ and the INTJ is the out-of-the-box thinking commonly in the INTJ as opposed to the conventional views of the ESTJ.
  • ESFP: The third most different personality to the ESTJ is the ESFP because the ESTP is looking more for in-the-moment companions more than true friendship. The main difference between the ESTJ and the ESFP lies in the spontaneity of the ESFP as opposed to the ESTJs structured lifestyle.
  • ESFJ: The fourth most different personality to the ESTJ is the ESFJ because of the ESTJs hard-boiled straight-talking nature. The main difference between the ESTJ and the ESFJ is in how the ESFJ is far more concerned with maintaining an emotional balance than they are speaking their mind and talking facts.

What disorders are associated with ESTJ personality types?

Here are the four disorders commonly associated with ESTJs.

  • Intermittent Explosive Disorder: Because of their direct no nonsense communications tyle, ESTJs have an angry reputation. ESTJs are also very stubborn characters and can react explosively when their views or ways are repeatedly questioned.
  • Mania: The ESTJ is a hardworking and dedicated character. TOnce focused on a task they will make any manner of sacrifices in order to see it through. This trait lends itself to menic periods. This mania can sometimes spiral into Borderline Personality Disorder.
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: With a love of structure and order, the ESTJ personality is more likely than others to be diagnosed with OCD. This is recognizable more in how the ESTJ reacts when structure is removed.
  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder: ESTJs are confident personalities and they have high expectations of themselves and of those around them. These high levels of confidence can manifest themselves as a form of narcissism in certain ESTJ.

Disclaimer: There isn’t much evidence directly linking the ESTJ personality type to any of the aforementioned disorders. The list above merely presents commonalities between ESTJ traits and common signs of these disorders, and is not meant as a self-diagnosis tool.

What are the differences between an ESTJ with ENTJ?

There are three core differences between the ESTJ and the ENTJ. Firstly, the ENTJ is a non-conformist while the ESTJ loves structure. Secondly ENTJs talk in more abstract terms, preferring metaphors and open-ended dialogue as opposed to the straight-talking ESTJ. The final core difference is that the ENTJ is an innovator, looking to find rational ways of improving processes, as opposed to the ESTJ, who is a traditionalist and enjoys the status quo of life.